Subsequently, Zhou Qiansi pretended to let Peaches go to fetch something, and then the two separated on the first floor.

Vincent took Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin to visit the company, and also took them to see the company's cultural wall.

Peach sneaks up behind, and it doesn't seem like the first time such a thing has been done, but quite skillful.

"Xinxin, do you feel that something is not quite right..."

Sun Xiaobai has been bound to the system, and this sensitivity has increased rapidly.

She lowered her voice and asked Tian Xinxin in a low voice.

Tian Xinxin thought about it, and then she shook her head, "No? What's wrong, what do you think is wrong? "

Shouldn't it be Mr. Vincent's problem, it's impossible!"

Sun Xiaobai quickly turned his head and glanced behind him, but he didn't see anything strange.

"I just thought someone was following us, but I looked at it and there was nothing unusual, I should be mistaken."

"It turned out to be so, now in the broad daylight, and in the company, no one should be so rampant." Tian Xinxin did not pay attention to it.

At this time, Peach, who was hiding on the side, took a deep breath.

My God, it was really dangerous just now!

If she hadn't reacted in time, she would have been discovered.

After seeing Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin walking a little farther, Peach came out secretly.

She was ready to wait and behave more naturally, so she pretended to go along with them.

Peach was about to follow, when suddenly the whole person froze!

Huh, what's going on?

Sun Xiaobai is obviously a big beauty, why did he see a man's back just now?

Peach thought she was looking at it, so she rubbed her eyes vigorously.

When I opened it again, I saw the back of a man! It can't be....

Peach was particularly surprised, and she quickly followed.

Along the way, all Peach saw was the back of a thin man with short hair, although she didn't see the front, she could feel that this was definitely a man's figure!

Peach's physique is a bit strange, and although she has encountered some weird things before, it has never been as shocking as it is now!

In order to know what was going on, Peach didn't care about being discovered, she immediately ran forward, and then looked back.

This time, Peach's eyes widened!

"Are you looking for us for something?"

Vincent looked at Peach a little familiarly, this should be the person in the company, but I can't remember exactly what she does.

"No, it's okay, Mr. Vinson, I recognized the wrong person just now, I'm sorry."

Peach quickly apologized in a panic.

At this time, she glanced at Sun Xiaobai again.

It's just too strange, just now it is clear that the back is a man, how can I look at the front and return to the appearance of a girl?

At the beginning, when I saw Sun Xiaobai, it was indeed a girl, was it really a dazzle just now? But it won't last for a few minutes!

Peach couldn't figure it out.

Seeing that someone had been staring at Sun Xiaobai, even if this person was also a girl, Tian Xinxin was also very upset.

She immediately asked, "You know my friend?" "

No, I, I just look at her familiar," Peach asked Sun Xiaobai, "Beauty, have you ever had super short hair before?" "

What, super short hair?

Isn't that the hairstyle of his boyhood?!

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