When I entered the door, I saw that Sun Xiaobai was still wearing his original clothes.

Wow, it's a little white to look forward to!

Shouldn't it be so old for a long time, she is in a daze inside?

"Look at you, and said that you don't want help, you haven't changed it yet, don't you know how to change it?"

Tian Xinxin asked her gently.

"No, I'm done."

Sun Xiaobai pulled down the zipper of his clothes and gave Tian Xinxin a slight glance.

Then, she quickly pulled it up again!

The whole process feels like less than thirty seconds, god hand speed, right?

It's true, the piece of female virtue is simply guarded to death!

"So fast, I didn't even see clearly!"

Tian Xinxin was angry and funny.

Many girls wear intimate clothes around in the dormitory in the summer, but Sun Xiaobai is unusually shy.

In short, it's a pure word with a capital letter!

"Well, then you take another look."

Sun Xiaobai really couldn't get used to this kind of thing.

When she was about to repeat the action just now, she did not expect that Tian Xinxin directly held her hand.

Then, pull the zipper directly to the bottom.

What's in this?

Girls and girls, I have what you have, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Sun Xiaobai wanted to stop it, but it was obviously too late.

Fortunately, Tian Xinxin didn't look at it for long, and she seemed quite shocked.

"I didn't expect it, you dressed pretty well, you don't need to adjust it, it's good like this."

Sun Xiaobai was a little surprised.


Is she so skilled as a girl now?

It's all to the point of being self-taught?

Wow, is the problem serious, if so, can you turn back into a boy in the future, can you turn around in time?


"yes, this one looks good."

Tian Xinxin couldn't help but praise again.

At this moment, she thought, if it is really F, just now she said that this size is bigger, but now, it is obviously very suitable.

I have to say that Sister Xiaobai is really a treasure girl with great talent!

Sun Xiaobai quickly tightened the zipper.

Otherwise, in a small space like the fitting room, staying with the girl you like, and still doing this kind of thing, I always feel strange in my heart.

Tian Xinxin remembered the color of Sun Xiaobai's try-on clothes, which was a black dress with small lace and lace, but it was beautiful.

When she came out, she put the original good pieces back on the shelf.

Then, at a glance, I saw a white lace piece.

Well, that's it!

Black and white, timeless classic, yyds these four words, I only say once.

After the two chose their clothes, they went to the swimming pool hand in hand.

The little pit couldn't help but nod in the dark again!

Not bad, what I want is this effect~

Tian Xinxin directly chose one of the best swimming pools in the city, and bought the order early.

After all, a good sister, take care of Xiaobai's sister a little more, give her the best!

Sun Xiaobai had just entered the swimming pool, and he was a little timid.

There are people coming and going here, and looking at the good business, she is a little social scared now.

What's more, it's really weird and shy to wear a swimsuit when you swim.

When she was a boy, Sun Xiaobai had never been to the swimming pool, and her swimming skills were still learned by going to her grandmother in the countryside for the summer vacation, often going to the river to play.

"You seem to be a little nervous..."

Tian Xinxin really understood Sun Xiaobai, she didn't say anything, just such a look, she actually understood what she was thinking.

"No, so that you won't be afraid~ We'll be okay together."

Tian Xinxin squeezed Sun Xiaobai's hand.

It's so heartwarming.

In this world, it is really wonderful to have someone who always cares about you and cares about you.

Suddenly, Sun Xiaobai had more courage.

She even now even thinks that being a girl seems to be really okay, and she can always be with the one she likes, although it is in the form of girlfriends, but it doesn't seem to have a big impact?

Tian Xinxin knew that Sun Xiaobai might not be very suitable for this occasion, so he specially chose a high-level VIP swimming pool with fewer people, moreover, there were separate men and women here.

Then, the two changed their clothes and walked out.

All of them are air-conditioned, and it's not cold at all, it's about the same as in summer.

It's just that this swimsuit is really uncomfortable!

I always feel as if I'm not wearing it.

The longer Sun Xiaobai has been a girl, the more he understands why girls are more shy than boys.

"It's okay, that's how you dress for swimming."

Tian Xinxin comforted Sun Xiaobai.

"Well, the first time I was a little unaccustomed."

Sun Xiaobai hid and hidden, did not walk side by side with Tian Xinxin, and walked directly behind her.

However, this can't stop others from discovering her good figure!

"Wow, it's so hot, I never dreamed of such a good figure in my life!"

A girl was immediately stunned by Sun Xiaobai.

The girl next to her also looked over, and then they were about to bleed from their noses, "What do I see?" Wow, sisters are amazing.

"What do you say she grew up eating?"

"I don't know, it's talented, even if I binge eat papaya every day, I won't have this effect."

"I'm sad, why is it embarrassing for me to have this A's not full?"

"Don't say it, I'm even sadder, I lost 2 pounds last week, I didn't lose much weight at all, but the bear went from B to A? So where did my 2 pounds drop? How the hell is she long, so thin, and so material!

"It can only be said that it is Nuwa's creation god, Niu Bikras."

Seeing that the girls who seemed to be in the entire pool were quite interested in Sun Xiaobai, and their eyes were almost all around her, Tian Xinxin was a little angry.

As for what?

Everyone is a woman, look at what, you either don't have it, or it's just a little bit!

Tian Xinxin quickly picked up the bath towel next to him and draped it over Sun Xiaobai's body.

Sun Xiaobai didn't know, so she didn't seem to say that she wanted a bath towel?

"Look at you, your hands are so cold, put it on, wait for the cold."

Tian Xinxin touched Sun Xiaobai's hand with a cold face, and then made such a diagnosis.

Sun Xiaobai:?

She feels that she is quite hot, I have to say, this swimming pool is really good, the heating and air conditioning is turned on very much.

"What about the sisters?"

The girls were a little disappointed that they couldn't see Mount Everest, but they seemed to have accidentally discovered something even more amazing!

This time, I didn't dare to say it so loudly.

"What's the situation?"

The girl next to her seemed to feel normal.

"You can't even see this? It seems that you are not corrupt enough, usually share so many of your novels, you read it for nothing. "

Oh!" The girl finally understood in seconds! "Really, really?"

"Who do you say they are... Who is

..." "Surely the white

clothes are..." "But how do I think the black clothes are... Well, does this call contrast understand? "

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