Who the hell plays message bombing early in the morning?

Sun Xiaobai is so irritable, early in the morning, the jingle is endless!

Tian Xinxin was also woken up, she rubbed her eyes, obviously not waking up.

Neither of them had morning classes today, and they were thinking about sleeping in.

"Sister Xiaobai, I'm so sleepy..."

Tian Xinxin naturally hugged Sun Xiaobai's waist and slept on her back.

At this time, there was another sound of jingling bells.

"I'll see whose news it is, it's noisy."

Sun Xiaobai picked up her mobile phone very unhappily, and when she saw the content of the message clearly, she almost jumped up from the bed with excitement!

"Great, great!"

Tian Xinxin looked at Sun Xiaobai in confusion, "What's wrong?" "

Shin Shin, look, our video is hot, you see it!"

The excitement is beyond words.

Sun Xiaobai immediately took the mobile phone to Tian Xinxin's side and watched the video account with her.

Their account name is simple – "The Daily Life of a Pair of Girlfriends."

After releasing the video last night, it didn't look much hot at that time, and Sun Xiaobai thought that this attempt had failed.

Unexpectedly, in just one short night, her video number directly increased by tens of thousands of fans! All kinds of likes and comments are almost on the screen, and her mobile phone message prompt tone is one after another, and she can't stop at all.

"We succeeded?"

Tian Xinxin was particularly pleasantly surprised.

Although she has always been very confident in Xiaobai, she did not expect such a good effect!

Sun Xiaobai said humbly, "This is only the first video, the current number of fans is not too large, we have to continue to cheer!" "

Great, her mission looks like it's on track!

Tian Xinxin encouraged Sun Xiaobai, "Sister Xiaobai, don't worry, the number of fans will only increase in the future~"

After tossing and turning for a while in the morning, I was completely sleepy.

They put the pillow up at the head of the bed as a cushion, and then the two of them leaned on the pillow together to read the comments.

These people are attracted by the video filmed, they feel that such a beautiful girlfriend relationship is very rare, this kind of campus life is desirable.

Of course, the discussion is more about Qingqing and Tiantian's appearance.

The audience is very curious about this, why do the two heroines wear masks, what is the moral of this?

Looking at the masks of the two of them, it is a very ordinary style, and it doesn't seem to have any mystery.

The more mysterious things are, the more attractive they are, and everyone's curiosity is successfully aroused.

Sun Xiaobai's original intention not to show his face was just to start from scratch without taking advantage of his current fame, but he didn't expect that this would become a big selling point!

Sun Xiaobai turned over the notes she had recorded before, and she remembered that Xiao Xiaorong said to herself that the video number must ensure that it is updated on time and in quantity, and the content of the video should be specific, not one video and one topic, which is not conducive to cultivating the loyalty of fans.

At least one video a day must be updated, and the pace of life is so fast that if it is not updated for several days, fans will gradually forget it.

If you have time, you can update several videos a day, but the number of updates should not be too much, be careful.

Sun Xiaobai combined her actual situation, she believes that it is most suitable for her to keep a video content updated every day.

So, it's time to shoot today's video again!

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