"Today is Ruijin magazine shooting, everyone cheered up the spirit of twelve!"

In the studio of Xingcan Entertainment, the management of the scene is shouting loudly.

The staff in charge of different tasks immediately started, some went to adjust the lights, some were setting up the venue, and everyone was busy.

Don't look at it just shooting a magazine, but there are dozens of staff on the scene, which is no less than the crew.

Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin came to the shooting site under the leadership of Mr. Vinson.

"You see, this is the place to shoot commercials, but I have to take you to the dressing room and the costume room first."

"Everyone is so busy!" Tian Xinxin couldn't help but sigh.

Vincent nodded, "Yes, don't look at it just a magazine photo, but there are many things that need to be done, and you will be more familiar with it in the future." "

The oncoming staff greeted Vincent warmly.

"Hello Mr. Vinson."

"Hello Mr. Vinson."

Although there were many staff members Vincent who did not know, he still smiled back in a friendly manner.

While these staff members greeted Vincent, it was hard not to notice the two big beauties next to him!

People who work in the entertainment industry have seen a lot of beautiful women and handsome guys, and they are almost immune to this, but when they see Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin, they are still amazed!

Is such a look really something that mortals can have? It's amazing!

Vincent is worthy of being Vincent, and I don't know where to dig the peerless beauty, which is definitely going to cause a sensation in the entertainment industry again!

After a brief look at the shooting location, they went to the dressing room.

Unexpectedly, just walked to the door, and met Zhou Qiansi and her assistant Peach!

Zhou Qiansi has long learned the list of filmers, and naturally knows that the two newcomers newly signed by Vincent will also come over.

Exactly, just give a lesson to these two newcomers who don't know the height of the sky!

Zhou Qiansi wore a pair of black sunglasses, stepped on ten centimeters to hate the sky, twisted and walked over, and the whole person's posture was very proud and proud.

She deliberately pretended not to see someone on the other side, and directly crashed towards Sun Xiaobai!

Sometimes, the struggle between women is so blunt and rude!



Zhou Qiansi snorted softly, her brows furrowed slightly, and she took a few steps back.

The high heels I wore today are really thin and high, if Peach hadn't helped her behind in time, I was afraid that I would have directly fallen and eaten.

Zhou Qiansi glared angrily at Sun Xiaobai!

She didn't even know what she had just bumped into, how did it bounce her out all of a sudden? Instead of overcoming Sun Xiaobai, he suffered his own evil consequences.

Sun Xiaobai looked at Zhou Qiansi with an innocent look.

Well, she really didn't mean it just now, who let Zhou Qiansi bump into herself?

Since the system has improved her skills, the current Sun Xiaobai looks weak on the outside, but is actually stronger than a man, even a two-hundred-pound fat man may not be able to beat Sun Xiaobai!

Seeing Zhou Qiansi deflated, Sun Xiaobai secretly thought, is this considered a lesson for her? Is there a possibility that your own main quest has already been completed....

All right...... I didn't hear the prompt tone of the system, and it seems that I really thought too well.


Zhou Qiansi snorted and was about to go to the dressing room, but she was stopped by Vincent.

"Shouldn't you apologize for being reckless and bumping into people?"

Hearing that Vinson was coming out for a fledgling newcomer, Zhou Qiansi was simply angry.

"Did I make a mistake? The person who almost fell was me, not her!

"But, you hit her." Vinson's attitude was resolute.

Zhou Qiansi said without care, "I was just careless, what, I almost got hurt." Do I have to apologize?

"It's just an accident that you can't stand firmly, but your reckless behavior almost caused my artist to fall, whether you intentionally or unintentionally, you have to take responsibility for your own mistakes."

Don't look at Vincent's usual very talkative appearance, but he takes special care of artists, and he absolutely does not allow watching his own artists be wronged.

Zhou Qiansi was forced to have no way, and at this point in time, other artists rushed over to make up, and someone had stopped at the door, seemingly preparing to watch the excitement.

Recently, her popularity has just risen, but she can't spread any bad news, so Zhou Qiansi had to endure this breath, and she whispered, "I'm sorry." Then

he walked quickly into the dressing room, never wanting to talk to them more.

Vincent saw that Zhou Qiansi had apologized, although he didn't like this person very much, but after all, they were all from the same company, so he no longer embarrassed her.

The structure of the Xingcan Entertainment dressing room is very ingenious, it looks like a very large space, but it is actually divided into many small rooms, and each artist has his own independent privacy space.

If necessary, these small rooms can also be split and combined into an oversized dressing room.

Zhou Qiansi really couldn't swallow this breath, originally Peaches took her to her makeup shop, but what she didn't expect was that she actually took a fancy to Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin's exclusive dressing room!

Then, Zhou Qiansi tore off the labels at the door of her room and Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin's dressing room at a very fast speed, so that the three rooms could not tell who they were.

Zhou Qiansi walked straight into Sun Xiaobai's dressing room and asked Peach to call her exclusive makeup artist over.

Although Zhou Qiansi was not familiar with Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin, her strong jealousy prompted her to understand the basic characteristics and appearance of the two in advance.

Zhou Qiansi just glanced at the door just now, and she was able to tell which of the two of them was who.

Since the person who almost knocked herself down was Sun Xiaobai, then take over her dressing room!

It stands to reason that generally famous artists will be treated better than newcomers, but the general settings of these dressing rooms are similar, and Zhou Qiansi will not let Sun Xiaobai take advantage of it in vain, so she will deliberately change the dressing room in this way, the purpose is to give the other party a dismount.

Because Peach had been in contact with Sun Xiaobaitian Xinxin before, when she saw Zhou Qiansi doing this, she subconsciously asked, "Sister Qian, wouldn't it be good to do this..." Zhou Qiansi

was immediately unhappy when she heard this, she really wanted to throw something to vent, but she was holding a brand-name bag in her left hand, so she threw out a bottle of water in her right hand in a huff.

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