Sun Qing was full of curiosity at the moment.

But she didn't ask anything, she thought, maybe others just said it casually

! [Congratulations to the host for completing the side quest and successfully obtaining a level 1 acting skill!]

Well, what is the use of this performance skill?

Seeing that group of people walking forward, Sun Qing continued to devote himself to work.

After about ten minutes, the haunted house finally closed.

"Beauty, you did well today, Nuo, this hundred yuan can be regarded as an extra reward for you!" The

owner of the haunted house walked in, called Sun Qing down from the ceiling, and generously gave her a red bill.

"Sister Xiaobai, you weren't scared, did you? Tian

Xinxin had already prepared milk tea to treat Sun Qing.

After Sun Qing removed the makeup on his face, he held the banknote in one hand and milk tea in the other, and suddenly felt that this experience was not bad~

At this moment, the man in the plaid shirt and his friends appeared again.

He hurried in, as if he had been waiting for a long time.

"Boss, what about the actor who played the hacker just now? "

Sun Qing looked at it, this is worth it!

I drop obediently, is this uncle going to settle the account after the autumn?

Sun Qing quietly hid behind Tian Xinxin.

At the same time, her mantra was silently recited in her heart: Can't see me, can't see me....

"It's this beautiful woman!"

Unexpectedly, the boss immediately "sold" Sun Qing.

The plaid shirt man was taken aback, "Isn't it a boy?" but

when he saw the mask removed next to him, he was relieved.

Just now, Sun Qing put on special effects makeup, and he also wore a mask on his face, so it was naturally not clear whether it was a man or a woman.


When the plaid shirt man saw Sun Qing's pure angelic face, he was taken aback!

Not only he was stunned, but his friends were also stunned....

It's that kind of all-natural beauty, which is much more vivid and recognizable than the same plastic surgery face.

Originally, they were still very sorry, Director Tan's male ghost role seemed to have no suitable candidate to push over, but now they have no regrets at all

! Because they found a good seedling that can be cultivated, with the potential of a superstar, which is simply luckier than buying a lottery ticket and winning the lottery!

"Hello, I am Peng Zhihong, the agent director of Xingyao, is it convenient to get acquainted?" The man in the plaid shirt took out his business card.

Good fellow, the business card turned out to be gold-plated, and he looked so rich!

Sun Qing was stunned.

She didn't expect that she was actually picked up by scouts.


Sun Qing looked a little cramped, not knowing what to say, and Tian Xinxin was also a little surprised.

Out of curiosity, the two first-year students agreed to their invitation.

Anyway, here is the street, nothing will happen.

In the blink of an eye, Sun Qing and Tian Xinxin followed them to a café with many people nearby.

"I don't know what the two beauties are called?"

Peng Zhihong asked Sun Qing and Tian Xinxin.

There were two people with him, one was his assistant Wei Na and the other was his agent Mike.


Tian Xinxin.

"I'm really sorry to bother the two of you. I see that Xiaobai has an outstanding temperament and wants to sign a contract with you, I wonder if Xiaobai has considered the development of the entertainment industry in the past?"

Peng Zhihong looked at Sun Qing with expectant eyes.

Sun Qing immediately shook his head, "I don't like to show my face..."

The main thing is that she has to wait for a hundred tasks to restore the man's body, in case she enters the entertainment industry and leaves a lot of works, won't she look embarrassed at that time?

Peng Zhihong is very regretful, "Is there really no idea, we Star Wealth Film and Television is one of the largest companies in China, this year's highest-grossing movies "Monster Thief Alliance" and "Evil Sword" are all produced by our company, as well as the well-known TV series "The Legend of the Moon Niang" and "You Are My Lucky"... All of them are produced by Xingyao. Sun

Qing and Tian Xinxin showed the same surprised expression very tacitly

! Although they don't know much about film and television companies, they have all seen these movies and TV series that Peng Zhihong said

! These are all domestic explosive dramas!

I really didn't expect that they would come into contact with the agent director of this film and television company, and the agent director also wanted to sign Sun Qing as an artist.

"Mr. Peng, thank you very much for the invitation, but I really don't think about it now. Despite

some excitement, Sun Qing still kept his principles.

But...... Tian Xinxin showed a very interested look

! "Xiaobai, don't you rush to refuse, think about it again?" In

Tian Xinxin's eyes, Xiaobai's sister is almost all-round, dancing is so good, being an artist or something, it is simply competent in minutes! Since Xiaobai's

sister has these talents, then don't waste it.

If you can stand on a more shining stage, it is really something that Tian Xin is happy to see.

Peng Zhihong is in his thirties, has more than ten years of experience in the field of agents, and is very good at detecting words.

He saw Tian Xinxin say this, so he quickly persuaded Sun Qing as well.

"Yes, this is a rare good opportunity, if you are willing to sign a contract, I will definitely give you good development resources, your friend Xinxin conditions are also very good, if you are all willing, it is also possible to make a combination debut together."

"I'd better forget it, I don't like filming..." Tian Xinxin smiled and declined Peng Zhihong.

"Two beauties, then you should think about it first, and if you have ideas, feel free to contact me."

Peng Zhihong didn't say anything more for the time being, since Sun Qing didn't have this idea, he didn't force it.

However, before leaving, he sent Sun Qing an electronic version of the document, which contained a bunch of signed regulations and generous treatment for Sun Qing.

But at this moment, Sun Qing was not interested, and did not click to look at it at all.

By the time I walked out of the café, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening.

Tian Xinxin asked Sun Qing curiously, "Little white sister, why don't you want to be an artist?" For

every girl, there is a dream of stardom.

The opportunity was in front of Xiaobai's eyes, but she refused so calmly, which is really incredible!

"I think that kind of life, I'm not used to it... I have no previous experience in this area.

Sun Qing randomly found a reason to fool the past.

Tian Xinxin nodded in understanding, "That's okay, I support all your decisions! Let's go, let's go back~"

On the side of the street at night, the laughter of the two girls was very pleasant.

After a few days, the mid-term results were finally released.

Beicheng Institute of Technology is very distinctive in this regard, adopting the form of releasing the list, and will post the candidate's examination number and results on the bulletin board.

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