The gentle and gentle Tian Xinxin is really irresistible.

Sun Qing drank the brown sugar ginger tea, and she said embarrassedly, "I'll come by myself."

Tian Xinxin disagreed.


Qing had to dismiss the idea, now she is indeed very uncomfortable, then temporarily enjoy the care of the goddess! After

drinking a bowl of brown sugar ginger tea, Tian Xinxin took a napkin and wiped Sun Qing's mouth gently and carefully.

"You sit and rest for a while, wait to take a shower, and I'll help you prepare the things for bathing."


Tian Xinxin got up and went to clean up, she had lived here with Sun Qing before, and she was quite familiar with her things.

Now come to the big aunt, naturally it is not very convenient to wear a skirt, Tian Xinxin chose a set of dark pants, and found underwear and small pants for Sun Qing.

She thoughtfully pasted a daily sanitary napkin on her pants and pants in advance.

"Let's go, let's go take a bath~"

Tian Xinxin helped Sun Qing into the bathroom, but she didn't mean to go out.

"Xinxin, you, you go out first, I'm fine alone.

Sun Qing suddenly panicked.

Tian Xinxin should not be at ease, so she deliberately stayed in the bathroom, right?

Tian Xinxin explained, "I'll help you wash it, so that you can relax." "

No need, no need!" Sun

Qing hurriedly waved his hand and refused,

I drop a god, this proposal is too terrible, right?


all, I used to be a boy, but I still felt very wrong.

Moreover, now Sun Qing has a strange cyan tail, if she takes a bath, won't she be seen?

Tian Xinxin had already turned on the shower and went to test the water temperature.

Sun Qing's little face was red, and she explained, "I'm not used to having others present in the shower..."

After Tian Xinxin heard Sun Qing say this, he withdrew.

Sun Qing was relieved, and she quickly locked the bathroom door.

After taking off all his clothes, Sun Qing found that his pants and pants were dyed red, and he could smell a faint smell of blood...

Sun Qing looked at this little pants, a little didn't know how to clean it, it looked so dirty, she had to throw it into the trash.

I took a comfortable hot bath, and sure enough, it got better.

When Sun Qing was about to get dressed, he was suddenly stunned.

This little pants... How is there something sticking to it?

If you look closely, it turns out to be a sanitary napkin!

It is so sticky.

Tian Xinxin is really gentle and caring, which is all prepared for himself in advance.

After Sun Qing put it on, he always felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, it's the first time I've used this thing,

and that little tail that's in the way behind my ass... Well, I really don't know where to put it, and if I wait for a lot, it will dye the cyan red, right? It's too embarrassing

! When I was worried, suddenly

the little tail came out directly! Well, what kind of magic is this?

Sun Qing touched it, and sure enough, the little tail came out directly from the pants, and the pants were directly opened a small hole, so that it would not be dirty.

Xiao Piteng snickered, "Xiao Qingqing, seeing that you are so embarrassed, I will help you!" "

You are a pit father, you calculated it on purpose, right?" Sun Qing scolded.

She now seriously suspects that Xiao Piteng deliberately pinched her tail at the point of time to let her come to the big aunt!

Xiao Piteng looked square, "It's pure coincidence, it's pure coincidence

!" "Believe you are a ghost, you are a bad old man is very bad!"

Sun Qing originally wanted to scold a few more words, but his body couldn't hold it, and suddenly began to hurt again.

"Little white sister, have you washed well?"

At this time, Tian Xinxin urged anxiously outside.

Sun Qing hurriedly walked out, "Okay." "

Why didn't your hair blow?" Tian Xinxin saw Sun Qing come out with wet hair, and she was simply heartbroken.

Sun Qing said indifferently, "It's okay, my hair is short, and it will dry in a while." After

becoming a girl, her hair did not reach her shoulders, and every time she washed her hair, it dried in less than half an hour, so Sun Qing didn't bother to toss it.

"How does this work?" Tian Xinxin asked, "Where is your hair dryer?"

I didn't buy it.

"Huh?" Tian Xinxin was simply surprised.

It seems that her little white sister really can't take care of herself!

So, Tian Xinxin went downstairs to buy a hair dryer and came back, and began to blow Sun Qing's hair.

Her hand gently brushed through her hair, so gentle feeling.

"Little white sister, your life is too rough, girls must be kind to themselves, do you know? You are now an aunt, you can't get cold, and your hair must be dried immediately after washing."

Tian Xinxin couldn't help but think about it.

Sun Qing was fascinated to hear it, because Tian Xinxin's voice was so good, soft and sweet.

"Okay, I see.

Sun Qing nodded slightly, like a good baby.

When she finished blowing her hair, Sun Qing fell weakly on the sofa, she covered her stomach, still very uncomfortable.

This kind of pain is really difficult to describe, it is completely different from being cut to the flesh in normal times, that kind of pain, only hurts all at once.

But the aunt's pain was a burst of throbbing pain, colic, as if there were several troublesome villains in the abdomen, they kept jumping and jumping, and pulled her organs

and pulled and pulled!

Beads of sweat oozed from Sun Qing's head.

The most speechless thing is that now she still has the feeling of nausea and vomiting!

"Gagg!" Sun

Qing gagged, but Tian Xinxin was frightened.

"Sister Xiaobai, why are you so serious, I'll take you to the hospital!" Although

Tian Xinxin had been uncomfortable before, it had never been as serious as Sun Qing.

Sun Qing subconsciously resisted a little.

Aunt is in pain, do you still have to go to the hospital?

"No need..." Sun

Qing had just said two words, and there was another dry gag.

"Okay, then, let's go to the hospital.

Tian Xinxin quickly took Sun Qing to take a taxi and came to the nearest hospital.

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