Mrs. Ouyang said coldly, "She hasn't apologized yet. Hearing

these six words, Zhang Meng was like someone pouring cold water from the top of his head, and his heart was cold!

"Yes, I must apologize to Xiaobai!" Tian Xinxin also got up and asked firmly.

Zhang Meng is so resistant!

They have already sent her to a psychiatric hospital, isn't it enough, and they have to apologize?

But in the blink of an eye, Zhang Meng suddenly thought, as long as she apologizes, then she can get out, right?

She looked at Sun Xiaobai and pretended to be full of remorse.

"Xiaobai, I'm sorry, I did something wrong, I shouldn't have wronged you, your guzheng is so good, it's just a heavenly sound, and I'm a trash!"

"Please, spare me, okay? I apologize to you, I admit my mistake with you, I don't dare anymore! Zhang

Meng cried miserably, and even did not hesitate to be cruel to himself!

Directly "snapped" and "snapped" twice in the face.

Faced with this situation, Sun Xiaobai was silent, and had to say that the improvement of reaction ability was powerful, and she now clearly saw that Zhang Meng was making bitter meat schemes!

"Xiaobai, Sister Bai, please give me a chance to rehabilitate, you can let me do anything..." Zhang

Meng saw that Sun Xiaobai did not speak, and actually wanted to pull her more cheekily to intercede, but due to the restraint of the security guard, he could only struggle in various ways, and it seemed that he was no different from a madman.

At this moment, Mrs. Ouyang said sharply: "Since you have apologized, don't you bring it with you?"


The security guards wanted to pull Zhang Meng away again, this time without accident, she was really going to be sent to a psychiatric hospital.

But she was unwilling!

She just did something bad once, why should she be punished?

"No, not me, I'm not the mastermind! Mrs. Ouyang, Fu Shutong secretly instigated me! At the beginning, Xiaobai's clothes were also deliberately soiled by Fu Shutong..." Zhang

Meng felt that he had reached the point of being cornered.

At this time, it would be nice if you could pull someone down to cushion your back!

When discussing with Fu Shutong to deal with Sun Xiaobai before, most of them were Zhang Meng's ideas, of course, Fu Shutong also made bad things together.

But only the two of them knew about this matter.

If she could put all the fault on Fu Shutong, then maybe Mrs. Ouyang could let her go.

"You guys actually discussed it in advance? Say it! Mrs. Ouyang raised her eyebrows, a little displeased.

"No, Zhang Meng is talking nonsense, isn't she mentally ill?"

Fu Shutong hurriedly jumped out to speak.

Just now, the housekeeper Gui Lan said that he would send Zhang Meng to a psychiatric hospital, and Fu Shutong was really frightened.

Because of this, she was also involved.

Fu Shutong originally wanted to lower her sense of existence as much as possible, but she didn't expect that Zhang Meng would be finished by herself, and she even wanted to drag her into the water?

"You are nonsense, you have long planned it, because you are worried about being robbed of the limelight by Xiaobai, you first soiled Xiaobai's skirt with coffee, and then got me costume clothes, copied Xiaobai's styling creativity, and even made me temporarily change the performance repertoire and replace it with a guzheng song exactly the same as Xiaobai."

In order to be able to get out, Zhang Meng said a lot in one breath.

Then, she looked at Mrs. Ouyang with a particularly sincere gaze, "Mrs. Ouyang, what I said is the truth, if I lie to you, my ancestor of the Zhang family will be slashed by lightning!"

Zhang dreamed that now as long as he could deceive Mrs. Ouyang.

Just let the ancestor sacrifice for the time being, anyway, swearing is not necessarily effective.

Everyone listened and was shocked!

Is there such a shameless person under heaven?

If you don't swear by yourself, you swear by others, especially by your own ancestors.

How unconnected she is, she is simply "filial piety" and powerful!

Zhang Meng worked so hard, Fu Shutong was naturally not far behind!

She was originally fine, but now she was dragged into the water by Zhang Meng, this slut, doesn't she talk about sisterhood at all?

Since this is the case, there is no need for her to show mercy!

"Mrs. Ouyang, the approximate history of this matter is what Zhang Meng said, but the mastermind is Zhang Meng, not me, I didn't do anything, I just accidentally spilled a cup of coffee."

Speaking of this, Zhang Meng took out his mobile phone and played a recording.

In the recording, Zhang Meng's voice came, "Shu Tong, you don't have to do anything, just pretend to accidentally spill coffee on Sun Xiaobai's skirt."

Fu Shutong: "This is not good, right? What if someone finds out?

Zhang Meng: "What's not good, don't worry, as long as you pretend not to be careful, even if you are discovered, you bite to death and don't admit it, who can take you?" "

That's the end of the recording.

Fu Shutong recorded only the part that was beneficial to herself.

When Zhang Meng heard this, his face turned the color of pig liver!

"Slut, you are a green tea watch, dead Bilian, you actually recorded behind my back? Stupid X..."

Zhang Meng is now jumping off the wall, and he can't take care of so much, and a series of uncivilized words rushed out, which is simply unbearable.

The security guard hurriedly gagged her.

Is this still a little bit of a celebrity, it's just a madman!

"Zhang Meng, you did this kind of thing, don't push back and block, go to the psychiatric hospital for examination first, it is important to cure the disease, you and I are friends after all, I will take the time to see you." Fu Shutong said fakely.

At this time, Gui Lan tuned out the previous surveillance video, "Mrs. Ouyang, look." In

the video, it is indeed Fu Shutong who pretends to accidentally pour coffee on Sun Xiaobai's body, and Zhang Meng's costume when he first entered was not a costume, and when he came on, he suddenly changed to a yellow costume, which is very similar to Sun Xiaobai's appearance.

Mrs. Ouyang looked at it for a while, and she spoke, "Since the two of them are confused, let's go to the psychiatric hospital for examination together!" "

Mrs. Ouyang has long seen very clearly that Zhang Meng and Fu Shutong are conspiring, and both of them have bad hearts!

What the?

Fu Shutong was stunned!

She took out the recording, why should she also be sent to a psychiatric hospital?


Fu Shutong just wanted to ask for intercession, but was detained by the security guard.


Zhang Meng laughed maniacally, although she couldn't put all the fault on Fu Shutong, but it was not bad to be able to drag her into the water to accompany herself!

Fu Shutong saw Zhang Meng smiling so happily, she really couldn't help it!

Fu Shutong didn't know where to get such a lot of strength, and the security guard didn't pay attention for a while, so she rushed up and scuffled with Fu Shutong.

All kinds of hair pushing shoulders, the scene is unbearable!

Crazy, crazy, really crazy!

The security guard quickly stepped forward and took the two people away.

The banquet finally returned to calm.

Sun Xiaobai also saw it for the first time, it turns out that it is really not easy to be a girl!

When encountering such a vicious girl with bad intentions, if she is not a little guarded, she will really fall into the pit.

Isn't it good to be a simple, cute and loving girl?

Do you have to fight me like this?

Sun Xiaobai really didn't understand!

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