The suite that Sun Xiaobai rented was a one-bedroom and one-living room structure, with only one bed in it, originally she lived alone, but later Tian Xinxin moved in again. (Because the protagonist has a new ID card, the name will be written uniformly Sun Xiaobai in the future)

Both of them are too lazy to find a new house to move, so they make do with sleeping in the same bed.

Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin's work and rest time were similar, and not long after she lay down, Tian Xinxin also got into the bed.

Well, it's so warm~

It's more comfortable for two people to sleep!

The temperature at night was a little cooler, and Tian Xinxin involuntarily leaned over to Sun Xiaobai.

Strange to say, her anger is quite strong, unlike herself, she always freezes her hands and feet in autumn and winter, and sometimes sleeps all night, and her feet are still cold.

There is such a natural "big heater" next to him, who can bear this?

"Sister Xiaobai, are you sleeping..."

Tian Xinxin tentatively called out to Sun Xiaobai.

Sun Xiaobai slept super fragrantly, at the moment, I am afraid that someone dragged her out and sold her, and she couldn't wake up.

Seeing that Sun Xiaobai didn't react, Tian Xinxin secretly smiled.

Came to come, opportunity came~

She pretended to turn over, and then hugged Sun Xiaobai's waist.

Wow, this feeling, it's not too wonderful!

A warm force suddenly hit the whole body.

This winter, there is no need to fear the cold.

Perhaps feeling the sweetness in it, Tian Xinxin became more and more intense.

The body is warm, but the hands and feet are the two parts that are most afraid of cold, and now they are still cold, and the temperature of the "big stove" is urgently needed!

Tian Xinxin brought her feet closer and leaned right next to Sun Xiaobai's calf.

Hey? Is her skin so good?

Not only the face is slippery, but even the calves are silky, so it's good!

The feet are like a person's second heart, and once the feet are warm, the whole body is comfortable.

Hehe, I love Little White Sister so much!

It's just that rubbing the body temperature is a little difficult to talk about, otherwise she wouldn't have to wait for Sun Xiaobai to fall asleep before acting.

Tian Xinxin tentatively stretched out his hand and just touched Sun Xiaobai's soft stomach.

This piece is almost a "mountain of flames", and the temperature is transmitted from the stomach to the palm of the hand, and it is hot all of a sudden.

Great, I can finally sleep comfortably~

Tian Xinxin was about to pull away, but I didn't expect it, but I felt something different....

Something is wrong!

How could it be so big?

Although I knew before that Xiaobai's sister was quite proud, it didn't seem to look so big before.

It was a sudden upgrade from papaya to watermelon!

Tian Xinxin immediately recalled that a few hours ago, Xiaobai's sister said that she had a tingling sensation, she thought she was sick, but she didn't expect that this was a second development!

Are the four words of human stunner an adjective tailored for her little white sister?

She is a woman, and she feels like she is about to spray nosebleeds....

Sun Xiaobai was dreaming all night, and all kinds of indescribable scenes in his dreams were going to be 404, and when he woke up in the morning, he only felt that his whole body was sore and weak.

QAQ...... This familiar feeling, if she couldn't touch the "younger brother" below, she really thought that she was back to the boy's body!

It turned out to be just a dream!

So girls also have this kind of dream? Hehe

Nothing special happened last night? A series of question marks immediately appeared on Sun Xiaobai's head.

"Early, little white sister."

Tian Xinxin walked in with a glass of hot milk and a plate of breakfast with a smile.

"Let's have some breakfast first."

As soon as Tian Xinxin came in, her gaze automatically focused on Sun Xiaobai's pride.

What an admiration! Love love, love!

Sun Xiaobai looked confused, what a good day is today, why is Tian Xinxin suddenly so good to her?

It's not that I didn't mean it was bad before, but today it's too courteous.

"I haven't brushed my teeth yet..."

Tian Xinxin put the breakfast on the bedside table, "Then you wait for me first!"

After that, she ran out like a gust of wind.

Sun Xiaobai: ???

She quickly flipped through the calendar, wondering what day it was, but found nothing special.

At this time, Tian Xinxin ran back like a gust of wind.

"You can brush your teeth now!"

She not only brought a washbasin, but also Sun Xiaobai's toothbrush, cup and toothpaste.

In this way, Sun Xiaobai can lean on the bed and brush his teeth.

This treatment, simply not too good!

How is it more and more like the daily life of boyfriend and girlfriend who just lived together?

"How embarrassing is this, Xinxin, you are too good for me..."

Sun Xiaobai was flattered, and he looked uncomfortable.

"What's so embarrassing about this, I have to thank you for covering me with a quilt in the middle of the night last night!"

Tian Xinxin seems to have already found a suitable excuse for his diligent behavior.

Actually, it's not this that she wants to thank... Heehee, she slept too soundly last night, her whole body was warm, super warm ~

Sun Xiaobai really couldn't stand Tian Xinxin's enthusiasm, so she had to reluctantly accept it.

"Little flower cat, look at you, you eat all over your mouth!"

As soon as Sun Xiaobai finished breakfast, Tian Xinxin took the initiative to pick up a tissue and wipe her mouth.

The movements are simply gentle to the extreme.

Sun Xiaobai's face turned red again, they really seemed to be like this...

No, no, no, don't be cranky!

"It's a hard time for the weekend, where are we going?"

Tian Xinxin has already thought of a place to go, they can go and play something exciting!

Xiaobai's sister looked at Wen Jing, but she was quite bold, she was not afraid to watch ghost movies, she was accompanied by her, and some people who usually did not dare to play were also accompanied by people~

Sun Xiaobai immediately shook his head like a rattle.

"I don't really want to go out today."

Mainly... Her bear hasn't returned to its normal size yet!

Fortunately, wearing a loose dress, Tian Xinxin should not have found it, otherwise he didn't know how to explain it.

As long as you stay in the house until the evening, you can be relieved when it returns to normal.

"What's wrong, little white sister, are you in a bad mood?"

Who in the end made Xiaobai's sister feel bad? It's too much!

Tian Xinxin took Sun Xiaobai's small hand distressedly.

Sun Xiaobai quickly denied it, "Either not, or I'm a little tired after a week's class, and I want to rest."

"So it is! It's all my bad, I didn't see it, then I'll accompany you to watch a movie at home~"

Tian Xinxin was a little ashamed, and she didn't know why, she always felt that she was so close to Xiaobai's sister, and unconsciously, Xiaobai's sister had become a very important person in her heart.

I didn't care about her properly, and I really failed to be a sister!

"Well, I just have a few movies I want to see!"

Sun Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief, he definitely didn't have to go out today, steady!

But how could happiness come so quickly? At this moment, the familiar voice of the small pit sounded in his ears——

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