The girls chattered endlessly, so cool that they flew, and the two protagonists in their mouths, Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin, did not know that they had been misunderstood about the relationship.

Well, it's clearly "good girlfriends"~

Look, now this pair of good girlfriends are holding hands and preparing to go into the water.

"Little white sister, be careful."

Tian Xinxin put all her attention on Sun Xiaobai, as if she was a fragile porcelain doll, lest she bump into it.

I don't know if Xiaobai's sister swimming technique 6 is not 6?

Tian Xinxin stretched out her hand and prepared to pick her up.

In case she is timid, she can fall directly into her arms later....

Well, little white sister is soft, fragrant - wait, why are these strange things popping up in her head?

But unexpectedly, Sun Xiaobai jumped directly into the water in a perfect posture~

Her beautiful body curves are like a mermaid.

Wow, Little White Sister is so bold!

Tian Xinxin always felt that he had misunderstood something?

Hehe, but in this way, she also feels that she likes it so much, sassy girls, and it is also a character she appreciates.

"Or let's compete."

Sun Xiaobai used to like to compete with his friends the most, and in the past, the river at his grandmother's house was relatively small, and they competed who swam to the opposite bank first, and then the winner could be the boss of the day.

At that time, Sun Xiaobai won the championship with extraordinary skills, and when he was surrounded by three or five friends and called the boss, he was angry.

So now, she wanted to have some fun, and naturally thought of this.

Tian Xinxin was stunned.

Didn't you say that you came to play, and you actually wanted to compete?

But...... Her swimming skills are a bit of a novice.

Tian Xinxin didn't want to show timidity, after all, she was a sister, what if Xiaobai's sister was more dish, and she couldn't say if she narrowly won?

So, Tian Xinxin, who was panicked in his heart, but his face was calm, immediately nodded and agreed.

"No problem! But are there any rewards for those who win?

Sun Xiaobai thought for a while, "The winner can make a request. "


Two beautiful girls standing at the edge of the pool ready to go!

The girl in black swimsuit has a delicate body, magnificent waves, a pair of beautiful legs are white and straight, her hair is slightly wet by water, her eyes are hazy, gentle, with charming little pink lips, a stunning sense of beauty for a lifetime, it is simply the dream lover image of countless boys!

The girl in the white swimsuit is lively and agile, a pair of talking big eyes reminiscent of the superstar honey, the perfect body can be called the golden ratio, and the youthful and energetic school flower is just that~ The

two of them have the waves of honey, and the charming big eyes with honey, it is simply too eye-catching, and the brightest combination in the audience is none other than them.

Although the pools are all girls, who said that girls don't like to look at beautiful women?

In fact, they may spend more time brushing beautiful women than boys on a certain sound and a certain hand short video!

Sometimes it is not out of jealousy, it is simply like, appreciate, envy.

Now the live-action version is in front of you, don't look at it in vain~

"Three, two, one!"

As soon as Sun Xiaobai's words fell, Tian Xinxin strove forward.

I have to say that her posture is really beautiful, but it's this speed, it's too average.

Sun Xiaobai started slowly.

As long as you swim together, then the task is completed.

Sure enough, the system prompt sounded immediately.

At this point, the small pit has never played tricks, and it can be regarded as the only place where there is still a conscience, right? ?

[Congratulations to the host for completing the side quest and successfully obtaining one million RMB! ] Whoosh

, a million!

Get rich, get rich.

Be a girl fragrant, so fragrant!

Sun Xiaobai is so happy, she is a little hi when she is excited, she is desperately rowing in the pool, and she has long left Tian Xinxin behind.

The little pothole in stealth pondered: Am I too confident in myself? How do you feel that Xiaobai still has a faint male mind in his heart? So competitive, no, that's not what she should do as a weak little cutie....

Tian Xinxin huffed and looked at Sun Xiaobai in front of her, how could she dump herself so far?

In fact, if Xiaobai's sister wins, Tian Xinxin will not be angry, but she feels a little uncomfortable to dump her so far.

At this time, she suddenly had a plan.


Tian Xinxin pretended to faint and cried out uncomfortably.

Sun Xiaobai, who heard the voice, was about to swim ashore at this moment.

But Shin Shin is in danger, how can she ignore it?

"Shin Shin, what's wrong with you?"

Sun Xiaobai quickly turned around, saw Tian Xinxin fluttering in the water, and immediately rowed back to her side worriedly.

Tian Xinxin wanted to tease her, so she deliberately pretended to be more uncomfortable.

"It seems a little uncomfortable, my swimming technique is more dish."

"You hold on!"

Sun Xiaobai hugged her, and the two were simply intimate at the moment.

It's a feeling I've never felt before.

Tian Xinxin simply closed her eyes directly, she thought, wait for a grimace, scare Xiaobai's sister, hee, anyway, she is not afraid of ghosts.

"Xinxin, Xinxin, don't scare me!"

Sun Xiaobai panicked, could it be, she was holding her breath too hard just now?

What should I do?

Sun Xiaobai suddenly thought of a way, artificial respiration.

Yes, first aid!

Therefore, Sun Xiaobai couldn't care so much, and directly approached Tian Xinxin.

Even with her eyes closed, Tian Xinxin could vaguely feel that the other party's breath was getting closer and closer.

Oops, she shouldn't want to!

Now it's a big deal.

Tian Xinxin opened his eyes in a panic, and this time he saw Sun Xiaobai's enlarged face.

They were really close, only 0.5 centimeters away.

"Xinxin, I didn't want to..."

Sun Xiaobai felt that he really couldn't wash himself by jumping into the Yellow River now.

Will Tian Xinxin think that she is a pervert?

"I'm here to save you."

Sun Xiaobai quickly explained clearly.

"I know." Tian Xinxin took Sun Xiaobai's hand, and then smiled at her.

Looking at her bright smile, Sun Xiaobai felt a little dizzy about happiness.

I don't know where this happiness comes from?

At this time, something that caught Sun Xiaobai off guard happened!

I saw Tian Xinxin suddenly let go of Sun Xiaobai's hand, and then swam forward vigorously~ Sun Xiaobai

: ......

Who am I?

Where am I?

She she she she, just attacked me? So it was deliberately pretended?

The terrible thing is that Sun Xiaobai not only does not feel angry, but also thinks that she is so naughty ~

no rescue, no salvation!

Since Shin Shin wants to win, let her be.

Sun Xiaobai voluntarily lost to her, and she swam slowly, and her speed was a little faster than that of a turtle.

The two who had fun, but did not notice that a girl with a double ponytail was staring at Sun Xiaobai on the shore, and her crazy eyes were not quite right!

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