Zhou Qiansi feels that her recent popularity is high, and she is proud of it, but these places she is proud of, the Baoqing brand does not value it at all.

Instead, they believe that Sun Xiaobai has more potential for development.

This is undoubtedly a huge blow!

If it weren't for Zhou Qiansi's repeated and repeated pressing, Director Tian would not have told her such a cruel truth, all of which was just Zhou Qiansi taking her own humiliation!

At this moment, Zhou Qiansi only felt as if she had been slapped many times, and her face was hot and painful.

[Host, congratulations on completing the eleventh task. At

this time, Sun Xiaobai heard a prompt from the system!

Wow, it seems that you carefully follow the plot set by Xiaokeng, and sometimes you don't have to worry about it at all, you can automatically complete the main quest!

"Well, since your brand thinks so, then I can't help it, Peaches, let's go, there are still multiple brands waiting to sign with me."

Zhou Qiansi was really humiliated and lost her grandmother's house, in order to save a little dignity, she had to say so.

After speaking, he didn't wait for the reaction of everyone in the box, and directly pulled his assistant Peach and left.

This wave of slaps in the face is really hardcore!

Sure enough, the small pit shot is extraordinary.

The little pit couldn't help but get arrogant, [How is it?] This mission saves effort, right? Have you figured out how to thank me? Chimi~]

Boasters still can't boast too early!

If the small pit had not been pitted, it would not have been called this name!

Sun Xiaobai, who had become mature and sophisticated, smiled, "I'm not labor-saving, how much effort has it taken to contact Little Rose!" It's all a reward I deserve. "

Little Pit: .

The host is getting more and more cunning, and it is no longer easy to deceive.

After completing the main task this time, Xiaobai is very happy, as for the seemingly important thing of shooting advertisements, it is not worth mentioning to her at all.

But the advertisement that has been accepted, it is impossible to repent, and when the time comes, it will be up to Mr. Vinson's arrangement.

[Host, the twelfth task, it's coming, it's really coming! ] The host needs to successfully complete the advertising shooting of the Baoqing brand, and our slogan is, only more pits, no most pits! Determined to be a small pit with a disabled mind than ~chimi~]

has just completed one task, another task is quickly picked up, and the donkeys of the production team are not so busy!

However, this arrangement is good, and Xiaobai said that she likes it!

If she could have completed all the main quests earlier, she would have been done.

Looking at the trend of the system, is it to let her develop into the entertainment industry?

In fact, Xiaobai does not envy those glamorous big stars much, she just wants to live her life plainly, if she can change back to a man, she will definitely pluck up the courage to confess to Xinxin, and the person she likes will always be happy and happy together.

It's just that this seemingly ordinary wish is just a luxury after all....

At the moment, follow the instructions of the system to complete the task and live a different life, which can be regarded as experiencing life.

Director Tian finally sent Zhou Qiansi, who came to do things, away, and he quickly discussed the signing with Mr. Vinson, just now, his assistant had prepared the contract in advance.

Before Zhou Qiansi came over, Mr. Vincent had basically negotiated the details with Director Tian.

The reason why he kept saying that there was no fixed person was completely to take care of Zhou Qiansi's face, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't appreciate it at all, and Director Tian couldn't help it, so he told the truth in person.

Moreover, the phone call with the headquarters was also called to give face, in fact, before Zhou Qiansi came over, Director Tian and the headquarters had already negotiated.

Regarding the advertising shooting, Sun Xiaobai had to go in order to complete the task, and Tian Xinxin listened to Sun Xiaobai again, so this matter was quickly finalized! The date of the shooting was set for a week later.

Although she has been busy doing tasks, she has never forgotten the identity of Sun Xiaobai's student, and she still goes to school step by step every day.

I just don't know why, I always feel as if someone is secretly watching me.

But nothing bad happened, Xiaobai just thought that he was overthinking.

In fact, there are really people who are secretly watching Sun Xiaobai's every move! It was secretly sent by Mrs. Ouyang... She didn't have any malice, she just wanted to see Xiaobai all right.


Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin carried their school bags from the rental house to the school to attend class.

Although the two of them have just entered the entertainment industry, they have participated in large-scale drafts and filmed magazines, and they have already gained great fame in school.

The two major schools joined forces to break into the entertainment industry, which is quite explosive news in the school!

"Xiaobai, Xinxin!"

"Come on, we're optimistic about you!"

"Can you sign a name for us, when you become a big star in the future, don't forget our alumni who enthusiastically support you~ "

Wow, what the hell is going on!"

Before anyone could enter the school, they were surrounded by a large group of students just at the door.

They are both men and women, mostly girls. Girls at this age also like to chase stars, like boys are more rational, their hobbies are basically in other aspects.

Xiaobai was a little overwhelmed by everyone's enthusiasm, she said shyly, "I just went to play, I didn't expect to be really selected, and I won't necessarily be in the entertainment industry for a long time in the future, big stars are too far away from me."

"You have so much potential, you must be able to!" Help me sign it~"

The alumni were full of confidence in Xiaobai, and handed over the paper and pen.

Xiao Bai saw that he couldn't shirk it, so he signed his name seriously, and asked gently, "Is it okay to sign like this?"

"Of course, your handwriting is so beautiful!" I will definitely collect it well, you are a good person. Everyone

saw that Xiaobai and Xinxin were so friendly, so they all gathered to find them for autographs.

At this moment, there was a girl who watched all this coldly, especially disdainful.

"What about participating in the draft and getting a place? There are many artists in the entertainment industry, and it is difficult to say whether they can be mixed for a long time. The

other students were particularly supportive of Xiaobai and Xinxin, and suddenly such a discordant voice appeared, which naturally seemed very abrupt.

Someone was immediately unconvinced, "You also have the ability to go to the draft, what is the acid here."

"Yes, yes, it's all from one school, it's too much to say so, can't you see others?" The people around them also echoed.

"I'm not sour, I'm just telling the truth. It's just a draft, I'm not interested at all! "

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