Along the way, Zhou Qiansi cursed.

Peaches knew that it turned out that Zhou Qiansi's brand endorsement, which had been in contact for a long time, was robbed by others!

This opponent does not know the details for the time being, she also heard the agent to know that the other party concealed it tightly, and the agent finally worked hard to find out a little wind.

Zhou Qiansi estimated that the opponent was not so powerful, otherwise how could he hide it so tightly? It must be for fear that others will snatch away the endorsement after they know it.

If it is a relatively well-known artist, it has already been officially announced.

Zhou Qiansi was furious, who dared to move her cake on her head!

Although Zhou Qiansi is not very well-known at the moment, the enthusiastic pursuit of those fans in recent days has made her a little carried away.

Even, walking a little flutteringly, always feeling that he is invincible in the world, as if he is a first-line star.

Now, Zhou Qiansi's whole person is particularly inflated, and he feels that as long as he rushes to the hotel, he will definitely be able to squeeze the opponent down.

Peach had a faint sense of bad foreboding.

Wouldn't it be the two newcomers Mr. Vincent signed up? The two beauties are indeed very potential, if they are other well-known artist brands, they should have made an official announcement early.

After all, when Zhou Qiansi went to talk, the brand side only said some polite words, saying that they were very satisfied with her and were their first choice spokesperson, and they would notify the signing when they were settled.

Zhou Qiansi has not thought of this layer at all, because she always likes to deceive herself, thinking that others are simply not comparable to her, but she is a little rose held in the palm of everyone's hand!

Soon came to the hotel, Zhou Qiansi used a little banknote ability, plus many inquiries, and finally knew which private room the brand side talked about.

She swaggered to the door, and then as if remembering something, she quickly mended her lipstick, looking at her bright and moving self in the small mirror, Zhou Qiansi was full of confidence.

"Knock knock-"

When she was outside, Zhou Qiansi still maintained a trace of courtesy, she knocked symbolically on the door a few times, and then directly pushed the door in.

After seeing clearly the people sitting in the box, Zhou Qiansi's whole person was like being struck by lightning, and she was instantly stunned in place!

How could it be them?

This is absolutely impossible, is it wrong for yourself?

"Miss Zhou?"

Director Tian, the person in charge of the brand contract, recognized Zhou Qiansi at a glance, he was a little displeased, how did the other party know that he was here? It is very rude to come over suddenly without saying hello.

Zhou Qiansi immediately laughed and said, "Director Tian, I have dinner at this restaurant today. I vaguely seemed to see your figure, so I came to say hello, but I didn't expect it to be you. The last time we signed a contract, do you think we can set a time? Details are negotiable.

Although she was shocked after coming in, Zhou Qiansi always remembered what her main purpose was, she came to implement the signing and squeeze her competitors directly!

Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin, who were sitting at the dinner table, looked at each other.

Oops, this little rose is really prickly, so arrogant! Is this unscrupulous in order to grab endorsements? Grab it directly?

Zhou Qiansi glanced at Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin, with a trace of disdain in her eyes.

It's just two newcomers, don't think that signing Mr. Vincent is putting gold on their faces, they haven't stepped into the entertainment industry yet, there is no exposure, how can they be compared with themselves?

Mr. Vincent did not seem surprised by Zhou Qiansi's actions.

This female artist is always reckless and has no sense of proportion, which is one of the reasons why he was reluctant to sign Zhou Qiansi at that time, and in terms of the potential value of the artist, Zhou Qiansi did not meet the standards in his mind.

Seeing Mr. Vincent so calm, Zhou Qiansi, who was originally full of confused confidence, didn't know why, and suddenly panicked.

Director Tian did not rush to reply, but politely said to Zhou Qiansi, "Let's sit down and talk in detail." "

Sit down and talk?

Is this the meaning of a play?

Zhou Qiansi was very happy, she was also unceremonious, a look signaled, and Peach immediately pulled an empty chair for her.

Talking about signing this time, Baoqing brand did not only send Director Tian alone, there were several other people at the dinner table, it seemed that they were a few employees who were a little lower than Director Tian.

These employees were a little shocked, Director Tian should just be polite, but I didn't expect Zhou Qiansi to really push the boat along the water and sit down.

Always pay attention to a first-come, first-come, first-come!

Originally, this box was specially used by the Baoqing brand to communicate with Mr. Vincent's two artists, and Zhou Qiansi took the liberty to break in, and now she actually sat down, ready to talk about her own affairs.

Isn't that a hustle and bustle? To put it ugly, it can even be said that the dove occupies Nestle.

And the two of them are in a competitive relationship.

Director Tian had contacted Zhou Qiansi before, and although she was polite in person, she could see a person's character from some details.

Director Tian's impression of Zhou Qiansi was not good, so he let her sit down, but she didn't expect to really sit down. It seems that some things have to be made clear.

"Director Tian, if there is anything you can say, we can talk about it in detail, everything is negotiable."

Zhou Qiansi first sold a good thing in front of Director Tian, and then said to Mr. Vinson, Sun Xiaobai, and Tian Xinxin with a fake feeling, "I'm really sorry, I have to make you wait for a while." In this way, I will host this meal, and next time I will invite you to another meal, and I will make amends at that time.

Mr. Vinson smiled, and did not seem to take this matter to heart at all, but said in a very big picture, "It's all a company, we're all our own family, it's okay." Zhou

Qiansi was very proud after hearing this.

At one time, Mr. Vincent was not willing to sign himself, and now he must regret that his intestines are blue.

The reason why I say this is to save a trace of my own face.

It seems that whether it is him or the two newcomers who signed a contract with the brand side, they are all from a company anyway, so there will be no shame in saying this.

What a pleasure! What Zhou Qiansi was waiting for was this moment of slap in the face!

She felt that she raised her eyebrows, and the whole person was refreshed!

"Director Tian, how about we avoid it first, you guys talk?" Mr. Vincent specifically asked Director Tian, seemingly ready to leave first with Xiaobai and Xinxin.

Zhou Qiansi looked at Director Tian, looking forward to his next answer.

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