Director Tian shook his head, "No need, it doesn't take up much time, I'm sorry." He

was very polite and even respectful to Mr. Vinson.

This feeling is completely different from the politeness in front of Zhou Qian.

Zhou Qiansi's heart suddenly clicked, what does this mean? Aren't things as good as you expected?

Zhou Qiansi glanced at Mr. Vincent, hoping that the other party would leave quickly, but the other party had no intention of leaving at all.

"Director Tian..."

Zhou Qiansi had to put her hopes on Director Tian, hoping that the other party could give her a reassuring pill.

"Miss Zhou, my side still means before, this matter is not for me alone to decide, who our Baoqing brand will ultimately choose as the spokesperson has not yet been decided."

Director Tian's words are very official.

Zhou Qiansi was very dissatisfied, because she clearly said that she would consider herself as the first person before, but now it hasn't been long before she has contacted other artists, and if she waits any longer, this matter will only become more and more mysterious!

"But didn't you say you considered me as the first person before? It has been so long, I hope your brand can give an accurate answer today, recently many brands have approached me to talk about signing a contract, I have not replied, after all, the rules of this industry are clear to everyone, if there is a conflict of brands will definitely not work. Zhou

Qiansi has begun to be anxious, and even used strategies to show that she is also a very sought-after artist, if the Baoqing brand is unwilling to make a decision, then she will have to sign another brand.

Director Tian did not panic at all after hearing this.

"If Miss Zhou has better arrangements, you can make a decision first."


Zhou Qiansi was immediately dumbfounded!

In this case, shouldn't the brand side feel flustered? Then try to keep yourself, or simply strike while the iron is hot and sign the contract.

Why don't they even care?

When Sun Xiaobai heard Director Tian say this, he instantly felt very refreshed!

Although there are not many days of contact with Zhou Qiansi, it is really rare to see such a person who is unsightly and rude, and this kind of person deserves to be deflated.

"Since you have said that, presumably your brand has already made a decision, no, I don't know how to be modest, but based on data and facts, my recent popularity is still good, compared to the newcomer who is not famous." In any case, everyone is considered friends, and I still hope that Director Tian can give me a particularly clear answer today. Zhou

Qiansi has an arrogant energy in her bones, and now the other party makes her especially unable to get off the stage, she naturally has no good words, but she doesn't want to offend people, so she retains the only remaining politeness.

"Okay, since this is Miss Zhou's request, I'll discuss it with the headquarters now."

The reason why Director Tian did not refuse on the spot, Zhou Qiansi was actually completely to preserve the other party's face.

He knew that Zhou Qiansi and the two newcomers Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin were all in the same company, and it was inevitable that there would be a comparison, and Director Tian did not want to let them have any misunderstandings and estrangements.

It is a pity that Zhou Qiansi does not understand taste at all, does not know the good hearts at all, but all kinds of aggressiveness, since this is the case, then she can only tell the truth.

Zhou Qiansi was very happy, and at her strong request, Director Tian finally agreed, and now gave a clear answer.

I believe that the person in charge of Baoqing brand headquarters will naturally have a clear decision.

If you choose her Zhou Qiansi, then it is her own traffic, and she will definitely call on her enthusiastic fans to choose Baoqing brand products.

If you choose those two newcomers, it will really make people laugh out of their big teeth, what appeal can the two of them have?

However, Zhou Qiansi obviously overestimated herself.

The Baoqing brand is originally a first-line big brand, and it does not need to rely on the call of artists to get traffic.

They choose spokespersons in the hope that they will conform to the positioning and image of their brand and be able to support the façade.

Unfortunately, the short-sighted Zhou Qiansi did not realize this at all, nor did she realize that her unreasonable behavior made the brand side reduce a lot of points for herself.

Director Tian went out for a few minutes. He made an important call.

As soon as he returned to the box, Zhou Qiansi looked at him with extremely expectant eyes, and even rushed up to ask, "Director Tian, what did the headquarters say?"

"The final decision of the headquarters is to choose Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin as the latest spokespersons of the Baoqing brand." Miss Zhou, let's cooperate next time. Little dream, the contract can be signed. Director

Tian greeted Xiao Meng, who was sitting at the dinner table, his assistant.

"Huh?" Zhou Qiansi was simply thunderous!

So she ran over so imposingly, not only did she not grab a spokesperson for herself, but seemed to have made a wedding dress for others?

Before Director Tian did not say that the spokesperson for the contract had been decided, he always said that he still needed to consider, but now why did the dust suddenly settle?

Be dumbfounded! It's really dumbfounded!

"No, it's impossible!"

Zhou Qiansi couldn't believe it at all.

"Miss Zhou, this is the decision of the headquarters." Director Tian saw that Zhou Qiansi was stunned, so he explained.

"Did the headquarters make a mistake? They're just two newcomers! It can't be compared to me at all! The

matter had developed to this point, and Zhou Qiansi couldn't care about any decency, and directly raised an objection.

"The headquarters naturally has their considerations, and I absolutely can't be wrong about such an important matter." Director Tian is really speechless, he has never seen such a thick-skinned artist, obviously he has said that it is inappropriate, but he is always unwilling to accept reality, and he also has a mysterious confidence!

"So what is the reason for the headquarters to choose the new person? I believe that such a large group of Baoqing brand, it is impossible to consider only one artist of me, and must also consider other popular artists, if I choose other artists with more popularity, I can't say, but why are they two newcomers? Zhou Qiansi had completely lost her mind, and even began to mess around a little.

Director Tian frowned helplessly, it seemed that there were some words, he had to say it!

The headquarters said that although Xiaobai and Xinxin are only two newcomers, their personal images and shooting performance are quite good, which is not comparable to those artists who have some popularity temporarily. Our Baoqing brand pays more attention to the overall image and future potential. In

other words, that is, whether in terms of overall image, expression, future potential, etc., Zhou Qiansi cannot be on the table!

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