Unexpectedly, Sun Qing would ask like this, and Tian Xinxin was stunned all of a sudden.

She only cares about reasoning with Xiaobai's sister, but she ignores one thing, that is... At that time, she was also hot in the head, and she started casually

, but since she was teaching experience, she naturally couldn't admit her mistakes.

Tian Xinxin told Sun Qing, "I must be thoughtful, little sister Bai, if you meet someone you like in the future, you must not miss it easily!" Hearing Tian Xinxin

say this, Sun Qing's eyes were a little bleak.

She really wanted to say that the person I liked has always been you!

Sun Qing didn't have the courage before.

In the past, she was a boy, but now she has become a girl, and she has lost the qualification to like Tian Xinxin, right?

Sun Qing, although he did not have much ability before, was quite optimistic.

If there is anything unhappy, it will be sad for a while, and when the mood passes, it will naturally be fine.

After walking for a while, the two finally arrived at the place where the Hanfu club activities were held.

The club set up a simple antique stage in advance and looked presentable.

After Sun Qing simply filled out a registration information, she sat in the audience and waited with Tian Xinxin.

A total of 36 girls participated in the event, and Sun Qing was the last to take the stage.

But in the process of waiting, Sun Qing was not idle!

"Little white sister, open black together?" Tian

Xinxin took out her mobile phone, when the two of them were together, they often played with king pesticides.

"Timi!" Sun

Qing responded immediately, and the two met in the canyon.

Perhaps because they used to be boys, boys are always more talented in terms of games, and this way Sun Qing protects Tian Xinxin, and the two are quite sweet.

"After playing for so long, are you thirsty?" Tian

Xinxin took out her large kawaii kettle with a straw on it, and the macaron color scheme was very fresh.

Tian Xinxin fiddled with the straw and handed it directly to Sun Qing.

Sun Qing took a sip, she was a little used to Tian Xinxin's care.

After Sun Qing finished drinking, Tian Xinxin also took a sip.

At this time, Sun Qing suddenly froze...

They actually used the same straw to drink water?

Thinking of this, Sun Qing's face turned red all of a sudden.

"Little white sister, hurry up, or you will lose!" Tian

Xinxin did not feel anything wrong at all, she was addicted to the game and couldn't extricate herself.

Seeing that Sun Qing did not react, Tian Xinxin glanced up at her.

"Why are you blushing?" "

No..." Sun

Qing lowered her head awkwardly.

Thinking to myself, can't I let Tian Xinxin find out what I was thinking about just now! At this time, Tian Xinxin

suddenly made a move that stunned Sun Qing.

I saw that she stretched out her hand and probed the temperature of Sun Qing's cheeks.

Then the hand moved to his forehead.

Tian Xinxin's hands were extremely good-looking, soft, and slippery, which made Sun Qing couldn't help but feel a little shaken....

Well, this is really great, the blush on Sun Qing's face is directly as red as the sunset!

"No fever?" Tian Xinxin was a little strange, "Then why is your face getting redder?"

"That... It may be that wearing Hanfu is a little hot.

"Okay, then I'll give you a fan!" Just then

, Tian Xinxin prepared a prop ancient fan, and she quickly shook the fan diligently.

Sun Qing enjoyed the super good treatment, and she was a little nervous.

Well, such close contact with the goddess, every time, she is very moved!

Fine beads of sweat oozed from his forehead.

Tian Xinxin took out a tissue and gently wiped Sun Qing's sweat.

A bead of sweat hung on the chin and slowly dripped down into a certain part....

Tian Xinxin took the tissue and wiped it naturally.

Phew, soft, you can feel its softness through the tissue.

Okay, both girls blushed shyly!


After more than an hour of waiting, it was finally Sun Qing's turn.

The previous Hanfu ladies and sisters performed very well, and Sun Qing was a little worried.

Can you get the first place later?

"Xiao Qingqing, do you want me to hang it for you?" Unexpectedly, at this time, Xiao Kengkeng suddenly became kind.

Given his past experience, Sun Qing did not dare to take it lightly.

"Do you have to pit me again to do something before I can open the hanging?" denied the

small pit three times.

"I'm not, I don't, how can you say that, we have such a good relationship, you still doubt me, he, I'm wronged~"

Here it comes again.

The fierce man is coquettish, and it is really the weeping of the listener and the cold of the listener.

Sun Qing obviously didn't believe it, "Then what conditions do you have

?" "Without any conditions, you just say, do you want to open the hanging?" The

voice of the small pit was extremely tempting, and Sun Qing couldn't help but nod.

[Congratulations to the host for getting a free opening and hanging once, has turned on the opening and hanging mode for the host, come on wow-click~]

"Please No. 36 Xiaobai to perform on stage. Hearing

the host's voice, Sun Qing got up.

Before leaving, Tian Xinxin took Sun Qing's hand, "Come on, you are the best, I believe you

!" "Well, I will work hard!"

After waiting on stage, Sun Qing briefly introduced herself.

"Hello everyone, I'm a cute little white, bring you a Hanfu dance, I hope you like ~ Wuhu ~ " I don't

know how, just such a simple sentence, the applause in the audience is as loud as thunder!

At this moment, Sun Qing has not realized that the open hanging mode has been started, and her voice is soft and lovely, which is the standard loli sound.

As the saying goes, loli has three treasures, and the light voice body is soft and easy to push down... Hey.

Sun Qing danced seriously according to what Tian Xinxin had taught her before.

It's just that Sun Qing feels that his dance skills have not improved much, and it is still the same as before!

So where is the opening?

After the performance, Sun Qing politely bowed to everyone.

Then she felt something magical happening

! Hehe, why is my body a little out of control

? What the hell are you doing?"

"I hope you support me a lot, love you, tweet~" Disgusting,

so meaty!

Why did my voice suddenly become so sweet?

Sun Qing naturally bought Moe, winked at everyone, his small hands clenched into a pink fist, and even made a "whoosh" action!

Next, a lot of people will make fun of her, right?

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