Director Tian had a little headache, no matter whether the problem with the shower gel was true or not, but the middle-aged woman in front of her wanted to make trouble, which was really a problem that needed to be solved in front of her.

Such a large-scale advertising shooting will be written in advance, but also strictly estimate the time of shooting, the value of photographic equipment is very expensive, most of the shooting parties will choose to lease, if the middle-aged woman has been making trouble, will definitely delay time, and studio, photographic equipment rental costs, and even some senior staff salaries, will increase.

At that time, Director Tian's advertising budget exceeds the standard, and he will definitely be criticized by the headquarters.

It is even possible to be credited with a work error.

In desperation, Director Tian could only persuade him with good words, but the other party had no intention of appreciating at all.

"Sister, I said that I will solve this matter for you, why don't you believe me? Now we need to shoot, please cooperate with me, otherwise, I can only ask the security guards on this side of the studio to come and deal with it. "

Soft ones can't work, then only hard ones."

It's just that Director Tian still underestimated this middle-aged woman, she was obviously a prick!

"Why, is this your attitude towards doing things? I'm just not leaving today, I'm just stuck here, what can you do to me?

"Sister, I hope you can be reasonable." Director Tian was so angry that his eyebrows jumped!

The middle-aged woman did not adhere to it, and even directly turned on her mobile phone video function, "It's you who are unreasonable first, although call the security guards over, well, I see if your security guards here want to hit someone, I will record the whole process and post it on the Internet, you don't give me justice, netizens will naturally give me justice!" Director

Tian didn't expect the other party to play the trick of online live broadcasting.

He really didn't dare to act rashly now.

In this era of very developed networks, if there is a little bit of turmoil, some netizens will instantly turn into keyboard warriors, and no matter what the truth of the matter is, the power of public opinion, one person spit on the stars, can simply drown people.

Director Tian is specifically responsible for advertising shooting, and he is not very good at public opinion and these crisis management.

It really can't be done just by calling Headquarters and asking the people who specialize in crisis management to come and think of a way.

Otherwise, if you keep going on like this, you won't be able to complete a single shot today, wasting a day's expenses.

Sun Xiaobai was also quite anxious, she thought, how about she try it and persuade the middle-aged woman?

Maybe as long as the middle-aged woman is persuaded, the advertising shooting will be successfully completed, and then his twelfth task can naturally be completed.

Of course, all this is just Sun Xiaobai's conjecture at present, and she does not know whether there will be other shooting obstacles in the future.

"Director Tian, do you want me to persuade her?"

Director Tian was about to call the headquarters when Sun Xiaobai suddenly walked over.

Director Tian thought about it, okay, just treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor, and then call after Sun Xiaobai finished persuading.

Of course, Director Tian did not have much hope for this, after all, he had been able to persuade a middle-aged woman with all kinds of soft and hard things before, and said all the good things.

Sun Xiaobai walked over and smiled slightly at the middle-aged woman.

I don't know if I've never seen such a good-looking girl, and the middle-aged woman froze instantly.

Sun Xiaobai's smile is indeed very sweet, and there is a feeling that people can't help but step forward and get close to him.

Sun Xiaobai's usual temperament is pure and lustful, and most of the time she will give people a noble but unapproachable image, but as long as she wants, she can also make her smile very affinity.

Is that the magic of having a system?

Damn, this charm with nowhere to place!

"Sister, don't worry, we will definitely solve this matter for you."

"Hmph." With such a big beauty coming to negotiate, the middle-aged woman's face really eased a lot, but she still refused to buy it.

"Sister, first of all, we will definitely find out the cause, whether your skin problem is caused by shower gel, or your own reasons, if it is caused by shower gel, we will definitely bear all the compensation, and there is also your mental damage fee." But if it's caused by your own reasons, it's not worth it.

Sun Xiaobai leaned closer to the middle-aged woman and whispered persuasion in her ear.

"You know, today's shooting cost a lot of money. Now because of you, there is no way to complete it on time, so who should bear this loss?

"What does this have to do with me?" It's you who don't solve the problem for me! "The middle-aged woman's reaction was a bit strong.

Sun Xiaobai immediately knew when he saw the other party's reaction, it must be that his negotiation method has obvious results!

The other party has already begun to mess with himself a little, and then just apply some more pressure, move with affection, and understand reason!

"Sister, our studio is monitored throughout the process, everyone can see everything that happened today, and there are so many people to prove it, not only people from the Baoqing brand, I see that there are other staff who shoot advertisements and also came to see the liveliness."

"As long as the police investigate these things, they will definitely be able to find out clearly."

"Yes, that's right, sister, you can indeed use your mobile phone to shoot videos and post them on the Internet, no matter which side netizens are on, but these are always just chasing the wind, and the truth of the matter should always be determined."

"Sister, do you have a test report from the hospital this time? Can it be fully proven that the skin problems are caused by the Baoqing brand shower gel?

"I don't mean anything else when I say this, but I really think about you, sister, and if your evidence is sufficient, then you will delay today's shooting." Maybe you can not be responsible, if your evidence is not sufficient, and it is your own reason to prove that it has nothing to do with shower gel, then today's shooting will also be responsible.

"If the security guards come to maintain order today, you can do not care, even if they continue to block the shooting, but such a serious economic loss, are you sure you can afford the worst compensation result?"

Sun Xiaobai's remarks were very clear, and the middle-aged woman's face also underwent various changes, and now even her hands couldn't help but tremble slightly.

"Wait! I'll think about it again..." The

middle-aged woman's attitude changed for the first time!

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