"Baby daughter, where are you? Where did your good friend disappear? Don't panic, Daddy will send someone to find it now! Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you will definitely bring her back to you safe and sound! "

Dad Tian speaks quite domineeringly.

Tian Xinxin did not dare to delay for a moment, and immediately sent the positioning of the clothing store to his father.

Deng Shiyu and Huang Jing are not idle at the moment, they have no intention of managing any clothing business in the store now, they just want to find Sun Xiaobai quickly.

Although the monitoring just now was so bizarre, the two of them did not give up and began to look for it in the store, what if Xiaobai was just in a corner and was not found?

Tian Xinxin cried while looking for it, she didn't know why she became so crying at this moment, obviously she is usually so strong.

Perhaps, because the other party is the person he cares about the most, he can't control his tears at all!

"Shin Shin?"

Just twenty minutes had passed, and Dad Tian rushed over with a large group of people!

This posture, I don't know which big guy came to the mall, found so many bodyguards, even if it is a first-line star, there is no such a big battle!


Tian Xinxin heard her father's voice and immediately ran out.

"Good daughter, don't cry, Daddy will help you find someone now." Father Tian was distressed to see his daughter crying so that both eyes were swollen.

"Okay, be sure to help me find Sister Xiaobai!"

Dad Tian was really majestic enough, but with a flick of his hands, fifty or sixty bodyguards immediately began to search for people.

They also checked the surveillance video, but Dad Tian didn't believe in supernatural events, someone must have tied Xiaobai and was playing tricks.

After conducting a carpet search in the store again at a super fast speed, Dad Tian ordered the bodyguards to look around the perimeter, and the four corners of the southeast, southwest, and northwest could not be let go!

If no one is found within five kilometers, then expand to ten, fifty, five hundred! In short, he must not let his precious daughter continue to be sad, and he must find Sun Xiaobai, anyway, he has manpower.

"Wow, Xinxin, what does your father do, he looks so powerful..." Although

Deng Shiyu is quite familiar with Tian Xinxin, she is not clear about her family lineage.

In my impression, Tian Xinxin doesn't seem to have mentioned it to others, which is quite mysterious.

"It's just a small business and knowing more people." Tian Xinxin didn't say much.

The time soon came to evening.

Tian Xinxin was so anxious, although Father Tian sent a lot of people, all trying to search, but did not get any useful news, let alone find someone.

"Xinxin, daddy help you guard, you sleep first."

Seeing his daughter's haggard face, Dad Tian was so distressed.

"No, I'm not sleepy at all, maybe Sister Xiaobai will appear soon!"

Tian Xinxin's temper was very stubborn, just unwilling to sleep, so he stayed up all night, and no one persuaded him to listen.

The competition that Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin signed up for before had officially started the next morning. It's just that it's not yet the turn of the two of them to perform.

If you need playing time in the afternoon and Sun Xiaobai has not yet appeared, then it is considered a abandonment.

At this moment, the sun is rising, which is the best time of the day.

In an empty room, Sun Xiaobai slowly opened his eyes....

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