The students are really curious!

Also, imagine if you have an acquaintance who has just entered the entertainment industry, then you must also be curious about what the entertainment industry is like, right? I want to ask questions around each other.

After all, no matter how true the gossip on the Internet is, it is just gossip, and it is impossible to distinguish the true from the false, but what comes out of the mouth of an acquaintance is very referenced.

Xiao Bai was stunned, this really stopped her!

In fact, when Xiaobai used to be a boy, he rarely paid attention to entertainment gossip, and his personality changed after becoming a girl, but because he was busy doing tasks all the time, he didn't have much energy to pay attention to these.

The number of times I went to Xingcan Entertainment is not much, Xiaobai really can't remember, what big coffee did he meet?

"I... I didn't pay attention to this when I was in the company. "

Even if you know the gossip of some artists, it's not good to publicize it everywhere.

After all, now they all belong to the same company, and it is very bad to be known if they look up and not see them down.

The students were instantly a little disappointed, and began to ask Xiaobai some other questions.

Out of politeness, Xiaobai answered them patiently, but after such a round, he really felt a little tired.

It seems that the artist is really not good!

All blame the small pit, and there is not a single task that does not pit the issued task.

After a few more days of class, Xiaobai was really a little miserable, and now not only the classmates chatted with her, but also alumni from other classes and other grades.

Woo hoo, she's not a chatbot again!

In desperation, I had to push that I didn't know anything, or find a place where no one was hiding after class.

Soon it was time to shoot commercials.

Mr. Vinson is very attentive to the two newcomers he signed, as such a well-known agent, he actually has several assistants, but as long as it is about Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin, Mr. Vinson chose to do it himself, and did not hand it over to his assistants to do.

This shooting of Baoqing brand advertisements is no exception.

Mr. Vincent agreed on a time with Sun Xiaobai in advance, and then rushed directly downstairs to their rental house to pick them up and drop them off at the filming location.

This time the advertisement chose a very high-end studio, and the facilities and equipment inside are very high-end.

As soon as Sun Xiaobai walked in, he couldn't help but exclaim!

"Wow, how is this the same as the Crystal Palace!"

Tian Xinxin almost couldn't help but turn in a circle, "It's so dreamy~" It's

really a place that can easily inspire a girl's heart!

"The two big beauties have arrived, please inside." Director Tian came over to greet them warmly.

Soon, I came to the dressing room in the studio.

Because Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin are not big coffee, they did not equip one of them with a separate dressing room, and the two of them made up at the same time in a large dressing room.

When you are a makeup artist, it is like magic, just take those cosmetics and paint them on your face, and you will immediately present a delicate and perfect makeup.

It is worthy of being an advertising shooting of a big brand, which feels better than the makeup artist who shot at Xingcan Entertainment magazine last time, and the base makeup drawn is very clear and natural, and white and red.

The real superb makeup technique is to make the makeup and the facial features of the person being made up fit perfectly, such as natural and curly eyelashes, like natural eyebrows, the more natural the better, and even the traces of makeup can not be seen.

This time, the makeup is very technical.

Sun Xiaobai couldn't help but sigh, no wonder the female stars on the advertisements look so watery, and the makeup artist should account for half of the credit.

Now Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin look very young and beautiful, more than those female stars.

When he finished putting on his makeup, Director Tian was very satisfied when he saw them.

Next, it's time to go to the studio to shoot.

The shooting scene has long been arranged in advance, in fact, advertising shooting is mainly presented by post-production, but it is also inseparable from the early shooting materials.

Today's shooting tasks are not much, just shoot a few scenes according to the script of the advertisement and it can be over.

In fact, advertising shooting is relatively easy, and the endorsement fee is also a lot.

The staff at the scene took out some products of the Baoqing brand, everything was ready, just waiting for the next shooting.

Unexpectedly, at this time, someone suddenly ran over and shouted!

"Your Baoqing brand stuff is simply too dark! The last time I used your shower gel, my skin was red spotted, and now it has become like this, you must give me an explanation! "

There was a middle-aged woman who didn't know where she came from, she directly blocked in front of the camera, and exposed her arms.

Sure enough, there are a lot of red dots on it, and some places have festered, which looks very shocking.

All the staff at the scene froze, they did not expect such an accident to happen.

Director Tian was also a little caught off guard.

This kind of studio management for shooting advertisements is relatively strict, and ordinary idle people can't come in, and I don't know why, this middle-aged woman who suddenly appeared on the scene can blend in.

Is there really a problem with the product, and the middle-aged woman came to defend her rights, or is it all a well-planned deliberate trouble?

Director Tian hurriedly walked over to persuade the middle-aged woman, "Don't worry, our Baoqing brand will definitely give you an explanation, let's go into the office to talk."

"I'm not going! Give me an explanation now! Otherwise, don't shoot advertisements, such a bad product, what to shoot? Shooting is also deceiving consumers! The

middle-aged woman was very aggressive, and speechlessly, not only did she come over alone, but there were two men behind her, and their attitudes were also very tough, "I must give my mother an explanation!" "

Maybe it's because the movement is a little loud, and a few of the other studio staff have secretly come to see the liveliness.

Director Tian looked at the current situation, which was quite unfavorable to their brand, and could only persuade them.

"Don't worry, I am the director in charge of this shooting, and this matter is the most effective for you and me."

"I say this every time, and the supermarket that said I bought shower gel said the same before, but then it didn't stop, I don't believe you! Let's make it clear on the spot, right here! "

The middle-aged woman has a feeling that she must lie here.

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