Vincent didn't expect Xiaobai to be so obsessed with the draft, he was very happy!

When he first saw Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin, Vincent felt that they had extraordinary temperaments and had the potential to be artists.

"Xiaobai, don't worry, there is still half an hour before you play, don't be in a hurry, take your time."

Then, Vincent took them to the lounge, which was so good that it was different from the other contestants.

Vincent is quite well-known in the industry, although some fans only know the star and are not familiar with the agent, but many behind-the-scenes staff in the industry know him.

Seeing that Vinson suddenly brought a group of big beauties over, it simply attracted everyone's attention!

These girls are also too beautiful, and they are not simply beautiful, but the whole is particularly temperamental.

Especially the two at the head are like fairy sisters.

"Look quickly, are those girls new to Mr. Wen?"

"It must be, Mr. Wen is a workaholic, basically will not bring friends over in the workplace, gee, this is also too powerful, really worthy of being a gold agent in the industry, these girls have so much potential!"

"Especially that pure lust beauty, she looks so advanced! I feel that there are very few of this type in the entertainment industry.

"Where did these beauties come from, this is not to give other agents a way to live, Mr. Wen is Wang Fried as soon as he makes a move!"

The two top beauties in the front are, of course, our Xiaobai and Xinxin, and the Huang Jing in the back is also very beautiful, although Deng Shiyu is usually a little funny girl, but she looks very beautiful.

As soon as these four appeared, it was really difficult not to attract the attention of others!

Xiaobai has long been accustomed to such a scene, and Xinxin and Huang Jing are more generous.

Only Deng Shiyu, the joy that cannot be hidden in his heart!

Wow, usually she shoots beautiful women, but I didn't expect that now I was also praised, it seems that this time the draft is really fun!

After arriving at the lounge, Sun Xiaobai was not idle at all, she immediately asked Vincent about the current situation of the players, knowing herself and the other in order to win a hundred battles.

Vincent took the trouble to introduce Xiaobai, and he could say it in detail.

Tian Xinxin was a little puzzled, didn't he, did Xiaobai really want to debut? But with his own understanding of her, Xiaobai is not interested in the glamorous entertainment industry.

It's weird!

However, Tian Xinxin did not ask Xiaobai's thoughts, she thought that as long as Xiaobai wanted to do it, she would unconditionally fully support it!

"You'll be on the field in five minutes, are you ready?"

Vincent glanced at the famous watch of Lau on his wrist, and his expression was a little nervous.

This pair of beautiful people is a rare seedling for him in many years, and it is soon time to verify his vision, although he is very experienced, but Vincent is still a little nervous.


Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin looked at each other and smiled, this two hundred percent tacit understanding is simply true!

They have long changed their costumes for the performance and also put on makeup suitable for the characters.

At this moment, it is impossible to see that these are two modern people, they are clearly a pair of beautiful people in ancient costumes!

Soon, everyone came to the venue of the draft.

Xingcan Entertainment is a well-known entertainment company in the industry, which has cultivated many popular traffic stars, and at the same time, has also signed a group of old drama bones, which can be said to be the entertainment company that many newcomers want to go to.

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