Hearing the task released by Xiaokengkeng, Sun Xiaobai was a little surprised.

This is the first mission without a failure penalty, and the reward is rich, directly skipping the level 1 guzheng skill and giving a higher level 2.

It smells like charcoal in the snow.

It's not like the usual style of small pits!

Little Pithole: Praise me! I'm okay with you! Xiaobaibai ~

The main thing is that it is also very unaccustomed to this kind of scum who takes advantage of drunkenness to do evil things!

Whatever the reason, it's not an excuse to sin!

Bullying is simply not human.

With the motivation of the reward, Sun Xiaobai is more energetic, and now she feels that the dopamine in her brain is accelerating the secretion! Suddenly, a powerful force ran through the whole body.

It's like rebelling against the double ponytail girl that day.

Sun Xiaobai, who didn't understand the reason, thought that there was some kind of power, as long as he was excited, superpowers would appear.

"Stop! Let go of that girl! Sun

Xiaobai slapped a Scud, and the big man was hit in the waist, and immediately screamed.

"Who, what stupid X who does not have long eyes dares to spoil Lao Tzu's good deeds?"

The big man covered his old waist and cursed.

If he is injured in the waist, how will he drive in the future?

"It's your aunt."

Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin held hands and blocked the path of the big man!

In the moonlight, they are like two Sailor Moon.

This face, this bear, this leg,

gee.... The big man was so hungry that he even spewed saliva overnight.

"Beautiful, beautiful!"

"Two beautiful girls, let's go with Uncle Tonight! I'm one-to-two, and my waist is getting old. Seeing

the two stunning beauties, the big man had long forgotten the woman at the root of the wall.

Taking advantage of this good opportunity, Tian Xinxin hurriedly let the woman run.

Sun Xiaobai is responsible for dealing with the big man!

"Are you living in a dream? Obscene maniac! The

big man was scolded, but he was not angry, but he smiled, "My sister is very spicy, but Uncle likes it..."

But before she touched a single hair of Sun Xiaobai, she locked her arms!

Strange, the little girl's family, why is it so powerful?

Could it be a man? Lady Lady?

But that pair of ultra-luxurious waves, it is impossible.

"Do you dare to do bad things?"

Sun Xiaobai's combat effectiveness is bursting now, what about the big man?

Wasn't she caught and couldn't move?

At this moment, a strong man of one meter and eight meters, no matter how much he struggled, it was useless, he could only bow his head to the beautiful girl in front of him.

"Grandma, I was wrong, I was really wrong!"

Sun Xiaobai let go of the big man.

But unexpectedly, this man's thief's heart was not dead, and he actually came to a sneak attack!

Sun Xiaobai struck another "eighteen palms of the insect", and the big man was defeated.

"Grandma, spare me!"

In the end, the big man with a blue nose and a swollen face knelt in front of Sun Xiaobai to sincerely repent.

"Snap, snap, snap!"

Not only that, in order to show his determination, the big man also slapped himself to "play music" to make the atmosphere.

Tian Xinxin was amazed on the sidelines!

Well, when did her little white sister, the soft and weak little white sister, become so handsome and powerful?

It's really cool, she loves it!

", next time let me see you do bad things, see you beat you once."

Sun Xiaobai warned righteously!

The big man nodded repeatedly, and then ran away like a cigarette.

Scared to death, it seems that you can't underestimate the beautiful girl in the future! Maybe the more beautiful the woman, the more powerful!

After the battle, Sun Xiaobai's mood also returned to normal, and she felt that the abnormal power had also temporarily disappeared.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the side quest and successfully obtaining the level 2 guzheng skill! ] 】

Xiaokengkeng released the most conscientious task, this result, Sun Xiaobai is very satisfied.

"Little white sister, are you all right?"

Tian Xinxin came over worriedly.

"It's okay, it's okay, you see, he was beaten to the ground by me, and I have nothing to do."

Once heroic in front of the goddess, Sun Xiaobai became very spirited.

"Yes, let me see..." Tian

Xinxin did not hesitate and had to check her.

From the strands of hair to the neck, and from the shoulders to the small hands.

"Look, it's all bleeding!"

Tian Xinxin exclaimed distressedly.

Sun Xiaobai thought that he was really injured, but he didn't expect it, but he just grazed the skin with his index finger, and a trace of almost negligible blood flowed.

Ah, this seems to be the one who beat the big man countless times just now, and her delicate fingers were overwhelmed, and this was the skin broken.

It's not an injury at all!

The big man could hardly get close to her.

However, Tian

Xinxin directly took her fingers.

The soft touch hit, and there was a suction force, and Sun Xiaobai's mind instantly became blank...

Who am I?

Where am I?

I'm so cool!

No, what a mess?

Isn't it to stop bleeding with saliva and promote wound healing!

Sun Xiaobai blushed and wanted to pull his finger away, "A little bit of a small wound doesn't get in the way."

Tian Xinxin didn't listen to her, and after a full minute, she stopped moving.

Seeing that there was no blood on Bai Nen's fingers, and the wound was almost invisible, she was relieved.

"I'll put a band-aid on you when I get back, so it's good quickly."

Sun Xiaobai was stunned.

No, she's really not so squeamish!

But it's a good feeling, what's going on?

It seems to be a little squeamish, but also quite happy?

The two took a taxi together and had a good night's rest.

The next day, Tian Xinxin accompanied Sun Xiaobai again to the training institution for learning guzheng.

"Xiaobai, I heard that you practiced until the wee hours of the morning last night, and children who work as hard as you are really rare," Su Mingyue smiled and led Sun Xiaobai to the classroom, "Let's see where else you won't, the teacher will teach you well." "

Although Sun Xiaobai is not highly talented, he is really hard.

Su Mingyue liked this student in her heart, she was very literate and polite, different from those rich families who were high-spirited.

Moreover, Sun Xiaobai has spent a lot of time and energy to practice guzheng, and among girls at this age, her perseverance and diligence can be regarded as the best.

A person does not look at how she is now, but how far she can go in the future.

"Okay, then trouble Ming Yue-sensei."

It just so happened that Sun Xiaobai also wanted to give it a try to see how powerful the level 2 guzheng skill was!

Little pothole: This response should not have buried a mine, right?

Sun Xiaobai's fingers had just touched the strings of the guzheng, and he immediately felt a magical power surging.

Countless knowledge and music about the guzheng all merged into Sun Xiaobai's mind.

Although there are many and complicated things, they do not feel chaotic at all, but are clearly organized and clear-thinking.

After receiving it, Sun Xiaobai stroked the strings and began to play....

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