"Little pit, count you ruthless!"

Sun Qing said indignantly.

Xiao Kengkeng was full of smiles, dancing happily, "Don't be like this, Xiaobaibai, how good I am to you, mission failure also gives you the opportunity to change your body shape, whether you complete this side mission or not, the result is awesome~"

Since Sun Qing has a new ID card, Xiaokengkeng's affectionate title for her has also been changed to "Xiaobaibai."

Sun Qing was so angry that he didn't want to speak.

Hmph, even if she learns to practice makeup, she has to complete the task!

I remember that the system also evaluated her as brainless before, but she really hated to die, and she was bound to win back a round!

Fortunately, Tian Xinxin is now sharing a room with herself, and it is really good to ask her.

In the evening, Sun Qing specially invited Tian Xinxin to eat a luxurious meal, and when he finished eating, he made his own request.

"Xinxin, I kind of want to learn makeup, can you teach me?"

When Tian Xinxin heard this, he was stunned.

Even the ribs in your hand don't smell good!

Xiaobai, what's wrong with this?

Why did she learn makeup?

Who did she learn makeup for?

Who the hell is that dog man?

When she comes back, will Xiaobai still care about my good girlfriend?

Woo hoo....

Tian Xinxin was sad, and her heart was already full of tears.

I have to say that girls' divergent thinking is so powerful.

Although he was very uncomfortable in his heart, Tian Xinxin did not show it.

If Xiaobai really has a boy she likes, she can't beat Mandarin ducks.

Only, why is it so uncomfortable in my heart?

I didn't expect to take precautions, and when I changed shifts for the first time, I followed closely, but there was still an accident.

Tian Xinxin calmed down her emotions and pretended to ask nonchalantly, "Why do you suddenly want to learn makeup?"

"It's just, everyone is wearing makeup, and I'm starting to be interested, but I can't."

Sun Qing opened her bag, it turned out that she had already bought her cosmetics.

Tian Xinxin saw that the cosmetics inside were quite complete, and they were famous brands.

I have known Xiaobai for so long, she is simply not like a girl, usually seems so simple, cosmetics, skin care products, do not use, do not know much about these.

So now suddenly like this... If something goes wrong, there will be a demon!

The bad premonition in Tian Xinxin's heart was really getting stronger and stronger.

Sun Qing saw that Tian Xinxin did not speak, and thought that she felt that the cosmetics she bought were not good, and hurriedly asked, "I am recommended to buy these by the cabinet sister, is it inappropriate to buy?"

"That's enough, I was just thinking, teach you what makeup looks best."

Tian Xinxin smiled, but his palm clenched his fist tightly, and his long nails directly pinched into the flesh, leaving a deep red mark.

Tomorrow she will have to see for herself who that dog man really is....

After returning from dinner, Tian Xinxin really taught Sun Qing some knowledge about makeup.

"Before applying makeup, we need to give the skin a good care, and the night before is best to apply a mask to hydrate the skin, so that it is easy to apply makeup the next day.

Before applying makeup, use toner and moisturizing lotion, eye cream can also be used, but the eye cream should be massaged to facilitate absorption. When

Tian Xinxin said this, he also specially opened the eye cream he usually used, applied it to Sun Qing, and personally helped her massage it...

Sun Qing only felt that her whole body was relaxed.

Tian Xinxin's massage technique is a bit like eye exercises, and the massage around the eyes is so comfortable.

She couldn't help but close her eyes.

Tian Xinxin showed a playful smile, and then secretly nodded the tip of Sun Qing's nose~

"Girls must do a good job of sun protection, the barrier cream we use has a sun protection function inside, so now apply a layer of barrier cream before makeup, which can play a role in protecting the skin and isolating makeup."

With the barrier cream applied, now let's put on a foundation.

Xiaobai, your skin is really good Oh, moist, with a simple air cushion is almost the same, you see, very suitable for novice Xiaobai, just take this puff and apply it evenly on the face.

Next, use a little loose powder to set makeup, which can prevent makeup peeling. It is also to take the puff and dip a little loose powder first, because the powder is easy to accumulate together, you can rub the puff to make the loose powder even, and then apply it to the face. Generally speaking, if the cosmetics are better, there is no problem in maintaining them all day. Hearing

this, Sun Qing was already a little dizzy.

It's so hard!

Fortunately, she has god-level mastery skills and has an excellent memory.

What Tian Xinxin said, she basically wrote down.

"Now we're starting to draw eyebrows. Your face shape is perfect, just draw a basic eyebrow shape. Start by outlining the basic shape along your original eyebrows, then fill in the gaps in the middle with a pencil, and finally brush evenly with a brow brush.

"Eye makeup is the most important part, first use a makeup brush to dip some eyeshadow, and then draw the eyeshadow on the eyelids, the eyeliner is drawn smoothly along the eyelids, and the end of the eyes are slightly raised to be more spiritual."

