What was mercilessly thrown on the ground was the cup that Zhou Qiansi specially used to drink water, and the cup rolled on the ground "tragically" a few times, making it dirty, and the water inside was spilled on the ground.

"It's not your turn to dictate how I do things."

Zhou Qiansi didn't want to take care of peaches at all.

Peach couldn't help it, and she didn't seem to change anything.

The makeup artist and the stylist soon came over, they have been mixed for so long, their mouths are particularly sweet, and they are praised to Zhou Qiansi, saying that she is worthy of being a stunning rose in the world, and her plain state is very good, and her skin is simply water and can pinch out water.

Everyone likes to listen to praise, Zhou Qiansi was simply overwhelmed, and all the unpleasantness just now was temporarily forgotten.

After Zhou Qiansi entered the dressing room, Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin also walked in.

Vincent had told them that their names would be written on the door of the dressing room, but after looking around, they didn't see which one was their dressing room.

Vincent did not find it, he felt a little strange, so he directly called the person in charge of this coordination scene.

The person in charge ran over in a panic, he clearly remembered to check it repeatedly, there was no problem, how could such a situation occur now?

"Look at these two dressing rooms are Xiaobai and Xinxin, don't you say that they are next to each other? Now that one is over here and one is over there, will someone enter the wrong dressing room? The name of the artist in the prompt is also missing.

Vinson asked the person in charge, and he felt something was wrong.

The person in charge hurriedly took out a schematic diagram, he carefully compared it, and quickly found an abnormality.

"It's really not like this before, this one belongs to Miss Tian, that one is... Is it Sister Qian's dressing room, strange, there is someone in Miss Sun's dressing room? "

The person in charge just wanted to knock on the door and enter, but felt that such a rash might be inappropriate, so he immediately called a staff member on the scene to inquire.

"Do you know which artist is now in this dressing room to put on makeup?"

The staff thought for a while and replied, "It should be Sister Qian." The

person in charge suddenly felt that things were a little difficult, Zhou Qiansi must have been in for a while, this time is making up and styling, if she suddenly asks her to change places, she will definitely lose her temper, Zhou Qiansi's temper has always been very big, she has long been spread throughout the company about all kinds of murderous things about her assistant, if she accidentally offends her this time, she will definitely not be able to eat and go around in the future.


Zhou Qiansi's side is an existence that cannot be offended, and then Vincennes' side cannot be offended! He's a big agent!

"This... Mr. Vincent, you see, Sister Qian must have gone to the wrong dressing room, but this matter, no one can be blamed, it is my disadvantage, the names and brands of these three dressing rooms are missing and I don't know, otherwise, Sister Qian will definitely not go wrong.

"Since you're wrong, change it back."

Vincent probably guessed that this matter was definitely not that simple, but he didn't have the evidence.

In order to protect the privacy of artists, there is no camera installed in the dressing room, and even if someone really sees something, they will generally protect themselves and do not say it casually.

The person in charge pinched the sweat and quickly said a wave of good words, "Sister Qian has been wearing makeup for a while inside, if it is suddenly replaced, I am afraid that it is not very convenient, anyway, these dressing rooms are the same, or else, we go to the empty two?"

Vincent did not take a position.

He knocked directly on the door of the dressing room.


Zhou Qiansi heard a knock on the door, and when he saw that the person who came in was Mr. Vincent, he immediately guessed that he must have come to her to change the dressing room.

Anyway, Vincent can't take her well!

"Qiansi, this dressing room was assigned to Xiaobai before, and the name sign at the door is missing, let's replace it back."

"Huh? Isn't this my dressing room? I've been using this dressing room before! Zhou

Qiansi immediately pretended to be innocent.

"It's such a sister Qian, I'm sorry, it's my negligence, this dressing room is indeed assigned to Miss Sun, you see, you are the dressing room here, the configuration in all aspects is the same."

The person in charge immediately explained, but did not dare to directly let her change places.

"So it's like this, it's okay, it's okay, I don't blame you, it's all a small thing, Mr. Vinson, you see, I've already started to make up here, how troublesome it is to suddenly change places, so toss, and delay the time of shooting, you say?"

Zhou Qiansi seemed very understanding, and the person in charge felt really lucky!

He also hurriedly persuaded Vincent, "Mr. Vincent, look, it's really not early, or this time will be wrong?" Anyway, the signs are off, just as I arranged it, when the shooting is over, I will invite you to dinner and apologize to you. Vincent

knew that this matter was indeed difficult to pursue, and seeing that more than ten minutes had been wasted because of the matter in the dressing room, he no longer struggled.

"Well, I hope there won't be another time for this kind of thing."

After speaking, Vincent comforted Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin, "I'm really sorry this time, I didn't arrange it, let's go and make up first."

"It's okay, it's all the same anyway!"

Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin did not take it to heart.

Sun Xiaobai secretly thought that the grudge between her and Zhou Qiansi was thus formed, so next, she should find a way to fight back....

The first set to be photographed today is a particularly fresh look.

The makeup in the entertainment industry is different, after doing a good look, Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin couldn't help but look at each other, and both of them were amazed by each other's new look!

"It's so pretty... Little white sister, I can't help but look at you a few more times!

"It's not so exaggerated, Shin Shin, you are the best-looking."

Girls are particularly beautiful, and with such a beautiful shape, the natural mood has become a lot better.

Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin came to the studio hand in hand.

Zhou Qiansi, who was also dressed, glared at the two of them viciously, she had been secretly observing everything, and she didn't know what bad she was holding in her heart.

Anyway, every time she saw that Vincent attached so much importance to these two newcomers, Zhou Qiansi felt uncomfortable in her heart!

Isn't it just two new people? Can it compare to her amorous little rose?

Although Xingcan Entertainment is almost equal in the configuration of dressing rooms and other configurations, the order of artists shooting is exquisite, generally shooting first with a high coffee position, and resting early after filming, Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin, as newcomers, are naturally ranked behind.

Although Zhou Qiansi is not well-known, because of the recent small fire, she can also shoot earlier.

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