In the evening, Deng Shiyu sent the edited work to Tian Xinxin on time.

This video is only about a minute long, but the plot is tight and the plot is fascinating.

At this time, it was only eight o'clock in the evening, which is the peak time for everyone to use short videos.

Sun Xiaobai immediately prepared the account and waited for it to be released.

Before the release, Su Xiaobai suddenly became a little nervous, this is her first time to make a video account....

"Shin Shin, why don't you help me click to publish?"

Simply let Xinxin help herself, hoping that she can bring herself a wave of good luck~

Tian Xinxin came over, she quipped, "You shouldn't be nervous, right?"

"Nothing, how can I be nervous..." Sun

Xiaobai was simply duplicitous, and when she said this, her heart was uneasy.

"Okay, okay, you're not nervous."

Tian Xinxin knew that she was supporting herself for the sake of face, so she did not debunk her.

She took the phone with a smile and clicked a post directly.

After the release, Tian Xinxin began to read the book.

After all, they are still students in college classes, and their studies must not be left behind.

And Sun Xiaobai, a whole distraction, she is very worried about her video number, and she doesn't know if this time can be so smooth.

Xiao Xiaorong has millions of fans, and if she wants to convince her this time, she must get a number of hundreds of thousands of fans.

This is not an ordinary difficulty! And the time is still so rushed.

Sun Xiaobai sat on the sofa, although he was holding a book in his hand, the whole person was restless.

She flipped through a few pages at random, and she really couldn't read it at all.

Sun Xiaobai couldn't bear it, she immediately opened her mobile phone and clicked on the video number she just created, wanting to see how effective it was.

But...... Likes and comments are currently all zero.

Sun Xiaobai had to continue reading, but after reading for a while, she began to read the data again... This repeated tossing until after twelve o'clock in the evening.

At present, although there have been some likes and comments, the number is not much, and there are only a dozen fans.

Sun Xiaobai was a little disappointed, she shouldn't be able to complete this task, right?

"Sister Xiaobai, I know that you are very concerned about the short video, but we have already done our best, and the next step is to resign ourselves to fate. I believe that God will not fail your efforts! It's late now, so rest early. For

Sun Xiaobai's anxious behavior, Tian Xinxin saw it all.

I didn't persuade her or anything before, because Tian Xinxin was very clear about Xiaobai's character, and if she didn't let her pay attention to this data, I was afraid that her heart would be even more flustered.

But now it's really late, and I have to persuade her to go to sleep quickly.

Sun Xiaobai was a little bored, in fact, she couldn't sleep.

But every time it was Shin Shin's words, she listened to them.

"Well... Maybe it's not as easy as I thought, big deal, big deal I'll think about other video content.

Sun Xiaobai went to take a shower, and then went back to the bedroom with Xinxin to sleep.

Lying on the bed was a little insomnia, Sun Xiaobai turned over and over for a while, and he didn't know what time he fell asleep.

The next morning, Sun Xiaobai was woken up by a message on his mobile phone.

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