"I announce that Sun Xiaobai is the best beauty of the year!"

The host announced loudly.

The people in the audience exclaimed, they simply agreed!

Sun Xiaobai's guzheng is really good, everyone is a girl, why is she so good?

Love love~

Tian Xinxin looked at the cheers of the people around her, and she suddenly had a strange feeling in her heart.

I can't say it, it's sour, well, it's uncomfortable! Panic!

After Sun Xiaobai stepped down, Tian Xinxin quickly threw a warm hug at her~

"Sister Xiaobai, you are really amazing, I am proud of you."

"Xinxin, I should thank you, you accompany me to practice guzheng, accompany me to the banquet, without you, I definitely can't get this title."

Sun Xiaobai looked at Tian Xinxin, and his eyes became so gentle~

Every time he saw her, he felt that his heart was soft.

The other celebrities around saw the two of them interacting so happily, and they actually smelled a trace of unusual "Ji" love!

Is a good girlfriend so tired and crooked?

Are they really pure friendship?

Mrs. Ouyang naturally saw this scene.

She was in disbelief! His face gradually became grim.


In a secluded room on the second floor.

The double ponytailed girl looked at Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin who were hugging each other downstairs through the small window, and her expression became dull!


Let go of that girl, she's mine... It's mine!

The eyes of the girl with two ponytails gradually became crazy, and the strong possessiveness made her want to break free from the rope bound to her hand.


Having won the title of the best beauty celebrity, Sun Xiaobai was a little flattered!

She used to be a boy, but now she is not only a girl, but also the best lady, which really makes people feel the magic of fate.

After the best lady was selected, the banquet ended quickly, and the reminder of the small pit came on time.

[Host: Congratulations on completing your sixth mission! ] 】


Tian Xinxin and Sun Xiaobai went back hand in hand, such a beautiful moment, of course, to celebrate

~ The two had a happy meal together, life is sweet and sweet~

Because these days, Sun Xiaobai practiced guzheng a little hard, so he fell asleep early at night.

She had no idea what a shocking thing would happen the next day!

The next day was Sunday, and Sun Xiaobai was going to sleep in, but it was only seven o'clock in the morning, and her phone was bombarded!

It's really annoying to suddenly be woken up by someone in a warm bed!

Are there so many scam calls now? Start a series of calls early in the morning, it's really terrible!

I already knew that I should set the ringtone to vibrate before going to bed.

Sun Xiaobai, who was angry to get up, pouted angrily, and wanted to hang up the phone, but he didn't expect to press it to answer.

"Is it Sun Xiaobai?"

"It's not!"

The liar is so pervasive that she even knows her real name?

Sun Xiaobai was about to hang up the phone, but the other party hurriedly said, "Don't hang up, give me thirty seconds!" We saw one of your audio and video and felt that you have great potential, we are a live broadcast operation company with tens of millions of Internet celebrities, and we have launched five Internet celebrities with tens of millions of fans, I believe that the next one is you..."

Sun Xiaobai looked at it for almost thirty seconds, and then hung up the phone directly.

What is such an audio and video?

She didn't send it again!

Although she has an account, she has always silently brushed videos, liked, and even commented very little.

So are the tricks of scammers so deep now?

Sun Xiaobai was about to continue sleeping, but saw Tian Xinxin on the side wake up, holding the mobile phone in his hand, and shook Sun Xiaobai's shoulder with an excited face!

"Little white sister, I brushed your video yes~ Many people liked, all millions, this page views are at least tens of millions!"

Video, what video?

Sun Xiaobai was a little confused!

Although she is now a girl, she will still be a little unable to accept her current identity.

Although there are many narcissistic times, they will not take a video and post it everywhere.

"Shin Shin, what is the video?"

Sun Xiaobai leaned over and snuggled right next to Tian Xinxin's shoulder.

"Look, it's this, hee-hee, were you doing something yesterday, it's so cute."

Tian Xinxin played the video repeatedly, and she was simply overwhelmed.

Oh, her little white sister, wearing ancient costumes is simply peerless~

Even if she goes back a thousand years, her little white sister must be a beautiful woman who has fallen in love with the country.

Sun Xiaobai hurried over to look.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, it's scary to see it!

Isn't this exactly the time yesterday when she asked others if she was beautiful or not in order to complete the task of the small pit?

Which one secretly filmed, heaven kill!

Whew, is she still going to live?

It's so shameful, how can I be seen by Shin Shin?

This kind of author, who is tantamount to writing a novel, was suddenly brushed by an acquaintance to her novel, and there was a burst of ridicule, ah, there is a feeling of social death!

Help, not alive~

Sun Xiaobai quickly snatched the mobile phone!

"No, no, no, that's not me, you read it wrong, don't look at it, don't wow."

Sun Xiaobai hurriedly denied a series of denials, and his panicked little appearance really made people lovely, how much they were loved.

I don't know why, although the small pit has improved her reflexes, as long as she is in front of Tian Xinxin, she is suddenly beaten back to her original form, and it is always easy to be overwhelmed.

Tian Xinxin suddenly raised her careful thoughts!

"Really, but I see that person looks a lot like you."

Tian Xinxin deliberately leaned over and nodded the tip of Sun Xiaobai's nose~


Sun Xiaobai was excited.

It's like a kitten whooping on its tail, cute, beautiful, and can't help but want to be more teased.


Tian Xinxin liked to see Sun Xiaobai at a loss, and she was even more aggressive now, and she actually started directly!

I go, why do you feel a little exciting?

Tian Xinxin's hand lightly tapped Sun Xiaobai's eyebrows, eyes, nose, and mouth.

"Willow leaf eyebrows, gentle water-like eyes, small and delicate nose, and cherry small mouth ~ It's so similar, it's exactly the same, it's not you, who else?"

Xiaobai really fully stimulated Tian Xinxin's literary brilliance, and described it so vividly~

Sun Xiaobai is a little embarrassed, does she look so good-looking?

Oops, it's a heartwarming feeling!

Whether it is a boy or a girl, her strong heartbeat feeling for Tian Xinxin has never stopped.

But...... But she's a girl now!

Thinking of this, Sun Xiaobai's mood was a little messy.

She was a little annoyed and subconsciously didn't want to face it.

"Sister Xiaobai, don't be so embarrassed, we are all so familiar, give me your mobile phone, let me appreciate your beauty more~"

Tian Xin was pleased to see that Sun Xiaobai did not speak, so he leaned in again.

"If it doesn't give it to you, it won't give it to you!"

Who expected that one scramble, and the two actually rolled out of bed in unison....

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