Since he couldn't ask any useful information, Sun Xiaobai didn't speak again.

Time passed minute by minute, and soon ten minutes passed.

"Ten minutes is up." The man in the mask reminded Sun Xiaobai.

Sun Xiaobai replied, "My choice has not changed, and I will not give up."


the masked man sighed, in fact, he knew in his heart that he could not change anything.

At this time, Sun Xiaobai felt that his eyes were black again and he lost consciousness.

By the time she woke up, she had arrived at a corner of the mall.

This mall looks quite familiar....

Isn't this near Huang Jing's clothing store?

Sun Xiaobai hurriedly ran in the direction of the clothing store.


Huang Jing was handing out a list of search notices to customers entering the store, but unexpectedly, Sun Xiaobai suddenly appeared in front of him, Huang Jing was so surprised that he almost thought that he was dazzled.

"What about Shin Shin?"

Sun Xiaobai hurriedly searched in the store, but did not see Tian Xinxin's figure.

"She went to find you, Xiaobai, where exactly have you been? Did someone kidnap you? "Huang Jing is very concerned about Xiaobai, and her disappearance at that time was really bizarre.

"I'll find Shin Shin first, and then I'll talk to you in detail."

Sun Xiaobai touched his pocket, and sure enough, the mobile phone was in his pocket, and the mask man did not take it.

She quickly took out her mobile phone and dialed Tian Xinxin's number.

The phone was quickly connected, and Tian Xinxin asked excitedly, "Sister Xiaobai, is that you?" Hearing

the familiar voice, Sun Xiaobai burst into tears.

"It's me, Shin Shin! I'm back at the clothing store, where are you?

"I'll come to you right away, don't leave!"

Tian Xinxin was really scared, everything in front of him was an illusion, a dream.

After finishing the call, she immediately rushed to the clothing store.

Twenty minutes later, everyone came.

"I'm sorry everyone, let you worry," Sun Xiaobai had already thought of the words, "Actually, I don't know what happened after I went into the fitting room, I fainted, and I kept feeling confused, as if I was dreaming, and when someone woke up, I appeared in a corner of the mall." "

That mask man, just like Xiao Pit, is a supernatural existence, and Sun Xiaobai naturally doesn't plan to say anything.

"This is also too weird..." Deng Shiyu felt very incredible! She has always been very imaginative, and immediately conceived a reasonable explanation for the whole thing, "Xiaobai, you must have encountered high-tech kidnappers, they erased the surveillance, didn't know what they wanted to do, but finally chose to give up and put you back."

"Yes, it should be like this." Huang Jing also agreed.

Tian Xinxin clenched his fists angrily, "These people are really too hateful, how can they inflict such a heavy hand on the simple, kind, beautiful and cute little white sister!" I must find out their traces and punish them severely!

"Forget it, in fact, I'm all confused, and I don't know what happened, since I'm okay, forget it, now the priority is our game!" Shin Shin, it's not time for the game yet, right?

Sun Xiaobai knew very well that it was impossible for the masked man to find him again, although his behavior was very strange and he didn't know what his purpose was, but he should not have the idea of harming himself.

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