Although the girl with double ponytails was beaten, she looked soothing.

She lay on the ground in a wind-scratching posture, with a show hand on her hips at will, looking up at Sun Xiaobai's eyes, full of enjoyment ~

Come on, beat me, ah, the more you hit me, the more comfortable it is!

Sun Xiaobai looked at her little pink fist incredulously, unable to believe it, how strong was she just now?

After becoming a girl, didn't her strength become less?

The small pit in stealth beats the head!

Meow, this is not thorough enough.

The extreme anger temporarily stimulated the male strength in Sun Xiaobai's body, even more than when he was a boy!

Although subtly, Sun Xiaobai has enjoyed being a girl more and more, and has also experienced many pleasures that he could not experience before.

But after all, she had been a boy for eighteen years, and now she had only been a girl for a few months.

Deep down, I still long to restore my former majesty.

Although the power value of anger is only temporary, it will return to normal when the anger subsides, but if you let it develop, I am afraid!

Xiao Piteng, who is usually hippie and smiling, became worried for the first time.

It seems that it is going to increase its firepower, and the little motor can't stop~

At this moment, after discovering his powerful power, Sun Xiaobai is not worried about what the double ponytailed girl will do to him.

"Get out!"

At her, it was a lion roar.

However, with Sun Xiaobai's sweet voice, it seems a little hooky.

"Get out, don't be so fierce, we'll see you again~"

Unexpectedly, this time, the girl with a double ponytail did not continue to entangle.

Instead, he walked out honestly.

But who would want to see her again? Get out, being disturbed by illness is a complete accident!

After watching her leave, Sun Xiaobai quickly locked the door and checked around the house again, and then began to change clothes with confidence.

"Little white sister, why have you been so long?"

After Tian Xinxin changed his clothes, he quickly came to find Xiaobai.

But why is she still inside? It's really too slow, yes, it's not usually so slow.

"Here it comes, my stomach hurts just now, and I went to the toilet for a long time."

Sun Xiaobai quickly opened the door.

"It's okay, I'm worried about you."

Seeing that Sun Xiaobai was safe and sound, Tian Xinxin showed a shallow smile.

"Xinxin..." Originally

I felt that it was nothing when I encountered the disturbance of the sick woman, but I don't know why, but I felt aggrieved when I saw Tian Xinxin.

"Can I hug you?"

Sun Xiaobai said his inner thoughts without thinking.

"Come on~"

Tian Xinxin opened her arms and gave her a big hug!

Sun Xiaobai couldn't wait to hug him.

Wow, it's really warm, full of security.

If there is any grievance that cannot be solved by a hug, then add another hug~

"Okay, sister Xiaobai, don't be sad or sad, I will always accompany you."

Tian Xinxin didn't know what happened, but she could feel Sun Xiaobai's inner unease.

There is no need to ask more about the reason, if she wants to say it, she will naturally not hide it from herself.

It's good to give her strength silently, two people with the same heart, there is really no need to say more, they will naturally understand each other.

A pair of girlfriends passing by next to them couldn't help but scream when they saw it!

"Look, what do I see?"

"That, in fact, I think we can also..." The

two passers-by girls glanced at each other coquettishly, since then, in this world, there is one less pair of girlfriends, and another pair...

[Host, the sixth mission, it's coming, it's coming, it's really coming! ] The host needs to successfully attend the celebrity party in a week. Our slogan is, only more pits, no most pits! Determined to be a small pit with a disabled mind than ~chimi~]

sweet time is so short! The egg's system is everywhere!

Sun Xiaobai only felt confused when he heard the task?

What the hell is the party?

Beauty? Also a celebrity?

Now the system's requirements are not only to make her a girl, but also to make her a famous lady among girls? It's also too hard.

Sun Xiaobai immediately took a look at his mother, and at the critical moment, it was still good to have a mother.

She quickly learned that this was a party of celebrities who were more famous in the city, and the party had no special purpose, so everyone drank tea together, chatted, showed off their talents, and got to know each other.

It sounds simple, but how do you blend in?

Xiao Piteng said to participate! If you don't just mix in and play a waiter, you must be an invited guest.

But how to be invited, Du Niang did not give an answer.

Just like countless people asking on Du Niang, how to earn millions a month, but each one is reliable and feasible.

This kind of celebrity party is serious, but it is not a celebrity, thousands of afternoon tea about a dozen people to take photos and check in.

In an emergency, Sun Xiaobai could only ask for help from foreign aid.

"Shin Shin, do you know what a beauty party is?"

Tian Xinxin nodded, "Of course I know, our family still asked me if I wanted to go, but I pushed it."


Sun Xiaobai was very happy, but he didn't expect that there was no place to step on the iron shoes, and it didn't take any effort to get it.

Just ask, and the mission will progress!

I only knew that Xinxin's family conditions were very good, but she didn't expect that she could easily get an invitation to the party of beautiful celebrities.

"I saw the news on the Internet, saying that that kind of party is very luxurious, and I want to see it..." Sun

Xiaobai was ready to intercede with Tian Xinxin and help.

But before he spoke, Tian Xinxin agreed, "Isn't that simple?" Let's go play together! Originally, I thought that one person was boring, but two people, isn't it fun?

"Well, I'm just going to satisfy my curiosity."

Sun Xiaobai secretly rejoiced, it seems that the main task this time can be easily achieved.

The system of the pit daddy, so long to release six main quests, every day is doing side lines, when a hundred are done, she must not become a bad old woman?

But things are far from as simple as Sun Xiaobai thought.

At this time -

"However, there are talent requirements for participating in this kind of party, and if the talent is too poor and is not worthy of being called a beautiful lady, then you will be invited out of the venue."

Tian Xinxin told Sun Xiaobai.


It's me who is too stupid and naïve to believe in your little pit!

So what about amplifying the move here?

The requirement of the mission is to participate, that is, the mission fails directly halfway!

Emmmmm, the baby's heart is too bitter.

"How faceless it is to be invited out halfway, although I just go to play, but I don't want to do this, or I will learn my talent this week."

Now that's the only way.

"Well, dancing, singing, piano, zither, lute, cello, violin, guitar, saxophone, which do you like?"

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