The ranking is based on student numbers, and the names of students are not disclosed, so that everyone can see their rankings.

After Sun Qing heard the news of the list, he ran over as soon as possible.

However, there were already many people standing in front of the red list, and she could hardly squeeze in, only hearing the commotion in the front team, everyone was talking loudly, and it seemed that something incredible had happened.

One person shouted loudly, "Wow, who is this god with the number 12, how can he get such a high score? Our full score in 8 subjects is only 800 points, and he actually scored 799 points, which is also too against the sky!"

"It's incredible, how could he get such a high score?"

"He shouldn't be cheating, only one point away from the perfect score."

If the grades were so good, there was no need to stay at our Beicheng Institute of Technology, our school can only be regarded as an average level in the undergraduate.

Sun Qing was stunned when she heard their discussion.

Student number 12....

Isn't this her own student number?

799 points... I

don't know why, at this moment, Sun Qing actually felt a little regretful, alas, why not 800 points?

[Host: Congratulations on completing the fourth task!]

The corners of Sun Qing's mouth couldn't help but rise.

I didn't expect that the top student skill was so easy to use, it was simply against the sky!

With this skill in the future, wouldn't it be sure to win every exam.

Sun Qing waited outside for a while, and finally waited for the opportunity to squeeze in.

She saw that student number 12 ranked

first in the whole department! This is not only the first in the class, but also the first in the whole department!

The three former roommates who came to see the list were shocked.

Wen Bo asked, "Sun Qing, why are you suddenly so powerful?" "

It's just luck..."

Sun Qing smiled and tried to perfunctory the past.

"No, you used to have a mid-level college entrance examination score, how could you improve so much by leaps and bounds?

Sun Qing thought to herself, that's really a plug-in!

But well, this is a secret, and it must not be revealed, otherwise everyone will treat her as a monster.

"Actually, this is the case, recently I have a relative who has been helping me with my homework, no, it suddenly opened up." Sun Qing quickly thought of a reason that didn't sound so far-fetched.

Otherwise, she couldn't fool just the three former roommates.

Wen Bo believed Sun Qing.

"It's so powerful, I didn't expect you kid to hide deeply!" "

Sun Qing, can't you invite us to a meal? Duan Hangyuan showed envious little eyes.

"Of course, if everyone is okay tonight, let's get together in the back street, do you want to eat hot pot or stir-fry?"

Sun Qing agreed.

I had made a lot of money from Xiaokengkeng before, and I could have a hearty meal together in the evening.


!" "Yes, eat hotpot!" The

three boys are heavy on taste and like to eat spicy.

Originally, Sun Qing's mood was extremely beautiful, but she didn't expect that in the afternoon, she was called to the office by the head teacher.

"Sun Qing, your results this time are surprisingly good, and you have the highest score in the whole department, but..." The head teacher changed his tone, "This does not match your usual performance and college entrance examination results, so you should not have used some means

, right?"

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