"Shin Shin?"

Sun Xiaobai didn't see Tian Xinxin in the living room, so he walked straight to the bedroom.

Unexpectedly, after Tian Xinxin heard her voice, she immediately got into the bed and pretended to be asleep.

Sun Xiaobai is a little strange, so soon Xinxinzi fell asleep?

Wouldn't the rock sugar snow pears that he personally brewed for her be cold?

"Xinxin, are you sleeping?"

If you wait until tomorrow to eat it, then the taste will definitely not be good.

Sun Xiaobai gently called Tian Xinxin.

Tian Xinxin really wanted to respond to her, but remembering the previous things, no, she didn't want to be so coaxing, she was still angry now!

So, Tian Xinxin deliberately continued to pretend to sleep.

"Are you really asleep? I made you a drink, something you love to drink. Guess what? Sun

Xiaobai was indeed sluggish at first, but later she had already sensed that something was wrong, so as soon as she returned, she hurriedly thought about how to please Xinxin's attention.

Tian Xinxin likes to drink rock sugar snow pears the most, just right, the snow pear she bought before has not been eaten, so she wants to make her a copy with her own hands.

But Sun Xiaobai is a kitchen white, in order to be able to make rock sugar pears, Sun Xiaobai searched for some production methods on the Internet.

She kept thinking about how to brew her drinks and spent a lot of time in the kitchen.

When it was finally done, he found that Tian Xinxin had already run to sleep.

This time, Sun Xiaobai's sixth sense seemed to begin to awaken, and she guessed that Tian Xinxin should not have deliberately pretended to sleep because she was angry, right?

It is said that girls cannot sleep with anger, and they must not stay overnight when they are angry!

Therefore, Sun Xiaobai deliberately sold a pass to see if Tian Xinxin would get up.

Sure enough, Tian Xinxin really couldn't hold it!

She didn't expect that her favorite little white sister was so considerate, she didn't understand herself so much.

Xiaobai's sister usually doesn't cook much, to be precise, they are both kitchen whites.

So, in order to make the drink, Xiaobai Sister must have spent a lot of thought, right?

If he continued to pretend to sleep, wouldn't he have failed Xiaobai's sister's hard work?


It seems to be the sweet taste of pear!

Tian Xinxin immediately got up, and then pretended to have just woken up, "Little white sister, did you just say drinks, I fell asleep."

"Wow, it's my favorite rock sugar pear!"

Tian Xinxin didn't wait for Sun Xiaobai to answer, directly exclaimed, and then immediately locked the rock sugar snow pear in her hand.

"Oh, yes, it's hot!"

Tian Xinxin happily went to take the bowl, but who would have thought that this bowl was so hot?

"Xinxin, are you all right?"

Sun Xiaobai was a little angry with himself.

Xinxinzi's personality has always been a big grin, why didn't he remind her in advance just now?

This bowl of rock sugar snow pear is just out of the pot, it is still very hot, although Sun Xiaobai holds it by hand, but a heat insulation pad is placed at the bottom of the bowl.

Seeing Tian Xinxin's uncomfortable appearance, Sun Xiaobai also became uncomfortable.

She immediately put the bowl on the bedside table, and then held Tian Xinxin's hand.

Xinxin's hands were white and slender, with slender knuckles, very good-looking, but her fingers were burned red by the bowl.

Sun Xiaobai was very distressed, and immediately exhaled softly into the red fingertips....

A stream of air flowed across the fingertips, and suddenly the burning feeling of being burned weakened a lot.

"Is it better?"

Sun Xiaobai patiently blew a lot.

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