Tian Xinxin shook her head coquettishly, "It still hurts a little."

At this time, Sun Xiaobai was even more distressed.

She directly took Tian Xinxin's reddened finger into her mouth, which was said to relieve the pain.

Tian Xinxin originally just wanted to be coquettish, but she didn't expect Xiaobai's sister's move to be so bold!

She blushed shyly, and looked at Xiao Bai so intently...

It seems that something has long been different.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, does it?"

After a while, Sun Xiaobai let go.

Tian Xinxin was no longer embarrassed to pretend, she said, "Well, it's okay."

"I know you should be angry, the two of us are the best friends and best friends in this world, are you not happy to see that I have been chatting with Xiao Xiaorong for so long?" In fact, she and I were just discussing the video number, and we didn't have any personal friendship.

Sun Xiaobai patiently explained to Tian Xinxin.

She also didn't expect that Xin Xinzi would be angry because of such a thing!

However, does this also mean that she cares about herself?

Thinking of this, Sun Xiaobai's heart was sweet.

She couldn't help but imagine how good it would be if she was now a boy, and she and Tian Xinxin were now together as boyfriend and girlfriend!

But this thought lasted only a second.

If he was still a boy, he would definitely not be able to get close to Tian Xinxin!

So, it's better to be a girl like you are now, right?

No, no, no, be firm in your desire to change back....

"Little white sister, I thought you didn't notice this, I didn't expect you to be so careful."

Tian Xinxin's heart surged with warmth, and she suddenly felt that she shouldn't have been angry for so long just now!

"Shin Shin, no matter what happens, no matter how long time has passed, you will always be my best friend, irreplaceable!"

Sun Xiaobai made a promise to Tian Xinxin, which is what she has always thought.

Tian Xinxin is very happy!

Both of them are the most important people in each other's hearts, irreplaceable.

"Xiaobai, me too, you are my best friend, the most important person."

Tian Xinxin domineeringly hugged Xiaobai, and the two good sisters hugged each other passionately, feeling each other's powerful heartbeats.

Their feelings are getting deeper and deeper, and something is changing, becoming more and more different.

The next day.

In order to complete the task, Sun Xiaobai began to rack his brains to think, how can he make a video number that is more successful than Xiao Xiaorong now?

Having done many tasks, his IQ is also rising.

Soon, Sun Xiaobai had a preliminary plan.

The first step is research.

Sun Xiaobai quickly conducted a classification investigation on the current video number on the platform, especially focusing on the kind of video number that has recently made a number but has a rapid increase in fans and high quality.

Then, the main directions of content for these video numbers are categorized.

Finally, a detailed investigation report came out.

This report can provide ideas and help for Sun Xiaobai.

The second step is to choose a topic.

At present, Sun Xiaobai is better at some talent shows, but there are too many video numbers for this kind of talent show, and if it is just a simple talent show, then it will not show advantages at all.

Another point is that Sun Xiaobai thought that it was best not to show his face, which undoubtedly increased the difficulty of selecting the topic!

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