Sun Xiaobai did not dare to delay for a moment, and immediately began to write the script.

Don't say, it's really good to have a system in the back of the brain, and it's also easy to think of the plot.

Tian Xinxin was responsible for contacting Deng Shiyu, because their video number tested the water very successfully, so the next step was a long-term shooting process.

College life was already quite idle, and filming this matter coincided with Deng Shiyu's personal interests, so she readily agreed.

As long as you don't delay your class, you can basically shoot in your free time.

Sun Xiaobai accelerated the process, and this time she wrote many episodes of scripts in a row. This kind of short video script is only about a minute per episode, and only needs to write a few hundred words.

In this way, you can shoot together, save time, and produce many episodes of videos at once, so you don't have to worry about breaking the problem if something happens.

In addition, Sun Xiaobai remembered some of the techniques that Xiao Xiaorong had told her before.

I have to say that although Xiao Xiaorong is a little conceited, she is still quite good, as long as it is not something involving her personal success secret, other skills and precautions, she selflessly told Xiaobai.

In the early stage of video creation, interaction with fans is very important, you can increase a certain degree of activity, and it is best to build some fan groups to enhance the connection with fans and have a more intimate feeling.

Sun Xiaobai didn't want to expose her personal account, just because the video account had the function of building a group, she set up a group by the way, and after writing the script, she actively replied to some fans' comments and private messages.

It's just that there is so much of this information that I can't get it back if I break her hand!

Sun Xiaobai finally decided to selectively select some to reply to and try to stay active.

Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin's classes are not many today, and after Deng Shiyu's class is over, they begin to meet to discuss the shooting.

Sun Xiaobai has always wanted to keep a low profile and a low profile, so many of the scenes written are basically indoor, which is not easy to cause onlookers from strange alumni.

It just so happens that the cozy rental house they rented together is a very good scene!

Deng Shiyu set up the shooting machine after dividing five by two, and then called Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin to come over to shoot.

The script behind is very interesting, it is about Qingqing and Tiantian after many accidental encounters and mistakes decided to share a house together.

At the beginning, Tiantian was always so cold as frost, but under the influence of Qingqing's lively and cheerful personality, she gradually became active.

Then there are some daily fragments of the daily life of the two people, the main thing is daily and warm.

The roles played by Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin in the story and the personalities of the two of them in life are a bit of a reversal.

Deng Shiyu was very curious, and began to ask Sun Xiaobai in the gap between rests, "Xiaobai, this is all a script written by yourself, right?" How do I feel that Qingqing's personality is more like Shin Shin, and your personality will be a little closer to Tiantian? Is there any special meaning to this writing room? Hearing

Deng Shiyu say this, Tian Xinxin also looked at Sun Xiaobai with curious eyes.

Not to mention that I haven't thought about it yet, when I talk about it, it's really like that!

So, why is that?

Is there really something special about this?

Feeling the gaze of everyone, Sun Xiaobai was slightly nervous...

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