"I've worked hard for you today, I'll treat you to dinner!"

Tian Xinxin was in a good mood.

"How embarrassing is this...," Deng Shiyu said with a smile, "I want to eat hairy crabs!"

"Okay, Xiaobai and I will change our clothes first, and then we will leave!"

The fitting rooms here are all cubicles, so Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin each entered a small room.

Deng Shiyu and Huang Jing were waiting for them outside the door.

As soon as Sun Xiaobai walked in, she felt that something was not right, and she always felt as if there was someone behind her.

Shouldn't it be the kind of pervert who wants to spy on girls changing clothes?

Although Xiaobai was also a man before, she definitely couldn't accept such disgusting and rampant behavior!

If it's really a pervert, then you have to teach the other party a hard lesson!

Sun Xiaobai was ready to strike, and was about to come to a roundhouse kick, but unexpectedly, suddenly his eyes were black....

"I'm done!"

Tian Xinxin rushed out of the fitting room, but did not see Sun Xiaobai.

At the critical moment, Xiaobai's sister is not strong, usually she changes her clothes faster than herself.

So, the three of them waited together, but after another ten minutes, there was still no movement at all!

"Why hasn't Sister Xiaobai come out yet? I'll go see what's going on.

Tian Xinxin was a little anxious, and she suddenly had a hint of foreboding in her heart!

"Little white sister?"

Tian Xinxin lifted the corner of the curtain in the fitting room, and then walked in.

However, she was stunned by the sight in front of her!

"What about the little white sister?"

Tian Xinxin lifted all the curtains and walked out in surprise.

Hearing this, Deng Shiyu and Huang Jing were also surprised.

How is there no one in the fitting room?

"I'm not dazzled, am I? Xiao Bai obviously walked in and changed his clothes..." Deng Shiyu rubbed his eyes.

Tian Xinxin had already begun to panic, "Where has Sister Xiaobai gone?" It's impossible to disappear out of thin air.

Huang Jing also felt that the situation was not good, she thought about it and said, "Could it be that we all looked at it just now, and Xiaobai didn't go in?" Shin Shin, call her quickly. "

Huang Jing can't believe that people will disappear in the fitting room for no reason!

This fitting room she knows very well, if the door curtain is closed, the inside is equivalent to a secret room, if you don't pull the curtain out, it is impossible to disappear!

When Tian Xinxin heard Huang Jing say this, she immediately unlocked her mobile phone and dialed Xiaobai's mobile phone number.

I hope everything is just an accident, it is their collective eyes, and Xiaobai's sister must be fine!

"The number you dialed is temporarily unreachable, please dial again later... Toot - "

I didn't expect the phone to get through."

Tian Xinxin became more and more flustered, and she began to keep calling Xiaobai's phone, but she was not able to connect once.

Deng Shiyu and Huang Jing looked at each other and felt that this matter was not simple, and they were also worried about Sun Xiaobai's safety!

It's just that I can't figure it out, how can a good big living person disappear out of thin air? And there will be no escape! It's so mysterious!

"Jingjing, is there any monitoring in your store?" Deng Shiyu asked.

"Yes! I'll take you to see it together.

Huang Jing then remembered that her clothing store was monitored, so if something strange happened, it would definitely not be able to escape the eyes of monitoring!

The three of them came to the computer.

Generally, stores will set up monitoring, especially stores like Huang Jing's clothing that are worth a lot.

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