Hearing Tian Xinxin's words, Sun Xiaobai stayed where he was!

It's not easy to be a girl, and it's even harder to be a celebrity.

She won't either, what can I do?

Is there a seven-day express course, online and so on, it's quite urgent!

"But I don't know much, so I can only study hard temporarily."

Sun Xiaobai had only obtained a Level 1 dance skill before, and he must not have reached the level of reaching the standard at the banquet.

"Then you choose one~ what are you going to learn?"

"Which is the easiest?"

Sun Xiaobai subconsciously wanted to choose a studious one.

This can't blame her for scrapping firewood, when she used to be a boy, she was very ordinary, and now she is a girl, she is also a girl who has almost no expertise except beauty.

The little pit is dark and unhappy: Xiaobaibai, why are you showing up at this point?

But it seems that if Sun Xiaobai hadn't been so wasteful, he wouldn't have bound the system, right?

Heehee, it's okay, let my little pit lead you to the peak of life~

In choosing talents, Tian Xinxin and Sun Xiaobai have different views.

"Although the time is short, we can't pick the best to learn, because everyone knows this kind of talent, and even many people perform, then the judges will have aesthetic fatigue, and the requirements will naturally be high."

It is better to learn guzheng, although there are many people who learn this kind of ancient musical instrument, but the talent show everyone will definitely choose more modern musical instruments, such as piano, violin, guitar and so on.

You are so beautiful in ancient costumes, you can also rely on styling to add points. Even if the talent is a little worse, as long as the atmosphere is in place, you can pass the level.

Sun Xiaobai was impressed.

It is worthy of her goddess, that is, clever!

If a girlfriend is like this, what can a woman ask for?

Seeing that Sun Xiaobai agreed very much, Tian Xinxin smiled happily, with a hint of pride in his expression.

She naturally has to solve more problems for her dear little white sister, because her woman, no, her girlfriend must not lose!

The next day, Sun Xiaobai began her celebrity advancement journey ~

"Hello Xiaobai, I am your guzheng teacher Su Mingyue."

A woman with long flowing hair and a figure like a weak willow supported the wind walked into the classroom.

In order to be able to learn guzheng better, Sun Xiaobai hired a guzheng teacher to teach her with a high salary.

As soon as they met, Sun Xiaobai was impressed by Su Mingyue's temperament, and her every move was full of classical gentleness, like a fresh breeze, slowly drifting into your heart.

Su Mingyue is only six or seven years older than Sun Xiaobai, but this demeanor is a true goddess!

Sun Xiaobai sighed again, she is really a waste wood who has nothing but beauty, he~

But it's not too late to learn now, right?

Xiao Pitpit nodded secretly: It's not too late, it's not late, of course it's not late! Be a good girl~ hee-hee.

Tian Xinxin sat next to Sun Xiaobai, but she didn't have that feeling at all.

Because well, there is only someone in her eyes, no matter what, Xiaobai's sister is the best and cutest one~

"Teacher Mingyue, I have no foundation."

Sun Xiaobai handed over the bottom as soon as they met.

Su Mingyue smiled gently, "I know, but it's okay, I will teach you slowly, I will definitely be able to learn."

"Well, I have that confidence too!"

Sun Xiaobai set a flag.

"Then let's learn the basics first."

Su Mingyue began to teach Sun Xiaobai patiently.

Because of the blessing of the god-level master's skills, Sun Xiaobai's memory is very good, but learning art does not rely on memory, you have to have talent!

Sun Xiaobai was born in an ordinary family, her parents did not have artistic cells, and she had not received any artistic cultivation since she was a child.

Unconsciously, Sun Xiaobai has been studying for five days, and today it is eleven o'clock at night, the teachers have been off work for a long time, and she has not left the classroom.

Sun Xiaobai's hands were bloodied by the strings, but he still insisted.

"Little white sister, don't practice, seeing you working so hard, I'm so uncomfortable."

Tian Xinxin was crying next to her, she really couldn't stand it, her heart hurt!

Sun Xiaobai did not give up.

"It's okay, Xinxin, learning things always has to suffer a little, since I'm here, I must practice well."

In the past, when he was a boy, Sun Xiaobai always had to get by.

But now, she has a lot more courage!

Even the gender has changed, such a terrible thing has been experienced, what else is there to be afraid of?

If you don't have talent, wouldn't it be enough to practice well?

The simple truth of wearing water drops and stones is that even three-year-old children know it.

Maybe ordinary people's lives are so difficult, but you can also choose to work hard, change, and counterattack! If one effort is not enough, then double, two times is not enough, then three times, there is always a time for breakthrough.

Tian Xinxin was impressed by the firmness in Sun Xiaobai's eyes.

At this moment, she seemed to see a sparkling little white sister.

Since she chose it, then silently support it!

Tian Xinxin bought medicine to treat the wound, and then stayed by Sun Xiaobai's side, quietly accompanying her.

Sun Xiaobai waited until he had made some progress in practice before leaving the classroom.

"Little white sister, I, I'm a little scared."

At this time, it was already one o'clock in the morning, and they needed to cross a small alley to get a taxi, and Tian Xinxin cowered and hid behind Sun Xiaobai.

Although Tian Xinxin usually looks very bold, she is really afraid of ghosts, woo-woo.

"Don't be afraid, I'll protect you."

Sun Xiaobai tightly protected Tian Xinxin.

The two walked through the dimly lit alley, and they had changed from fear at the beginning to romance.

Looking at the reflection that was pulled by the moonlight, there was an illusion of a past life and a present life.

I heard that people with fate must have known each other in their previous lives, so, will they have a past life, do they know each other in a previous life?

Sun Xiaobai was thinking out of his mind, and suddenly heard a woman's cry in front of him, whimpering, miserable, in this kind of night and three changes, it was particularly terrifying!

"Ah, little white sister, could it be a female ghost?"

Tian Xinxin was already so frightened that she hugged Sun Xiaobai, but she didn't jump up and hug her.

"It won't."

Sun Xiaobai is firm because she is an atheist.

She boldly dragged Tian Xinxin forward, because they had to cross this alley in order to get a taxi.

At this time, a big man suddenly broke out!

"Hehe, woman, you can't escape my palm tonight!"

The big man seemed to be drunk, his eyes were confused, and his tone was windy, but the tendon flesh on his body was particularly conspicuous.

The woman in front of him looked to be in her twenties, and she was already squatting on the ground in fear.

"How can this be true? Someone committed a crime on the street? When the Criminal Code of our country does not exist!

Sun Xiaobai was indignant.

At this time, the small pit also came to make a scene.

[The host triggers a hidden side quest to save the woman from the hands of the big man, and if the mission is successful, you will get a level 2 guzheng skill, and there is no penalty for failure of the mission.] The

following does not take up the word count.

Welcome to the little skirt.

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