Sun Qing's heart was beautiful.

Do you want to wear a Hanfu or something, or should we participate together?"

"I have no interest in Hanfu, it's too troublesome to wear. Sister Xiaobai, just let me cheer you on!" Although

Tian Xinxin likes club activities, he is not interested in Hanfu, and Sun Qing knows a little more or less before.

"Okay, Shin Shin, hard work on you. "

I didn't expect that one day, the goddess could cheer for herself, and Sun Qing now feels full of happiness.

"Hee, what's so hard to accompany you, perform well tomorrow, I heard that there will be dozens of beautiful women participating in the event together, everyone has to perform a talent, and the first place has a very rich reward!"

Speaking of this, Tian Xinxin suddenly became interested.

"Little White Sister, what kind of talent have you prepared?"

Do you still have to prepare talent?" Sun Qing was stunned.

After receiving the task, she didn't pay attention to the specific requirements, thinking that she would just have to participate in the past, but she didn't expect that she would have to prepare for a talent show?

"Isn't it, you weren't prepared?" This time it was Tian Xinxin's turn to be surprised.

Sun Qing nodded awkwardly.

She is now very worried, what if she doesn't get the first place?

"Little white sister, don't be nervous, otherwise, I'll teach you a dance, and then you can perform the dance." "

Tian Xinxin will never allow her own woman, no, her girlfriend to lose!

Just do it, and while there is still one night left, the two came to Sun Qing's rental house, ready to practice dance hard in the living room.

"Little white sister, what kind of Hanfu are you preparing? I want to choose the corresponding dance according to the type of costume. "

Tian Xinxin has studied dance for several years before, and her skills are quite good.

Sun Qing quickly took out her pink chest-length dress.

When Tian Xinxin saw such a beautiful dress, her eyes lit up at once.

She said excitedly, "Little white sister, you change it first, and then dance it will feel better." Sun

Qing obediently went to change.

After coming out, Tian Xinxin's eyes suddenly straightened!

Is such a beautiful girl really existing?

Oh, her little white sister is also too beautiful~

Tian Xinxin instantly burst out of inspiration and composed a classical dance for Sun Qingxian.

Sun Qing originally thought that it would be difficult to learn, but she didn't expect that it was so easy! Sun Qing

suddenly remembered that she now has level 1 dance skills, not the boy who used to be with the same hands and feet.

Tian Xinxin took Sun Qing to practice dance, and the two practiced for several hours, and they were busy until more than twelve o'clock in the evening.

I was so tired that I just fell asleep on the bed.

In the middle of the night, Tian Xinxin went to the bathroom.

Because she was worried about waking Sun Qing, Tian Xinxin did not turn on the bedroom light, and walked in the dark by the faint moonlight.

Maybe it was a little half-dreaming, Tian Xinxin suddenly slammed to the foot of the bed, she fell directly and touched something soft....

Huh, what is this?

Tian Xinxin immediately guessed.

Because she also has this, but it is completely incomparable with Sun Qing's.

Huhu, Xiaobai's sister wears a period costume, is it also so hooky?

The corners of Tian Xinxin's mouth rose slightly, revealing a happy smile.

She walked onto the bed and gently hugged Sun Qing into her arms.

Sleeping with girlfriends or something, it's so beautiful~

the next morning.

Sun Qing and Tian Xinxin held hands and came to the Bay Wetland Park in Beicheng.

This park is particularly large, in addition to the basic flowers and trees pavilion, there are also Republican-style and ancient style buildings, which are quite distinctive.

This Hanfu club activity is held here.

"Little white sister, come on, I'm waiting for you to take the first place!" Along the

way, Tian Xinxin was cheering for Sun Qing.

Sun Qing really has a feeling that he can't do without Tian Xinxin now.

The more I get along with Tian Xinxin, the more I can find the beauty in her, and Sun Qing's love for Tian Xinxin is becoming more and more....

The two were talking and laughing and walking forward, but Sun Qing suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Wow, so many beautiful women, this time is really a feast for the eyes!" So

exaggerated and, besides her roommate Xu Zhifan, who else

? At this time, I only heard Wenbo laughing and saying, "Then you still have to thank me properly?

Sun Qing's kid is really unlucky, and I don't know how to be so coincidental, just when his relatives came to Beicheng. Hearing

Duan Hangyuan mention himself, Sun Qing subconsciously trembled.

It's so embarrassing, I didn't expect to meet by chance so soon, what if they recognized themselves?

"God, it's that pure lust beauty!" Sun

Qing was about to speed up his pace and leave, but he didn't expect that Xu Zhifan had already seen her!

"Where?" Duan Hangyuan also quickly looked over.

"Zhifan, do you remember what you said, go and add WeChat, what a great opportunity!" Wen Bo began to instigate.

Sun Qing quickly covered his face with his sleeve, and silently thought in his heart: Can't see me, can't see me...

"Sister Xiaobai, what are you doing?"

Tian Xinxin felt strange, and she pulled Sun Qing's sleeves away.

Just right, Sun Qing saw Xu Zhifan head-on!

Now I can't escape if I want to.

"Hello... I, can we get to know each other?" Xu

Zhifan plucked up enough courage and opened his mouth to talk to Sun Qing.

Appreciating the pure lust beauty so closely, I feel that she is even more delicate and charming.

I don't know why, Tian Xinxin suddenly felt a trace of danger!

Strange, as if threatening?

"No, oh, this is my little white sister, the person who wants to chase her, but from here to France!"

Tian Xinxin was not at all worried about letting Sun Qing know these stinky men, and they all looked squinted and uneasy and kind.

Xu Zhifan then noticed that next to the original pure desire for beauty, it turned out to be Sun Qing's crush - Tian Xinxin!

"Okay then, excuse me..." Sun

Qing lowered his head and didn't speak, Xu Zhifan felt that he was a little bored with himself, and immediately flashed.

After seeing the three people in the dormitory walking away, Sun Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

"Shin Shin, thank you just now. "

If it weren't for Tian Xinxin, in case he and Xu Zhifan said a few more words, and a few of them saw through their true identities, then what would they do?

Although Sun Qing's men's clothing and women's clothing are very different, but I am also worried that someone

will distinguish it!" "It's okay, if you encounter this again in the future, you tell me, I'll help you drive them away!" Tian

Xinxin passed on the experience like an old-timer.

"Sister Xiaobai, the matter of falling in love must not start casually..." When

Sun Qing heard this, she suddenly had a question she wanted to ask.

"That... How did you get started?"

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