Vinson's actions immediately attracted the attention of others.

Xingcan Entertainment is a large entertainment company, there are many people coming in and out every day, and at this time, there are many people coming and going.

Vinson is a well-known agent of the company, and naturally everyone knows him.

"Wow, isn't that Mr. Vincent? Why is he giving people a car door?

"No, won't it? Aren't you eye-catching? How could it be Mr. Vincent..." Hearing

the discussion of the people around her, some people obviously didn't believe it, but when she fixed her eyes, she immediately froze!

"Is it really Mr. Vincent, who are the two big beauties around him?"

"You can see it when you look at it, it must be a newly signed artist~

" "Wouldn't that be praised by Mr. Vinson!" I don't think any artist has such preferential treatment, and Mr. Vincent is too good for them.

"But I heard the inside information, it is said that this rookie draft, Mr. Vinson recommended two girls to come over, must have planned to use this draft to debut."

After everyone saw Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin, they were all impressed by their beauty, and at the same time cast envious eyes.

"What are you doing at the door? How did you surround so many people? In

the corridor on the first floor, a beautiful woman dressed in sexy clothes looked towards the door with displeasure.

She is Little Rose Zhou Qiansi.

The skinny female assistant Peach next to Zhou Qiansi immediately replied, "I don't know what's going on, I'll go over now to see the situation and come back to tell you right away." Zhou

Qiansi beckoned impatiently, signaling Peach to hurry over to find out.

Recently, Zhou Qiansi is in a small hot state, the company basically came to surround her, and now suddenly saw an unexpected scene, naturally unhappy, and felt that someone must have stolen her limelight.

Which one is ignorant?

Hmph, don't look at her little rose has such a lot of heat, and has the guts to compare with herself?

Peach immediately trotted over, not daring to delay for a quarter of an hour, and it could be seen that this must be a small assistant who was often reprimanded.

At this time, Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin had already walked in under the leadership of Vincent.

The people who came in and out of the door just now just stopped to watch the liveliness, and now they saw people entering, and gradually dispersed, each busy with their own affairs.

Peach looked here for a short while, and then asked the front desk about something, and then found out the ins and outs.

Not far away, Zhou Qiansi hugged her arms, and her face was full of these four big words that her sister is not good to mess with.

This stupid little assistant didn't know to come back after going for so long a day, didn't he find out clearly? It's just too bad to do things!

Zhou Qiansi silently complained in her heart, her mood was not beautiful.

At this time, she happened to see Vincent, and two girls who were too beautiful to speak!

Their facial features are really exquisite, as if they are Venus's masterpieces, coupled with the temperament of the surrounding body, I feel that I have never seen a few such qualifications in the entertainment industry.

Zhou Qiansi did some plastic surgery, although her original foundation was not bad, but in order to look more photogenic, she still decided to rely on plastic surgery and medical beauty.

Because of this experience, Zhou Qiansi can also see that Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin are really superior to the enviable and jealous mother's face! There is not a trace of plastic surgery at all....

This, how is it possible? How could it be so perfect?

Zhou Qiansi felt particularly incredible, she was shocked, and subconsciously touched her face.

Where did the company find these two stunning beauties?

His own popularity has just risen, will he be compared with the two of them in the future?

In addition to this aspect, there is also a point that makes Zhou Qiansi particularly angry!

That is, Vinson actually signed them!

Although the specific situation has not been inquired about, looking at the situation in front of us, it must be eight or nine inseparable.

At the beginning, Zhou Qiansi especially wanted Vincent to bring her, but unfortunately, Vincent didn't look at Zhou Qiansi at all, saying that she lacked a trace of aura.

Perhaps this subtext is to say that Zhou Qiansi is a little overfaceted.

But nowadays, let alone female stars, even many male stars will go for plastic surgery for their photogenic state, isn't this a very sparse and common thing?

And use this as an excuse!

Zhou Qiansi was very angry and had been worried about it.

If she hadn't seen these two girls today, Zhou Qiansi would have been relieved a long time ago.

Because Mr. Vinson's vision is indeed very high, and he has never seen him sign a new artist later.

But he didn't expect that he chose someone else, not himself....

Thinking of this, Zhou Qiansi silently clenched her fists, her nails dug deep into her flesh, silently expressing how angry and unwilling she was at this moment!

"Sister Qian, I asked clearly, just now Mr. Vincent brought two newly signed girls in, everyone felt very curious, so they took a few more glances at the door. These two girls are the winners of this rookie draft, and they are a combination. Peach

asked clearly and immediately ran over and reported the situation to Zhou Qiansi.

"Why is it so slow? Are you a turtle? It's really me off! Zhou

Qiansi now had nowhere to vent her anger, so she smashed the bag in her hand directly towards Peaches.

Although a bag is not very heavy, it is too sudden.

Peach quickly caught the bag, and did not dare to let this expensive bag fall directly on the ground.

She took several steps back, looking really pitiful, this happened from time to time, and Peach had long been used to it.

"I'm sorry, Sister Qian, I didn't do well."

Peach didn't explain much, and in this case, all she could do was apologize, after all, she needed the job.

"Hmph, now I'll give you a task."

At this time, Vincent took Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin to the other direction, and did not meet Zhou Qiansi.

Zhou Qiansi looked at the back of the three people far away, and quickly beckoned to Peach, signaling her to lean over and tell her something important.

Peach had been following Zhou Qiansi for several months, and immediately noticed and immediately went over.

Zhou Qiansi whispered in Peach's ear, "You don't have to take special care of me today." Help me watch Mr. Vinson and the two girls who signed up. Then report to me one fifty-one-ten, do not leave anything out. "

Huh? This is not good..."

Peach is a little afraid, in case someone else finds out, wouldn't it be embarrassing.

"You elm head, don't you know to be smarter? Still waiting for others to find out? Zhou Qiansi immediately became angry.

"Okay, I know, I'll do what you gave me."

Peach was helpless, so she had to agree.

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