Originally, Sun Xiaobai didn't have much feeling for the guzheng, but now as soon as she touches it, there seems to be an invisible magic between her and the guzheng.

She slowly stroked the strings, and an elegant note popped out from her fingertips, and the sound of the piano was melodious and lingering, like the clanging of a stream of spring water, and like an ethereal and fresh orchid.

Su Mingyue was extremely surprised, those eyes widened, and she looked at Sun Xiaobai so stupidly!

It's so good, why did Sun Xiaobai's piano skills improve by leaps and bounds overnight?

The levels of guzheng are generally divided into ten levels, of which one to four are beginner, five to seven are intermediate, and eight to ten are advanced.

However, the skill level of the small pit is not the same as this level.

Now Sun Xiaobai has long surpassed the original beginner level, and has at least reached the level of seventh-level intermediate level! Ordinary people have to study for at least two years.

But with the blessing of the system, Sun Xiaobai was simply an epiphany!

Su Mingyue, who didn't know all this, thought that it was all the result of Sun Xiaobai's efforts, so she could suddenly open her mouth overnight and advance by leaps and bounds.

A master once said that genius is 1% inspiration and 99% sweat, it seems that there is nothing wrong at all!

The owner of the training institution passing by couldn't help but stop when he heard the sound of the piano.

Originally, he was just curious and wanted to listen to it for a while, but when he saw that the student inside turned out to be Sun Xiaobai, who had only signed up for six days, he was so shocked that his eyes were about to fall!

If memory serves, Sun Xiaobai was a Guzheng zero foundation before, and in such a short period of time, he has improved so fast?

This T lady is a genius!

It just so happened that after a while, there was an important competition in their institution, Sun Xiaobai had only practiced for six days, it was so powerful, and if he practiced for a few more days, wouldn't he have to go to heaven?

Her image is so good, even more stunning than female stars.

If Sun Xiaobai was allowed to participate, wouldn't the entire organization follow the long face?

The boss secretly decided that this one would be won no matter what, so that Sun Xiaobai agreed to participate.

One song was played, but the audience was still unsatisfied.

Su Mingyue said happily, "Xiaobai, you play very well, there is nothing to correct for the time being, as long as you maintain this level, I believe you will definitely be able to stand out in the competition." Before

coming, Sun Xiaobai said that she was preparing for the competition, but she didn't say that she was going to the beauty party.

"Thank you teacher for your hard work during this time!"

"Xiaobaibai, don't you thank me?" The chattering pit began again.

Sun Xiaobai rolled his eyes.

"I thank you!"

"No thanks," Xiao Piteng's face was full of arrogance, "I'll send you another hundred main quests as a gift in return."

"I XX..."

Sun Xiaobai couldn't help but burst out a series of high-level words of human "intangible cultural heritage".

You shouldn't take care of this pit!

"I'm joking~" The little pit was scolded and the dog was bloody, and quickly jumped out to explain.

After Sun Xiaobai practiced hard for another day, it was time to prepare for tomorrow's banquet.

Girls are required to wear dresses to parties, but Sun Xiaobai has none.

The price of high-grade dresses is basically more than 100,000, and Sun Xiaobai's current deposit is only more than one million, so she can take out one-tenth to buy a dress, and she is really reluctant.

Otherwise, it's still a good deal to rent!

was about to search for dresses for rent in the same city, but at this time, Tian Xinxin returned with two large bags of things.

"Little white sister, quickly try if the dress fits well."

Tian Xinxin directly handed Sun Xiaobai a pink bag.

"You got me a dress?"

Life is always full of surprises!

"yes, I hope you like it." Tian Xinxin is always so caring.

Sun Xiaobai happily took the dress and tried it on.

There are new clothes, or so beautiful new clothes, so happy~

Open the exquisite box, inside is a light yellow long dress.

The long skirt is actually open and split at the shoulders, so sexy!

The small tail is added with a light gauze design, and the whole has a fairy feeling.


Sun Xiaobai looked at a pair of QQ bombs on the lower layer of his clothes that looked like bowl-shaped things, and he didn't know what it was for a while.

Yes, it's the invisible Wen Bear!

She had seen it in the store before.

With a shy and excited mood, Sun Xiaobai began to try it on.

She had never told Tian Xinxin what her specific dimensions were, but the invisible bear was quite suitable.

The size of the dress skirt is also just right.

It was as if she had measured it herself....

I have to say that Tian Xinxin's visual ability is very good!

Wearing this dress, the whole person has become a lot gentle and ladylike.

Sun Xiaobai carried the hem of her skirt and took the most ladylike step.

When she walked to the living room, she saw Tian Xinxin's body, also wearing a yellow dress.

However, her skirt will be a little darker, almost goose yellow, and the length of the skirt is shorter, only reaching the knee.

Standing with Sun Xiaobai, one looked fairy and the other lively.

The shade of color is more advanced, the two of them don't have to do anything, just stand there, it's a beautiful pictorial.

Both seemed to be shocked by each other's beauty, and stared at each other for a long time before speaking.

The costumes are done, there is nothing else to worry about, it just happens that the party time is on the weekend, and there is no need to ask for leave, it is just perfect!

The next day, in the morning.

A luxury car was parked downstairs.

As soon as Tian Xinxin pulled Sun Xiaobai out of the door of the unit, a middle-aged housekeeper nodded at them.

"Miss, please get in the car!"

Sun Xiaobai glanced at the car and was stunned!

Take another look at the butler, stunned!

Tian Xinxin's family is really rich.

"Let's go, let's go, don't be restrained."

Tian Xinxin was very casual and directly took Sun Xiaobai to the back seat of the car.

The housekeeper took good care of them all the way, and the Rolls-Royce drove directly to the most prosperous urban area.

Then, stop at the door of a top styling studio.

Sun Xiaobai followed Tian Xinxin all the way, and when she was on the first floor, she saw many photos of stylists and stars, such as, the four heavenly kings, the four great Hua Dan, Liying, honey, baby, Nini and so on.

It seems that this one is dedicated to styling celebrities!

"Xinxin beauty, it's been beautiful again recently," stylist Jack greeted with his orchid finger, and when he saw Sun Xiaobai, he began to exclaim, "Oh buy ka, you actually brought a heavenly immortal over!"

Tian Xinxin saw the surprise in Jack's eyes, and she protected Sun Xiaobai behind her jealously.

"Little white sister confesses life, don't scare her."

Jack's gaze wandered between Tian Xinxin and Sun Xiaobai, and he seemed to understand something.

He snickered, "Don't worry, people won't rob you~" In

fact, many men who work as makeup artists and stylists are feminine, and even like more same-sex.

Tian Xinxin also understood, so he didn't get tangled much.

Sun Xiaobai sat on the chair, about to start styling, the star's royal makeup artist, I don't know how beautiful she can be?

Good! Time limit! Treat!

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