[The host triggers the hidden side quest, please go swimming with Tian Xinxin before 6 pm today, the success of the mission will get a reward of one million yuan, and the reward of the previous temporary task for the failure of the mission disappears. ] Sun

Xiaobai: What?

SystemAre you playing me!

The rewards of temporary tasks disappear, so that, won't she still be able to escape the change F?

Small pit, seriously doubt that you are astringent, otherwise how can you have this special proclivity....

Say good things, change the pit of the method, the small pit really lives up to its name!

Sun Xiaobai now seriously doubts where the 107 members before her have gone?

Could it be that they were all pitted by small pits?

The more I think about it, the more likely it is!

But now I got on the thief's boat, and I couldn't escape if I wanted to, woo-woo.

However, one million yuan yes~

really super exciting!

I have to say that in the piece of mentality, Xiao Pitpit is simply a master among the masters.

Sun Xiaobai, who originally didn't want to go out, now ran to Tian Xinxin with a fart.

"Shin Shin, I heard that swimming can exercise and enhance physical fitness, or should we go together?" Although I don't really want to go out, I haven't exercised for a long time, and the weather is good today..." After

all, the weather is a little cold now, if you go swimming, you really need a little anti-freeze courage!

But unexpectedly, Sun Xiaobai had not finished speaking, and Tian Xinxin readily agreed!

"Good, good, go, go!"

Wow, she couldn't ask for it!

"Great, then let's go."

Tian Xinxin agreed too cheerfully, and Sun Xiaobai was worried that she would regret it.

"Wait... We didn't buy a swimsuit yay.

Tian Xinxin pulled Sun Xiaobai.

"It's okay, go to the swimming pool and buy it again."

"But you..." Tian Xinxin pointed to Sun Xiaobai's bear, "Maybe it's such a big size over there, right?" "


Xiaobai's face turned red all of a sudden.

She quickly covered the bear, "Then what to do?" "

You must complete the task today, otherwise, the consequences will not be ordinarily miserable!"

Tian Xinxin smiled and took Sun Xiaobai's hand away, "Heehee, we are all girls, what are you shy?" I'll take you to buy it first, there is a place to buy swimsuits.

"That, that's up to you."

Sun Xiaobai followed behind Tian Xinxin twistedly, afraid that she would pay attention to her towering place like a mountain again.

Tian Xinxin couldn't help but snicker, heck, her little white sister is really cuter and cuter the more she looks!

When he arrived at the bathing suit shop, Sun Xiaobai stopped all of a sudden.

So many suits, all colors, flowers and green, worn on clothing models, it is really imaginative.

Wow, it's really good-looking~

Something is wrong, what is good-looking, it looks very astringent.

Don't go in, how bad....

"Still stunned to do something, hurry in."

Tian Xinxin pulled Sun Xiaobai in.

The proprietress greeted with a smile on her face to sell, "Two beauties, I have many styles and good quality swimsuits here, and it is the most cost-effective one nearby, guaranteed to satisfy you-" The proprietress

was about to ask what type of swimsuit they needed, but when her gaze shifted to Sun Xiaobai, she was immediately stunned!

"Oh my God, it's so big..."

She has run a swimsuit shop for three years, and she has never seen such a good one!

Sun Xiaobai understood in seconds, and then was embarrassed and overwhelmed.

As a former boy, now she is amazed by her excellent figure, which makes her embarrassed?

"You've come to the right place, go somewhere else, and you really don't necessarily have your size."

The lady immediately rummaged on the shelves and searched for a while, and finally found a few swimsuits of the right size.

"Look, 34F, right?"

Tian Xinxin next to him also heard it, didn't it, he rose two levels in a row?

Little Bai's sister's development is against the sky!

"That... Maybe, maybe big, but I'll try it first!

Sun Xiaobai didn't expect that the fact that he was trying to hide was exposed by the boss lady in front of him, woo-woo, she wanted to cry!

Sun Xiaobai didn't want to say more, so he quickly took those few pieces and hurriedly fled to the fitting room.

Tian Xinxin was still immersed in the shock just now.

No wonder, no wonder that night....

At this time, the proprietress hurriedly came to sell to Tian Xinxin.

Although Tian Xinxin is also selecting, his thoughts are on the fitting room.

I don't know how Xiaobai's sister tried?

She...... Can I help you?

In fact, wearing Wen Xiong is very particular, in this kind of Wen Xiong store, swimsuit shop, the lady sometimes helps customers try it on.

However, Sister Xiaobai is so shy, in case she needs help, then she has to go, and she can't let the boss lady go!

This is the moment.

Sun Xiaobai is facing these swimsuits and worrying....

I came in too much of a hurry just now, and I didn't even see the style clearly.

These are either lace or small lace, and even straps? How do you wear these things?

In short, everything looks so pure!

She's a serious person, the super serious kind!

I don't know if there are other styles, but listening to the meaning of the lady just now, her size is difficult to buy, and the lady just now looked for a while to find these pieces.

Forget it, for the sake of the task, these are nothing!

Sun Xiaobai quickly gave up the struggle and wore it honestly.

At this time, Tian Xinxin had also finished choosing the style she wanted, but she was not in a hurry to try it on.

She came directly to the door of Sun Xiaobai's fitting room.

Really, she was just worried about Sun Xiaobai's safety, and she didn't have any other ideas.

After all, it's been so long inside.

"Sister Xiaobai, how did you try, do you want to help?"

Tian Xinxin asked tentatively.

Sun Xiaobai immediately panicked, "Don't don't, I can do it myself!" "

Is she going to come in again?

Is it all like this among girls?

Wow, she was shy and nervous, but what the hell was that little bit of faint expectation in her heart!

"Is it the first time you've been wearing it, why has it taken so long?" If we don't get dressed, we'll go to the pool later.

Tian Xinxin was still outside the door.

Listen to the tone, super concerned about her.


Sun Xiaobai also became suspicious.

She doesn't know if she's dressed, in case of a joke, wait for the pool, it's embarrassing!

After all, it was the first time I wore a swimsuit.

"Either you can take a look at me."

In the end, Sun Xiaobai compromised, and she said this sentence weakly.

"Okay, then I'll come in."

Knowing that Xiaobai's sister has always been a shy rose, Tian Xinxin also specially reminded her.


After getting permission, Tian Xinxin pushed the door and went in.

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