Looking at the strange gazes of passers-by, Sun Qing couldn't care that he hadn't rushed to the classroom yet.

She stopped and cried more and more sadly.

"No, I don't want to be like this..."

Now Sun Qing is really like a girl in puberty, feeling ashamed because of the abnormal changes in her body.

"What's wrong, what's wrong?"

Tian Xinxin, who was sleeping soundly, quickly woke up.

In her confusion, she seemed to hear who was crying, and she always felt similar to Xiaobai's sister's voice.

What happened and why was she so sad?

Tian Xinxin panicked all of a sudden.

She quickly opened her eyes, only to find that the person who was crying was indeed Xiaobai!

Through the hazy moonlight outside the window, Tian Xinxin could see that Sun Qing's face was covered with crystal clear tears, which was really touching, and I saw pity.

"It's okay, little white sister, it's all a dream."

Tian Xinxin quickly held Sun Qing in her arms, and she gently patted Sun Qing's back, giving her the most gentle comfort.


Tian Xinxin became more and more distressed, and she didn't know what grievances Xiaobai's sister had suffered in her dream, and she would cry like this.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm by your side."

In order to be able to give Sun Qing more security, Tian Xinxin naturally held her hand.

Feeling Tian Xinxin's comfort, at this moment, Sun Qing only felt as if he was trapped in soft cotton, and the whole person was comfortable and relaxed.

She suddenly opened her eyes, and there were undried tears in the corners of her eyes.

"Little white sister, don't cry, it's all a dream, it's all gone!"

Tian Xinxin didn't know what happened in the dream, she saw that Sun Qing had just woken up, lest she be frightened and afraid again, so she gave her another comfort, and also sorted out the hair strands of her sideburns.

Sun Qing was sweating, and her hair was wet and sticking to her skin.

"Whew... It turned out to be a dream.

Sun Qing immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

If what happened in the dream was real, then she really wouldn't live.

With such a murderous weapon in the world, I am afraid that I dare not see people casually.

Sun Qing can also be regarded as experiencing how panicked the kind of girl who is in the puberty period and feels abnormal changes in her body is.

She remembers that when she was in junior high school, a classmate seemed to be developing too well, and she was always laughed at, and she only dared to wear loose clothes later, and even bent slightly when walking, hiding and hiding.

"Yes, you don't need to be afraid anymore, what did you dream about just now, seeing that you have been crying, I am worried about you."

Tian Xinxin remembered the scene just now, and his heart was almost broken.

She really couldn't see Xiaobai's sister being hurt in any way, even if she was unhappy in her dreams!

Hearing Tian Xinxin's question, Sun Qing found that their behavior at the moment was so intimate.

Not only lying in Tian Xinxin's arms, but also holding her hand.

So, has Tian Xinxin been comforting her like this just now? No wonder, when I dreamed just now, I was very scared, but I suddenly felt at ease.

"I dreamed that I was in danger."

Sun Qing is embarrassed to say that she actually dreamed that her figure changed from D to F, which was simply humiliating!

"It turns out to be like this, don't worry, they all say that the dream is anti-and it's okay."

Tian Xinxin gently patted the back of Sun Qing's hand to help her calm her emotions.

"Okay, Shin Shin, I feel at ease with you by my side."

Sun Qing gently pulled Tian Xinxin's hand, and his little appearance was a little shy.

"Then let's continue to sleep, you won't be afraid when you sleep in my arms, and you won't have nightmares anymore~"

Tian Xinxin felt Sun Qing's dependence on herself, and she was immediately full of joy.

Sleep...... Sleeping in her arms?

Sun Qing only felt that it was as unbelievable as a dream now.

Did happiness come so suddenly?

However, does it seem that she takes advantage of others?

How embarrassing this is! Would she seem too frivolous if she agreed?

Three minutes later.

Sun Qing, who was lying in Tian Xinxin's arms, only felt that the years were quiet, and the soft embrace was simply extremely comfortable.

Well, she took back her previous words!

It's two girls anyway, it doesn't matter, right?

"Sleep at ease..."

Tian Xinxin gently patted Sun Qing's back, her voice gentle enough to pinch out water.

Sun Qing felt a sense of security, and the fear originally caused by the nightmare was now all gone.

Not long after, both girls fell asleep.

The next day.

The morning sun filled the room warmly, and Sun Qing woke up to the sound of the alarm clock.

She turned off the alarm clock and got ready to get up and put on makeup before going to class.

However, Tian Xinxin beside him disappeared.

It was as if she had said last night that today she had morning lessons.

It seems that today's makeup can only be done by yourself. I learned well last night, there should be no problem.

Sun Qing hurriedly went to the bathroom to wash up, and then followed the steps Tian Xinxin taught her last night and began to make up decently.

Originally, everything was good, and the base makeup was relatively even, but when I drew my eyebrows, I suddenly overturned.

What the hell are those two crooked eyebrows in the mirror?

Sun Qing quickly wiped it off with a makeup remover pad, and then began a new round of doodling.

But I don't know what's going on, she just can't draw eyebrows and eyeliner, she tossed for an hour, and she still looks so ugly!

What to do?

Sun Qing glanced at the time on his mobile phone, and there was only ten minutes to go to class!

In desperation, she had to go out with such a pair of hand-crippled makeup.

I hope that Xiaokengkeng's subordinates will show mercy....

[Host, the first day of makeup achievement evaluation is starting...]

The little pit is really more punctual than the big aunt!

Sun Qing was a little nervous, and he didn't know if he could get through the muddle?

After all, her makeup can be seen anywhere except her eyebrows and eyeliner, right?

Suddenly, a warning sound "beep" sounded!

Hearing this voice, Sun Qing became even more nervous, and she suddenly had a bad premonition.

[Host, unfortunately, the makeup results on the first day were unqualified! ] Please strengthen your skills as a girl~】


Sun Qing had already walked into the classroom at this time, but when she heard the scoring results of Xiao Pitpit, she simply felt that it was a thunderbolt on a sunny day!

I didn't even feel in the mood for class.

Sun Qing randomly chose a back seat, and the whole person became listless.

"Little pit, you are really too much, we have known each other for so long, this is how you pit your comrades-in-arms?"

So when the time comes, the terrible things in the dream will really come true?

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