"Where is this?"

Sun Xiaobai was very puzzled, she looked at the white wall around her, and her eyes were full of confusion.

How did you get here?

Sun Xiaobai touched his temple uncomfortably and began to think hard....

yes, she wasn't in this strange place before!

It is a costume that I chose to participate in the show with Shin Shin at a clothing store.

But then I didn't know how, and I lost consciousness.

How many numbers are there today?

Or the day you try on the costume?

Sun Xiaobai was a little anxious, but when she looked at it, she didn't find the window in the room, and she couldn't judge whether it was day or night.

If it was already the next day, wouldn't she have missed the game?

"Who, who tied me up here?"

There was really no way, Xiaobai had to shout loudly.

At this time, someone suddenly pushed open a door, the light on the other side of the door was very dazzling, Xiaobai closed his eyes uncomfortably, and when he opened it again, he saw a man wearing a mask standing in front of him.

This person's figure is relatively thin, and he is the same man who appeared in the clothing store before to sneakily look at Sun Xiaobai.

It's just that Sun Xiaobai didn't have an impression of him at that time.

"Who are you and what is your purpose?"

Before the villain, he was the soul of a boy, so he didn't panic when he encountered such a scene.

"I'm here to help you." The man spoke expressionlessly.

Of course, Sun Xiaobai couldn't believe it! What is the difference between the nature of the person in front of you and the kidnapper?

"I won't believe it, are you trying to ask me for money?"

Xiao Bai remembered that she still had a Lamborghini, and the key was that she had to hurry up and get out of this white-eyed ghost place.

"I'm not kidding you, you can't go to the competition, end it all, don't do the mission anymore."

The man seems to have a bit of bitterness.

When Xiao Bai heard it, he was simply shocked!

How would he know about the mission? That is, he knows about the existence of small pits?

"What are you saying, I don't understand a word."

Xiao Bai deliberately pretended to be stupid and wanted to test his reaction.

"I know you understand, I'm all for your good, one day you will understand everything."

It turns out that he really knows everything?

"It's okay not to do the task, then you change me back to the original boy's appearance!"

This is something that Xiao Bai has always been thinking about.

"I'm sorry, I don't have the ability."

"Then let me go! There's no way I'll give up anyway! Sun Xiaobai's tone was very firm, and she guessed that since the mask man let her choose, then it was definitely not time for the competition.

"Do you have to be so obsessed? If you continue, there may be very serious consequences... I only have this one chance to persuade you, you have to think about it, I will give you the last ten minutes. "

The man seems helpless.

Sun Xiaobai felt a little strange, and she asked, "What are you, why did you persuade me?"

"I can't say."

Emmmm...... Still a person who hides his identity, shouldn't he be the nemesis of Xiaokengpit?

What about small potholes? Call Little Pothole!

Sun Xiaobai summoned in his heart for a long time, but the small pit did not appear in front of her as usual, it was strange, could it be that the mask man made a ghost?

"Well, I'll tell you in ten minutes, my choice."

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