"Surveillance doesn't break, does it?"

Tian Xinxin really felt that the situation was not good.

"Just look at it."

Now in such a situation, Huang Jing did not say well, she quickly turned on the surveillance video.

The three watched with bated breath, lest they miss key information.

If Xiaobai really encounters something unexpected, then monitoring the content inside is particularly important.

But something strange happened!

They watched the video of Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin after entering the store repeatedly, but they didn't see where Xiaobai went!

This is really weird, Xiao Bai has not come out since entering the fitting room, but how could she disappear?

"It's over, this video must have been tampered with

..." Tian Xinxin cried out in a hurry, she had never been so flustered.

"Am I mistaken?"

Huang Jing felt incredible.

In the past, some guests have looked at the monitoring in order to find something, and there has never been a problem!

And what's going on now?

She doesn't believe in supernatural events!

Huang Jing watched the video three more times, but still did not see Xiaobai, and she did not walk out of the fitting room.

"No, you have to call the police quickly!" Maybe the video has really been modified, otherwise how could it be? Huang

Jing was about to make a call, but Tian Xinxin, who was very nervous about Xiaobai's safety, had already dialed the police number first.


After connecting, Tian Xinxin was so sad that he didn't know how to speak, but just kept crying.

Seeing Xinxin like this, Deng Shiyu's heart was also very uncomfortable, she had never encountered such a strange thing.

Deng Shiyu took Tian Xinxin's mobile phone and quickly explained the ins and outs.

The Jing Cha on the other end of the phone comforted them not to be sad and look for clues, because the disappearance has not been more than 24 hours, so the case cannot be filed for the time being, but it has been recorded.

During this period, let them look for themselves, and if they do not find anyone after 24 hours, they will immediately file a case for investigation.

"No, I can't just wait..." Tian

Xinxin was still crying, sad to the extreme.

For her, Little White Sister is a particularly important person, and no one can replace her.

She quickly dialed another number.


Dad Tian was extremely nervous when he heard his baby daughter crying.

"Baby daughter, what's wrong with you? Which damn bully you? You wait, Daddy must have taken this evil breath for you, no one can be disrespectful to my precious daughter!" Father

Tian was anxious and angry, and he couldn't wait to give birth to a pair of wings now and fly to Tian Xinxin's side to protect her.

"No, Daddy..."

Tian Xinxin was still crying, and she quickly calmed her emotions.

"My best friend disappeared, and I don't know what's going on, Daddy, you must help me find her!"

Tian Xinxin finally sorted out her thoughts, now for Xiaobai's sake, she must cheer up!


Father Tian probably knows who Tian Xinxin is talking about, the girl who shared the house with her.

Although Xinxin's child looks lively and cheerful on the outside and has many friends, after all these years, it can be said that there is no one who can really enter her heart, until Sun Xiaobai appears....

Dad Tian knows very well that Sun Xiaobai is a particularly important existence for his daughter!

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