"Finally, put on lipstick, a basic makeup is complete, and you can do it in a quick and ten minutes."

Sun Qing was surprised!

It turns out that being a girl is so difficult, just putting on makeup is so troublesome!

"Is this just basic makeup?"

It is said that girls make up and paint the wall, but now that Sun Qing has learned in detail, she feels that this complexity is comparable to what house decoration, and it is much more difficult than simply painting the walls.

Tian Xinxin nodded, "Yes, it's just basic, you can also modify the face shape and adjust the facial features by makeup, I haven't started teaching you yet."

Sun Qing took a deep breath!

Therefore, it should be enough for her to learn the basics.

As long as you qualify.

"However, you look so good, you don't need those at all."

Tian Xinxin couldn't help but poke Sun Qing's little face.

Sun Qing lowered her head and began to be shy again

.... "Then I'll teach you specifically now."

Tian Xinxin began to hold cosmetics and teach Sun Qing hand-in-hand.

She first let Sun Qing draw it according to her feelings, and the makeup was simply miserable!

Tian Xinxin couldn't help but laugh.

Only, she deliberately did not say it.

"Little white sister, you can still draw it."

Sun Qing looked at herself in the mirror and always felt that something was wrong.

Do the eyebrows look thicker?

Eyeliner...... Well, she really doesn't know how to draw, and her eyelids flickered just now, directly like a caterpillar.

"It's far worse than you... I'm the legendary handicap. "

Alas, thinking of the task, Sun Qing suddenly became

a big man~ "The first time, it's already good, when I just put on makeup before, it was miserable, I'll adjust it for you a little."

At this time, Tian Xinxin almost held Sun Qing's hand to paint, so that after making up, it looked presentable!

"Little white sister, you are really talented, you can learn it as soon as you learn it."

Sun Qing looked at the mirror again, and sure enough, the makeup looked much more comfortable.

"It's not early, then rest early, you look for the feeling, I still have morning class tomorrow."

Tian Xinxin yawned and went back to her room to sleep first.

Sun Qing looked at the makeup, the more he looked at it, the more satisfied he was, it is indeed not early, so there should be no problem with makeup tomorrow morning, right?

After removing her makeup and washing, she also went back to her room to sleep.

At this time, Tian Xinxin was already asleep.

Maybe it was because he had studied for so long tonight and was a little tired, and Sun Qing had just laid down and fell into a deep sleep.

When she was half-dreaming and waking up, Sun Qing only felt that her chest was a little painful, and it was not that pain, but a little swollen.

What's going on?

It was really uncomfortable, Sun Qing turned over and over, and he couldn't sleep well all night.

When he woke up the next day, Sun Qing suddenly felt that his body became heavy.

She immediately understood what was going on!

Because the majesty of her body made her unable to ignore it, and she saw it when she looked down.

Obviously it is no longer the previous D, but F!

What's going on?

Isn't her task over, why would she directly accept the punishment of failure?

Sun Qing looked next to him, and Tian Xinxin was not there.

She shouted for the small pit, and the small pit seemed to be dropped, and there was no response.

Sun Qing stumbled into the bathroom.

She took down her clothes, and this time, she could see it clearly!


"Don't, don't wow~"

Sun Qing was about to cry out in a hurry.

It's really two watermelons, or big watermelons.

Is this really good?

How to see people in the future, woo-woo, small pit, hate you!

Sun Qing hurriedly thought of a way.

But at this time, she found that the original inner billion could no longer be worn, it was too small, and it hurt.

But I have to go to class later, otherwise absenteeism will affect the credits?

Sun Qing was so anxious to hurry to Baidu.

Fortunately, she soon found a way.

Sun Qing pulled out several bandages from the room and pasted them inside a black short-sleeved piece.

In this way, it has a similar effect to bear stickers.

It's just that there is no suitable Nei Yi at the moment, and after putting on clothes, I always feel strange and shy.

Sun Qing changed his black short sleeves and looked at himself in the mirror, almost wanting to find a place to hide it.

Still is...... Unstoppable mighty shores.

If you go out into the street, you have to be the center of attention, right?

Just when Sun Qing was hesitating whether to go to class, she was in the class group!

"Sun Xiaobai, hurry up to class, today's class is very important, if you don't come this semester, the results will be directly unqualified."

Ah, Oops!

Sun Qing looked at the time, only to find that they had been in class for several minutes.

Hearing that if she didn't go, she would be directly judged unqualified, so she didn't care so much, so she quickly grabbed her schoolbag and rushed to the school.

It doesn't matter if you don't run, it's really fatal to run!

I only felt that there were two large watermelons shaking constantly, and moreover, it was still a little painful.

The people around them cast strange eyes on Sun Qing.

"Wow, that girl brother is so big!"

"Uh, it must be Takashi, right?"

"I was stunned... Never seen before!

When Sun Qing heard these words, she was ashamed and angry, and directly "whined" and cried.

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