Zhang Meng quickly showed the videos and photos in her mobile phone to the judges.

In the video, Sun Xiaobai is playing guzheng in the classroom, and her playing level is exactly the seventh level of guzheng mentioned in Zhang Meng's mouth, which is completely incomparable with the current master-level playing level! And the date of shooting of the video is exactly a few days ago!

"Sun Xiaobai entered the guzheng training institution a week before the start of the beauty party, and this photo has his detailed enrollment information, and he is a zero-based enrollment, and the registration form is clearly written."

Zhang Meng explained in detail to everyone, and she said indignantly, "So, how can she be promoted to the level of almost a master in a few days?" What others can do in ten or twenty years, she can do in a few days? It's definitely a scam! I hope the judges will keep their eyes open and investigate clearly.

"Is it true? It really won't improve so fast in a short time, and it's not a super accelerator! "

Seeing that Zhang Meng has so much solid information in his hands, some people have begun to change their attitude and choose to believe Zhang Meng!

Zhang Meng finally succeeded in turning the tide, and she evoked a sinister smile.

"I did only attend the training for a week."

Just as everyone was talking, Sun Xiaobai suddenly spoke.

And as soon as he opened his mouth, he actually wanted to blow himself up?

Everyone present immediately pricked up their ears, ready to listen to what amazing truth Sun Xiaobai would tell next!

But what she didn't expect was that she suddenly changed her tone.

"But my guzheng skills are real."

Sun Xiaobai looked at Zhang Meng and asked, "You said I was hypnotized, so how did you find out?" "

I... I had learned a little bit about this in my spare time before, so I escaped it. Zhang Meng immediately started talking nonsense.

"So you wake up alone when everyone is drunk?"

Sun Xiaobai's thinking is quite clear now, and his counterattack is also fast.


I don't know if you have ever had such a feeling, often silent when arguing, but after the dispute, I think of a lot of powerful counter-attack words, and then I will be very annoyed, how did I not expect it at that time!

Sun Xiaobai had such an experience before, but now, never again.

She continued, "Since you can't believe me, how about we compare it with each other by playing a song "Four Duan Jin"? Zhang

Meng's face obviously showed a look of panic! Playing with Sun Xiaobai, wouldn't her playing strength be exposed?

Zhang Mengcai would not do such a stupid thing!

"Your rank is so high, you have deceived so many people present, if I play with you, I will definitely be hypnotized by you."

Sun Xiaobai smiled lightly, "Since you are so easily hypnotized, how can you prove that you are awake now?" "

Zhang Meng: . .

Panicked, she was completely panicked!

How could Sun Xiaobai find the flaws in her words so easily? React so quickly?

"This young lady is a fool of herself, but she is going to be directly kicked out of the venue, are you not agreeing because of your weakness?"

Mrs. Ouyang, who had been quiet in the judges' table for a long time, suddenly said to Zhang Meng sharply!

Sun Xiaobai was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, this plain Mrs. Ouyang would actually help her speak.

Zhang Meng began to mess with herself, and she hurriedly shouted, "Of course not, it's better than that!" I will let everyone know who is hiding from the sky and the sea, and will stop at nothing in order to show the limelight! "

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