
Sun Xiaobai looked at Tian Xinxin, who was close at hand, and his little heart plopped non-stop.

Well, how can she still be so easily shy!

No, get over it!

Sun Xiaobai secretly started his hand and pinched Tian Xinxin's waist.

Tian Xinxin softened, and the mobile phone clenched by the little pink fist fell, just in time to be picked up by Sun Xiaobai~ This time it was Tian Xinxin's

turn to blush shyly, and the ears and neck roots were pink and tender colors.

She was surprised and delighted, what, why did she pinch herself? Could it be....

This picture is so beautiful that I can't imagine it~

Xiao Hang Pit secretly snickered: It must be played at 0.5 times slow speed! Give Ye Chong!

Who expected Sun Xiaobai to hold the mobile phone and think proudly, this is good, Xinxin can't watch her video, perfect!

The small pit is angry to deform, don't instigate your sister!

It looks like it's time to show some tricks.

[Host triggers hidden side quests, please run a certain sound account with Tian Xinxin, and shoot ten videos according to the script. ] Successful mission will gain level 2 piano skills, mission failure, host and Tian Xinxin play handstand kiss together. This side quest comes with a Level 1 piano function before proceeding. Sun

Xiaobai heard that the task exploded again!

Handstand, still kissing?

This, this, this... Not quite, right?

But why is there a faint expectation in my heart?

The system is an improper system at a glance, and it broke her

~ [drop~]

Sun Xiaobai's mobile phone immediately received an email, and the content of the electronic document attached was the script of ten videos.

She clicked on it and was instantly dumbfounded!

Dance Latin dance together, play four-handed together, drag together, dress up together...

How does this look wrong!

Doing so many things together, how can there be a rhythm that cultivates feelings?

Did she misunderstand?

Could it be that the small pit was just to pit her?

However, there is a small excitement in the heart, come on~

What should I do to have a reasonable excuse?

Sun Xiaobai suddenly remembered the phone call in the morning, and when she went to school, she immediately dialed it while class was over.

Before Sun Xiaobai could speak, the other party said happily.

"Miss Sun, I've been waiting for your call!"

Sun Xiaobai asked, "You are a live broadcast operation company?" Do you also operate a certain audio account?

"Of course, our business is very extensive, live broadcasting, account operation, promotion and so on. How about we make an appointment for a detailed interview? How do you see six o'clock tonight? "

The other party wants to interview Sun Xiaobai as soon as possible, such a potential rookie, of course, the sooner it is finalized, the better!" Moreover, they finally got Sun Xiaobai's contact information at the first time, and took advantage of the fact that other companies had not yet taken action, and took the cooperation first!

"Yes, what do you call it?"

"I am Zhou Hong, the manager of Yawen Media."


When the last class in the afternoon ended, Sun Xiaobai sent a message to Tian Xinxin.

"Xinxin, I have something to do at night, go out first, and I won't eat together."

"What the matter, God is mysterious."

Tian Xinxin suddenly became a little flustered and uncertain.

Should Sister Xiaobai be hiding something from her?

This feeling is really strange, two months ago, Tian Xinxin saw Qian Yixuan and a girl kissing on the street will not feel uncomfortable, just feel disgusting.

On the spot, Tian Xinxin calmly broke up in the past.

Unexpectedly, Qian Yixuan instead said all kinds of bad things to Tian Xinxin, accusing her of never letting herself touch it, and she couldn't even hold hands, was there something wrong?

At that time, Tian Xinxin didn't feel that there was anything wrong, but just refuted him, love is slowly understood, and they haven't reached that step.

Although Tian Xinxin has a more outgoing personality, he has never talked about a boyfriend before this, and before going to college, his family has been relatively strict, and he only allowed it after entering college.

Tian Xinxin accepted Qianyixuan with the idea of giving it a try, and at that time, Qianyixuan confessed that Tian Xinxin also went to the basketball court to bring him water.

I just don't know why, every time Qian Yixuan tried to get close to her, wanted to pull her hand or have any intimate behavior, Tian Xinxin felt very disgusting, and directly pushed away!

Even, I don't want to meet him or date, but I feel that being with Xiaobai's sister is the most comfortable.

Now seeing the news that Xiaobai's sister suddenly said that she would not eat together at night, Tian Xinxin had deep self-doubt.

Shouldn't she be real... Probably not?

Sun Xiaobai quickly replied to Tian Xinxin, "Xinxin, the audio and video you watched this morning is on fire, and someone is looking for me to cooperate." "

So it is!

Tian Xinxin immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Little white sister, this is also great! How about I go with you?"

"I would also like to go with you, but when it comes to some cooperation matters, I can only go alone."

Sun Xiaobai thought, she can't let Xinxin find out!

How embarrassing it is otherwise!

Tian Xinxin was stunned.

The emotions of grievance suddenly surged in my heart, and it was still very sour.

It was as if a pot of aged vinegar had been knocked over in the air, or stored at the thousand-year-old level!

Eh, it's almost sour to the point that she suffocated!

Who the hell is she going to meet?

Is it really just about cooperation?

Damn, why are you so sensitive and worried?

Despite this, Tian Xinxin still didn't say anything.

Why don't you go along and take a look?

So, Tian Xinxin came to Sun Xiaobai's classroom and just saw her leave the classroom.

Tian Xinxin quickly followed and secretly followed her to a café.

As soon as Sun Xiaobai stepped into the café, she saw a workplace beauty in her thirties wearing a suit and skirt waving at her.

"Little white beauty!"

Zhou Hong came forward very enthusiastically.

At the first glance of the meeting, I was amazed by Xiaobai!

She is also so good-looking, it is almost like an artist's exquisite work of art, it is simply beautiful, it is simply bubbling!

Compared with the video, it is not inferior, even more temperamental, and the figure is quite good.

Now is the era of short videos, the Internet is full of all kinds of works and jokes, the most lacking of which is beautiful and handsome guys.

But in fact, it is not the same thing, the beautiful handsome guys in short videos grab a handful, but they are rare in life.

With the blessing of heavy filters, many people's facial features are distorted, and many of them are atmospheric beauties.

Before this meeting, Zhou Hong was mentally prepared.

Looking at that explosive video, Sun Xiaobai is indeed against the sky, and he will be more or less different, right?

Zhou Hong has seen a lot of short video beauties, to be honest, real people are only 80% of the appearance of the video at most, or on the basis of not removing makeup.

But Sun Xiaobai really surprised her! It's more beautiful and dynamic than the feeling in the video.

"Manager Zhou, hello!"

Sun Xiaobai greeted politely.

The two sat down and began to talk in detail.

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