Gynecology Office of the Hospital.

Sun Qing looked at the doctor nervously, his eyes wide.

The female doctor looked at Sun Qing and asked calmly, "Is there a surname to live?" Sun

Qing's face turned red!

Oh my God, why did the gynecologist ask everything?

She never had it when she was a boy or a girl....

"How long has the pain been, besides the stomach discomfort, are there any other symptoms?"

replied Sun Qingzhiwu, "Just this month's pain, in addition to the pain, I want to vomit, and I have some nausea and vomiting." Doctor, shouldn't there be something wrong with me?" The

retching just now was really embarrassing, and it made her seem to be pregnant.

Sun Qing covered his stomach, his face was still very pale.

Tian Xinxin stood guard at the door, with an anxious and worried expression on his face.

"It's okay, these are normal menstrual phenomena, because of congestion, the stomach will be retched," the female doctor has long been accustomed to Sun Qing's patients with dysmenorrhea, she said, "Seeing that you are in severe pain, go to take a drip first, and do a B-ultrasound examination after the injection to see if there are any other problems."

"Do you still want to do B ultrasound?"

Sun Qing was stunned.

Isn't that only done by pregnant women?"

"Do ultrasound to rule out whether there are other diseases, it is recommended that it is best to do it with confidence."

"Okay then, thank you doctor..."

Sun Qing was a little apprehensive now.

When I do the ultrasound, the doctor should not find anything abnormal, but

she has changed from a boy to a girl, and I don't know if the body structure is the same....

Seeing that Sun Qing finished chatting with the doctor, Tian Xinxin quickly went up and helped her.

"What did the doctor say?"

"Let me go to the drip, and do a B-ultrasound after the beating, there should be no problem." "

That's good," Tian Xinxin remembered something, and suddenly looked ashamed, "I think you must have been cold in the water when taking pictures, otherwise why would it hurt so badly? "

Ah, does it matter?" Sun Qing looked dazed.

Tian Xinxin seriously did science popularization for Sun Qing, "Of course, girls can't get cold before and after menstruation, they must pay attention to keeping warm, and they can't eat too spicy and exciting food, and they can't do intense exercise." Sun

Qing nodded slightly, and he really had a long insight.

After waiting for a little drip, Sun Qing's stomach pain was finally relieved, and his stomach was not uncomfortable, but the feeling of menstruation was not so good, and he could always feel that he was bleeding all the time... Blame embarrassing.

It took two hours to finish this drip, and halfway through, Sun Qing wanted to go to the bathroom again.

Fortunately, Tian Xinxin has always accompanied her, otherwise it would be strange and pitiful to go alone with a hanging bottle.

After waiting for the bathroom to come out, there was a beautiful mother and daughter walking in the corridor.

That little girl was only three or four years old, and she was very cute.


, tail, little tail!" The little girl suddenly rushed over with a grin, and then grabbed Sun Qing's little tail of the green snake! Sun Qing

almost petrified on the spot!

Woo-hoo, how could this

be? "Baby, why are you so reckless?

When Tian Xinxin heard the little girl say that, she asked in surprise, "What tail?" Sun

Qing was so nervous that her forehead was sweating....

Damn the little pit, doesn't it mean that no one will find it? It's

over, it's completely over, will she be immediately caught by scientists and studied as a monster?

I can't help but shiver when I think about it!

"No, no, it's estimated that my sanitary napkin is a little bulging..."

Sun Qing quickly explained in a low voice to Tian Xinxin.

Fortunately, this green snake's small tail is relatively short, and it can be controlled freely.

"So that's the case," Tian Xinxin immediately believed, she said to the little girl, "Little friend, this sister is a little uncomfortable, next time I have the opportunity to play together~

" The little girl's mother picked up the little girl and said with an apologetic face, "I'm sorry, the child is a little naughty and disturbs you."

"It's okay. Sun Qing shook his head.

It seems that it is just a false alarm....

The little girl's mother held the little girl and left, and the cute little girl looked back at Sun Qing and said with a grin, "Little tail!" Sun Qing

was scared again!

Since binding the system, there is not a day that is not afraid.

When the drip was finished, Sun Qing did a B-ultrasound, the test result was normal, and she found that she really had a palace.

In short, she has all the things that a girl should have.

Woo hoo, mourning my lost brother....

I tossed around in the hospital, and when I went back, it was five or six o'clock in the evening.

Tian Xinxin took Sun Qing to eat a light bone pot.

"Sister Xiaobai, you are so uncomfortable today, it's better for me to sleep with you at night!" Tian

Xinxin really couldn't worry about letting Sun Qing alone.

She looks very lacking in common sense of life, so worried that she can't take care of herself.


Qing's heart was welcome, but reason made her resist.

Sun Qing declined and said, "It's okay, I'm much better, how can I keep bothering you?"

"Where is the trouble? I am happy to take care of you!" Tian Xinxin didn't think so much, she directly hugged Sun Qing's waist, "Let's go, let's go home together~" No, don't


Sun Qing wanted to refuse, but still didn't say it.

"Sister Xiaobai, if you live alone, won't you feel bored?" Tian Xinxin suddenly had the idea of wanting to live with Sun Qing.

I don't know why, but I feel that it is a very happy thing to see her little white sister at first glance after waking up every day.

Sun Qing nodded, "It's indeed a little boring, cold and cold." "

She misses her old days at school.

Go crazy with three roommates, fight together....

But now, she has become a girl, and naturally she cannot live with boys.

Alas, the days are really boring!

"Why don't I move in with you?" Tian Xin looked at Sun Qing, his beautiful eyes were shining, more beautiful than the stars in the sky.

Live together...

Sun Qing subconsciously touched her nose, fortunately it didn't really flow out, otherwise it would be really humiliating.


Sun Qing was very happy, but still felt a little inappropriate.

After all, he was a boy before, if Tian Xinxin knew the truth, he would definitely not be able to accept it, right?

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