Tian Xinxin reminded Jack, "Let's make a simple costume style for Xiaobai's sister, she wants to play the guzheng."

Jack gestured "OK."

An hour and a half later.

Sun Xiaobai looked at himself in the mirror, his face full of disbelief!


How can she be so beautiful!

If Sun Xiaobai was already a peerless beauty before, then now after some careful carving, she is simply like a fairy in the Guanghan Palace, with a superb temperament, rare in the world, and there is no trace of human fireworks on her body.

Sun Xiaobai stared at the beauty in the mirror in such shock.

She froze for a second, two seconds... One minute.

Until the sound of the system broke this peace (self) silence (love).

[The host triggers a hidden side quest, please successfully talk to five passers-by within twenty minutes.]

The content of the conversation is simple, just ask "Am I beautiful?" ", another orchid finger, smile shyly, no matter what reaction passers-by have, it is a success.

Successful missions will result in a level 5 guzheng skill, and a failed guzheng skill will be reduced to level 1. What


Could it be that Xiao Pitkeng saw her so narcissistic that he couldn't stand it?

Just let her be narcissistic to the end?

But...... How could she possibly do such a humiliating thing?

Is it really not considered a snake essence disease and narcissist!

But without doing tasks, it is even more impossible.

There was no too much entanglement, just at this time Shin Shin was also going to start wearing makeup, she had time.

"Wow, you're so beautiful-"

Tian Xinxin's eyes straightened when she saw Sun Xiaobai at this moment.

She seemed to have a strange feeling in her heart, like a deer bumping.

Tian Xinxin held a pale yellow costume coat in her hand, with delicate embroidery of lilies of the same color, and the lilies bloomed, in an elegant and fresh tone, and exuded nobility.

She put it on for Sun Xiaobai with her own hands, and also intimately tied a bow around her waist.

The design of this complete set of clothes is magical.

Take off the outer coat, and inside is a modern dress long dress, but wearing the outer coat, it is no different from a period costume.

"Shin Shin, you will definitely be more beautiful than me. I sat and put on makeup for so long, and I had a little back pain, so I went outside to breathe first. "

Sun Xiaobai has long thought of an excuse to leave! Perfect!

"Okay, then you are a girl's family, pay attention to safety."

Thinking that Sun Xiaobai had hidden good skills, Tian Xinxin was much relieved than before.

Sun Xiaobai carried her skirt and walked downstairs, the costume was really inconvenient, if it weren't for the lack of time, she would definitely take off her coat.

But well, it looks good!

Sun Xiaobai came to the street, and before she could speak, the eyes of countless passers-by automatically focused on her.

"Fairy sister, fairy sister is down!"

Someone exclaimed as if he had never seen the world.

They are all veterans of tasks, and Sun Xiaobai only twisted for a minute, and then walked towards a young mother with a child.

"Am I beautiful?"

Sun Xiaobai squatted down and looked at the little girl five or six years old with a smile.

She gently cocked her orchid fingers, like a fairy coming out of a painting.

"Mom, she is a Chang'e fairy, has the fairy sister come to me~" The

little girl waved the fairy stick in her hand, with a small excitement on her face.

【Drip! The first passerby picked up successfully. ]

Sun Xiaobai was not regarded as a pervert, she was very lucky! It seems that the treatment of being a beautiful woman is really good.

Now that the task was completed, she quickly explained a wave, "Excuse me, I'm actually doing a live broadcast task." "

The excuse was perfect!

Since getting on the thief ship in the small pit, Sun Xiaobai has gradually learned a little bit of fur.

"It's okay, the child likes you very much, why don't you take a picture?"

The young mother not only believed it, but was also quite happy.


After taking the group photo, Sun Xiaobai went to find the next target.

I didn't expect that this group photo would soon set off an uproar...

Next, Sun Xiaobai selected a few passers-by who looked at the good temper to carry out the task, and soon, the system's reminders kept ringing.

【Drip! The second passerby picked up successfully. 】


【Drip! The fifth passerby picked up successfully. The

most interesting thing is that the last fat passerby asked Sun Xiaobai all the way, where is the live broadcast? Said to form a group to tip her! There are more than 500 people in their village, all of them love to watch live broadcasts, and it is common to give tips, if nothing else, just for an old iron 666.

Happy, how?

Sun Xiaobai pushed that it was a small platform live broadcast, and he would have to edit what was busy later, so he would run away.

Otherwise, this lie will not know how to go down.

This year, become a beautiful woman and someone chases to send tips?

The one who gave the tip was still a woman! It's outrageous!

There are also many passers-by watching, after all, such a stunning beauty, they have only seen it on TV.

Some people even secretly recorded a small video, and then posted it on a certain sound, a certain hand, Xigua, today's post and other popular platforms.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the side quest and successfully obtaining the level 5 guzheng skill! ] 】

Level 2 guzheng skills all make the teacher shout genius, so the power of level 5? It's a little hard to imagine.

This wave of blood earnings, not a loss~

Sun Xiaobai returned to the top styling design room in a happy mood, sat and brushed a certain sound, played games, and after Tian Xinxin put on makeup, he went to the beauty celebrity party with her.

This gathering was very loud, and dozens of celebrities from all over the city participated.

The venue was chosen in a scenic villa, which is spacious and more realistic.

After driving for almost two hours, I finally arrived at the villa.

Sun Xiaobai had just got off the car and was shocked by the luxury here!

The average villa is about three or four floors, but this villa has a full eight floors, and the decoration is extremely luxurious, with a sense of déjà vu of an ancient European-style castle.

"Two young ladies, please show your invitation."

The security guard at the door checked the invitation, and at this time, Sun Xiaobai seemed to see a familiar figure.

Double ponytail girl?

But the girl flashed and hurried in, not sure if it was her.

It's better not, that kind of sickness, or less contact is better! Don't get into trouble!

"Little white sister, what are you looking at?"

Tian Xinxin suddenly became a little nervous!

There are many beautiful and elegant celebrities here today, shouldn't Little White Sister be blinded by them?

"It's nothing, I just think it's beautiful here."

"It's more beautiful inside, let's go in~"

Tian Xinxin naturally held Sun Xiaobai's hand, as if he was swearing something.

They had just walked in, when a gorgeous woman caught up with them in a panic!

"Mrs. Ouyang is good."

The security guards bowed in unison and treated her with all respect.

At first glance, she is a middle-aged woman with quite an identity.

The woman asked, "Who was the girl just now?!" "

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