As soon as Mrs. Ouyang's words came out, the audience was in an uproar!

Why not use scoring?

Everyone knows that Mrs. Ouyang's temper has always been very strange.

Can't such a brilliant guzheng play pass the test?

Zhang Meng was even more gloating.

Before she thought that she was excellent in piano skills, the judges also gave her positive feedback, believing that she would be able to suppress Sun Xiaobai fiercely.

But the result is completely the opposite!

When she heard Sun Xiaobai's guzheng song, the whole person was dumbfounded.

How is this possible?

Is this going against the rhythm of the sky?

A few days ago, didn't Sun Xiaobai's guzheng level stay at level seven?

But now it is far more than level seven, directly reaching the full level, and even more outstanding than the full level!

At that moment, Zhang Meng only felt that her face hurt very much, and the feeling of "snapping" hitting her face, no one felt more real than her!

Originally, I thought that Sun Xiaobai would also pass the pass smoothly, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Although I don't know where Sun Xiaobai provoked Mrs. Ouyang, this Mrs. Ouyang is the organizer of the celebrity party, and she is also the top noble lady in the circle of celebrities, who dares not follow what she says?

God help me too! The corner of Zhang Meng's mouth hooked a gloomy smile.

She sat and waited for Sun Xiaobai to be invited out of the venue in full view, and that humiliating feeling would definitely make her have no place to live with, right?

Even, Zhang Meng secretly began to record the video, she was ready to find an opportunity to pass the video to the person in charge of the guzheng training institution at that time, let him know how wasted the genius he wanted to promote to participate in the competition was!

Even participating in the beauty celebrity party was eliminated, such a person, is it really suitable to participate?

She Zhang Meng is the most suitable candidate, okay!

"Mrs. Ouyang, what do you mean..."

the judge next to Mrs. Ouyang asked respectfully.

Although they felt regretful, if this was Mrs. Ouyang's decision, then they could only eliminate Sun Xiaobai.

"You don't even understand me?" Mrs. Ouyang glanced at the judges, her face showing dissatisfaction, "Are you not familiar with the rules of the judges?!" At

this time, the judges suddenly had an epiphany!

He said excitedly, "Mrs. Ouyang, that Miss Sun Xiaobai is the best beauty in this scene?"

Mrs. Ouyang bowed her head slightly in approval.

The audience was originally quiet, but when they heard what the judges said, they immediately couldn't sit still, and everyone whispered.

"Best Lady? What is this name? I haven't heard of it before.

"Naturally, it is the first in this field, to be honest, Sun Xiaobai is very talented, completely deserves this name, just listened to her guzheng song "Four Duan Jin", I almost thought that this is a national performance conference, it is really excellent."

"I remember that just now there was also a famous lady who played "Four Duan Jin", it is general, you can achieve it after two or three years of practice, in fact, I thought it was good when I listened to it before, but now compared with Sun Xiaobai, I understand what it means to crush these four words!" It's not a level at all! If I hadn't known in advance that the names of the songs were the same, I would have thought they were two different songs!

Zhang Meng, who was sitting not far away, turned white with anger, and his body was trembling slightly!

Originally, she wanted to crush Sun Xiaobai with strength, but now she is completely the opposite!

How the hell did she learn it? Could it be a spell? How could it be possible to achieve such a leap and bounds in such a short period of time?

After the judges received Mrs. Ouyang's affirmation, he took the microphone and walked to the center of the stage.

"The beauty celebrity party has been held many times, but there are very few who can be awarded the title of the best beauty lady by Mrs. Ouyang herself. It's been three years since we won this award. But today, Miss Sun Xiaobai successfully impressed Mrs. Ouyang with a guzheng "Four Duan Jin" and broke the record for three years! Here, congratulations to Miss Sun Xiaobai, your excellence is obvious to all.

Sun Xiaobai, who was waiting in the center of the stage, was a little unbelievable.

Did she really get such a powerful title?

Wow, it's a bit powerful!

"Thank you for your affirmation." Sun Xiaobai bowed to the judges, and also bowed to Mrs. Ouyang.

At that moment, Mrs. Ouyang, who had always been unsmiling, suddenly drew a smile at the corner of her mouth.

She bowed her head slightly at Sun Xiaobai, and her gentle eyes were simply like the two of them in normal times!

The judges next to them were shocked! Is this the sun hitting the west coming out? Or is Mars going to collide with Earth? Their Lady Ouyang turned out to be... Laughed!

Sun Xiaobai looked at Mrs. Ouyang, and always felt that the other party's eyes seemed to be unusual.

It was as if Mrs. Ouyang had known her!

However, in Sun Xiaobai's impression, she had never met such a rich and graceful lady.

Maybe it's just an illusion.

The venue ceremonial holding a tray, a rose made of red gemstones lying quietly in the center of the tray, emitting an incomparably noble light, which is the status symbol of the best beauty lady.

The host of the venue began to announce, "Please Miss Sun Xiaobai..."

At this time, Zhang Meng stood up indignantly!

Looking at Sun Xiaobai, who was once not as powerful as herself, and now she has become the best beauty celebrity, she hates her teeth. No matter what, she can't be allowed to get the first place so easily!

A person who was a seventh-level guzheng level a few days ago is now even more powerful than the full level, who believes it?

It must be Sun Xiaobai who is ghosting!

"This young lady, what is the matter?" The host of the venue did not expect that someone would make a fork at this moment.

Zhang Meng glanced at Sun Xiaobai and loudly accused, "Sun Xiaobai is not worthy of being the best beauty lady at all, because her guzheng skills are completely fake. We are studying at the same guzheng training institution, a few days ago she was only at the level of level seven, how could she improve so quickly in a short period of time? It must be a ghost! I've heard that there is a top-of-the-line hypnotism that hypnotizes multiple people in a short period of time, producing a horrible effect that confuses illusion with reality.

"Even the top hypnotism has moved out, Zhang Meng, what evidence do you have?" Xiaobai's guzheng level is obvious to everyone, could it be that so many people have entered a hypnotic state? You have such a rich and touching imagination, why don't you write novels? "

Tian Xinxin really can't stand it!

Bullying Xiaobai's sister in front of her is absolutely unbearable!

A stone stirred up a thousand waves, most people did not believe it, after all, Zhang Meng's statement was too absurd. However, there are also a few people who are skeptical and look forward to the follow-up tearing war with a melon-eating mentality!

Zhang Meng hurriedly shouted, "Don't believe it, I have proof!" "

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