Sun Qing felt that this must be the most presumptuous thing she had said in her life!

After speaking, she did not dare to look up at Tian Xinxin.

Unexpectedly, Tian Xinxin had no opinion.

A moment later, the two girls were so honest with each other that their faces turned red into ripe apples.

In the end, it was Tian Xinxin who broke the calm first.

"You see, if I pinch like you, I can also pinch a lump of meat."

Tian Xinxin gave Sun Qing a demonstration and told her, "If you can see obvious bulges in the position of the arm socket when you don't pinch, it is a secondary humiliation." After

all, Tian Xinxin is a girl, and she has seen women with insults wearing suspenders before, and she saw it as soon as she raised her hand, so she naturally knew much better than Sun Qing.

Sun Qing didn't dare to look at it shyly, but just lowered his head and said, "Yes, yes, it seems that I made a mistake..."

Sun Qing hurriedly asked a small pit at this time.

Xiao Piteng shook his head, "You have only finished looking at it, and you haven't finished touching it yet!" "

Sun Qing: ...

I have a phrase that MMP doesn't know when to talk about it!

Are you trying to make me, the host, as obscene as your system?

No way, Sun Qing had to continue!

"That... Then I'm relieved, but I feel like there are still hard lumps, do you have it?

Sun Qing glanced at Tian Xinxin, and then shifted his gaze embarrassedly.

Originally, Sun Qing was thinking about how to make a "not very reasonable" request, but she didn't expect that Tian Xinxin directly put Sun Qing's hand on her...

Then, Sun Qing's whole body suddenly froze!

"Mine is not, look at it."

Tian Xinxin didn't feel anything wrong, because they were all girls and didn't mind.

Looking at Tian Xinxin, who had a pure face, Sun Qing suddenly felt that she was so evil! Aaaah!

She quickly took her hand away, and then swallowed, "Yes, well, it seems to be..." "

Is yours serious, or I'll help you see."

Tian Xinxin said and reached over.

Sun Qing was so frightened that he quickly protected his hands and took three steps back!

"I, I suddenly remembered, I may be my aunt's reaction on the eve, and now it suddenly doesn't hurt again."

At this moment, Sun Qing's long-awaited task completion reminder finally came!

[Congratulations to the host for completing the temporary task, only need to accept the 24-hour side task punishment, cup (Zhao Cup) directly upgraded to become two numbers larger, execute immediately! ] After 24 hours, it returns to its original body shape. As

soon as the words of the small pit fell, the familiar feeling of swelling came.

Sun Qing was so shocked that he quickly grabbed his clothes and put them on.

She couldn't let Tian Xinxin discover her amazing changes...

"Are you really all right?"

Tian Xinxin was still a little uneasy.

Seeing that Sun Qing was dressed, Tian Xinxin thought that there should be nothing wrong, so she also put her clothes on.

"It's okay, I'm a little thirsty, I'll go drink water..." Sun

Qing quickly ran out of the bathroom.

"What do you do running so fast? But she's so cute.

Tian Xinxin smiled.

It seems that Sister Xiaobai should be physically fine, she also looked at her situation just now, and she must be relieved now.

It's just that...... Thinking of Xiaobai's sister's dodge in the end, Tian Xinxin always felt a little regret!

Sun Qing pretended to drink water in the kitchen, and his heart was simply panicked!

Because now, her Zhao cup really became F!

Although it is not as exaggerated as the big watermelon in the dream, it is also scary.

It's a lot bigger than the original, it's a shame!

Sun Qing quickly ran back to the bedroom and locked the door.

She rummaged through the closet and found a loose and crumbling dress, and then, she suddenly found that there was one more thing, it was Wen Xiong.

Sun Qing has only been a girl for such a short time, and she has not bought many Wen Xiong, and there were small pits given to her before, so she remembers every item.

But this black one, with a small lace edge, I have never seen it!

It won't be Tian Xinxin's, she put the wrong cabinet, right?

But the model is not right at first glance!

She's probably a little C or B!

So, Sun Qing looked carefully, and she saw the model of Wen Xiong, it was F!

Uh-uh, beep the dog's, so it's the little pit prepared.

"Don't thank me, there is no charge for this, I will give you it for free!"

Little Pothole can't wait to come out and show himself.

"Rolling, annoying to see you. I'm going to change my clothes, you hurry up and go far. Sun

Qing was really angry.

The little pit smiled and immediately disappeared far away.

Sun Qing then began to change his clothes with confidence, and he wore this Wen Xiong of the right size.

Seeing such an astonishing size, she was so shocked that she couldn't speak, and she looked at herself stupidly for several minutes.

The photos I saw before, what kind of waves, Sun Qing could not feel very intuitively.

But now, I really see what it is.

I have to say, it's really... Sun Qing quickly stopped the cranky thoughts in his mind.

She is now a girl and just wants to end the punishment quickly.

To be honest, as a girl, she feels that D is enough, and she really doesn't want to bear the surprised eyes of passers-by! And now walking a little faster is a little panicked, really uncomfortable.

After becoming a girl, Sun Qing felt many troubles of being a girl, alas, it's really not easy, it's not easy!

But...... Sometimes, it's quite happy Oh~

Tian Xinxin, who was sitting in the living room reading a book, muttered in her heart, "Little white sister, what's wrong, I feel that she is weird today..."

Now I don't know what to do in the bedroom, and I locked the door.

Fortunately, Sun Qing quickly opened the door and walked out.

Otherwise, Tian Xinxin should worry again.

"Hey, little sister, why did you change your clothes?"

Tian Xinxin noticed Sun Qing's change and immediately asked suspiciously.

Sun Qing was afraid that Tian Xinxin would know that her abnormal body shape changed, and she quickly found an excuse, "I remembered that I hadn't worn this dress for a long time, and I liked it very much, so I changed it."

"So it is, but this loose and crumbling one doesn't show your perfect good body."

Tian Xinxin's gaze wandered on Sun Qing's body.

Sun Qing was afraid of being discovered, so he turned around and pretended to tidy up the shoe cabinet on the side.

"I don't care, just wear it comfortably..." Looking

at Sun Qing's somewhat abnormal behavior, Tian Xinxin muttered in his heart.

What happened to her?

Could it be that after seeing each other honestly just now, he became more shy?

Heehee, it's really a pure and cute beautiful girl~

Sun Qing has been hiding and hiding, finally waited safely until the evening, tomorrow is the weekend, as long as you wait until the evening, you can return to normal.

But what Sun Qing didn't expect was that while sleeping, Tian Xinxin discovered her secret....

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