In that case, there is no need to bother Xinxin to track down, there will be no results anyway.

Xiaobai didn't want to involve Shin Shin in these complicated things, and she didn't want Shin Shin to be hurt.

"I'll take a look..."

In the past two days, Tian Xinxin has been busy looking for Sun Xiaobai's traces, and has not paid attention to the game at all.

Agent Mr. Vincent is particularly attentive to the game, although Xiaobai is missing, he still does not give up, always feels that she will definitely come back in time, so about the latest developments of the game, he forwarded to Tian Xinxin, although sometimes Xinxin is not in the mood to reply, but Mr. Vinson's information has not been interrupted.

Tian Xinxin opened the chat record with Vincent, and she happily told Xiaobai, "Sister Xiaobai, although this competition held by Xingcan Entertainment has begun, it is not yet our turn to play, and it is time to rush over now."

"Great! Then let's hurry up and prepare! Sun

Xiaobai was excited, and no one could stop her from completing her task.

"Sister Xiaobai, you have just returned, do you want to take a good rest first? Anyway, it's just fun for us to participate in the competition, and it doesn't matter if we don't go~"

Tian Xinxin is very concerned about Xiaobai's physical condition.

Sun Xiaobai said with a relaxed face, "I'm fine, the whole person is in good condition, although I don't know who tied me up this time, but fortunately I was not hurt, I have been confused during the disappearance, and the person has not suffered, it doesn't matter, there is no need to rest." I think this draft is very meaningful to us, and the two of us have been rehearsing together for so long, what a pity to give up! Hearing

Xiaobai say this, Tian Xinxin was also quite moved.

The show they are going to perform together this time is really super special, and every time they rehearse, Shin Shin is also very engaged.

If you really don't go, to be honest, I always feel a little regretful in my heart.

"Okay, little white sister, I listen to you, you say go!"

Seeing Tian Xinxin's unconditional spoiling of Sun Xiaobai, Huang Jing on the side couldn't help but be a little excited.


I always feel like I'm knocking CP!

"If you go, I will go too, cheer you on!" It just so happens that I have all the clothes for you. "

Huang Jing now has a bit of a little fan girl.

Deng Shiyu touched the camera in her hand, thinking to herself, and I don't know if she can take pictures to commemorate it after waiting for the scene....

"Without further ado, let's go!"

Perhaps with divine help, God has destined this task to have the opportunity to be completed.

Although the clothing store was more than half an hour's drive from the competition location, fortunately, the road was unobstructed, and there was no traffic jam, but arrived early.

"You're finally here!"

Upon arriving at the scene, Mr. Vinson, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately greeted him.

He was very excited and happy when he received Xiaobai's message just now.

I originally thought that Sun Xiaobai had an accident and would definitely not be able to participate in the competition, but I didn't expect that there is no way to go!

"Xiaobai, how are you? Nothing happened, how does the body feel?

Vincent asked Sun Xiaobai with concern.

"I'm fine, don't worry, Mr. Wen, which contestant is there now?" How long will it be until Shin Shin and I play? On

the way over, Xiaobai had silently memorized all the lines on the script.

Since the elimination of all kinds of sadness comes, then, she must win!

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