Sun Xiaobai was scared to death.

Who is the holy girl in front of you, why do you know these things...

"Little pit, is it? Are you there?

Although she hadn't figured out the state yet, Sun Xiaobai was already messy in the wind, and she quickly shouted out for the small pit, hoping that the other party could appear to support herself.

But after shouting for several minutes, this dog thing, not a single fart!

Hmph, that's excessive!

Losing yourself or its host, which novel has you seen such a resentful host? Which system doesn't serve its host like a baby?

Sun Xiaobai couldn't think of a way to come up, and was a little anxious.

But the girl in front of her was still looking at her, and her face was sincere, as if she wanted to know her answer.

"This... No, right?

Sun Xiaobai hurriedly denied it, but did not completely deny it, she continued, "When I was a child, I was often cut short by the elders in the family, so you shouldn't have seen me at that time?" But I have no impression of you.

"Oh, so... Sorry, I recognized the wrong person.

Peach knew this would be the outcome.

She has been a little different since she was a child, occasionally seeing some strange things, every time she talks to others, others don't believe it, so that Peach once thought that there was something wrong with her mental condition, but after doing the examination, it showed that everything was normal.

So, Peach got used to it.

She felt that maybe she was more sensitive to the outside world than ordinary people, or maybe it was just a strange hallucination.

It seems that the hallucination has appeared again, Peach glanced at Sun Xiaobai again, how can such a beautiful girl be involved with a boy?

Her doubts were immediately dispelled.

Sun Xiaobai found that Peach did not continue to ask her but apologized, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The other party should not have found anything abnormal, right?

If he hadn't encountered a small pit before, Sun Xiaobai would definitely not have such concerns.

She is an atheist, but after encountering the small pit, Sun Xiaobai's cognition also collapsed.

If she meets one or two more people with some special skills, she will not be surprised.

"You are also Xingcan's staff, right, what are you responsible for?"

Vincent asked in passing.

Peach originally wanted to make up a position casually to prevaricate the past, but everyone is a company, and if you look up and don't see you down, it will not be good for Mr. Vinson to find out that he is lying in the future.

"I'm Sister Qian's assistant Peach."

"Sister Qian?" Vincent obviously couldn't remember who this sister Qian was.

Peach thought to herself, if this let Zhou Qiansi know that she turned out to be such a person without a sense of existence, she would not be angry on the spot!

After Zhou Qiansi signed with Xingcan Entertainment, when choosing an agent, she took a fancy to Mr. Vincent at a glance, and especially wanted to sign under his flag, but unfortunately Vincent did not fancy Zhou Qiansi.

For this reason, Zhou Qiansi also specially talked to Vincent several times, a person with such a proud personality is willing to put down her body to say good things, but unfortunately Mr. Vincent's attitude is very resolute, and Zhou Qiansi is unwilling to do it.

"It's Zhou Qiansi." Peach whispered.

Vincent finally remembered Zhou Qiansi, "It turns out that you are her assistant."

"Yes, Mr. Vincent, then I'll go get busy first."

Peach quickly turned around and left, suddenly remembering that she couldn't leave now, if the things explained by Zhou Qiansi were not completed, this would not be less skin!

Peach turned around awkwardly, "Going in the wrong direction."

Then, she accelerated her walking speed and walked a little ahead of Xiao Bai's group.

"It seems to be on the way."

Although Vincent did not sign Zhou Qiansi before, he was very friendly to his employees and colleagues, and he was not domineering because he was the company's most powerful agent.

"yes, you're going this way too."

Peach took this opportunity and slowed down again, just in time to stay with them.

"Mr. Vincent, are these two big beauties new to your contract? Very temperamental, you have such a good eye.

"Peach chatted with Vincent without a ride.

Vincent nodded and mentioned Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin, which was quite satisfying!

He has brought out many movie queens, but when it comes to plasticity, he always feels that maybe these two newcomers will burst out with more powerful potential values!

"Yes, they just finished this rookie draft and won the championship together."

"What a young and promising! In the future, it seems that I will often meet at the company.

Peaches and Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin took the initiative to say hello, "Hello, I am Peach, I am the actor's assistant of Xingcan Entertainment, if there is anything useful in the company in the future, I will say that I am very happy to meet you."

Peach's overture did not arouse Mr. Vinson's suspicions, because it was actually a very common thing in the circle.

The position of actor's assistant looks quite glamorous, you can get very close to the idols that everyone worships, and it seems that you can get a good salary, it is a profession that fans are particularly yearning for, and even in order to be able to meet the idols in their hearts, even if they don't want a salary, they are willing to do it, but in fact this is not the case.

The actor's assistant is under a lot of pressure, and sometimes even has to be available 24 hours a day. Meet the various work needs of the actors.

Generally speaking, most of the people who can engage in the profession of actors are born well, otherwise they can't learn such expensive art, and sometimes there will be some princess disease or young master disease on their bodies.

Usually, they have to run an image in front of fans, but in private it is different, and sometimes the assistant even becomes their punching bag.

The level that the assistants see is completely different from what the fans see, and if there are really fans who become their brother's assistants, they may be disillusioned.

As for the high-salary treatment, that is really not necessarily!

The salary of the actor's assistants is the ordinary market price, which is not much different from the job on the market, which is not the position of the agent, there is a big difference.

A small number of assistants do get high salaries, but that is because the actors are willing to give them an extra reward.

Therefore, if you are a person who specializes in the industry of actor's assistant, they will pay great attention to improving the relationship with artists.

If your own owner is not satisfied, fires himself, or is not easy to do on the current owner's side, then he can choose to jump ship.

After all, the assistant can know a lot of things that fans do not know, and the actors are more cautious about the choice of assistant, and they trust some familiar people more.

Some of the actors' behind-the-scenes teams, or even all of them, are made up of their own relatives.

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