"Xiaobai beauty, this is our Yawen Media's profile, let me introduce it to you first..." Sun

Xiaobai listened carefully for a while, it is really a good company, and if she operates an audio and video account, the company can provide all the shooting equipment and track and guide the whole process.

I just don't know, the conditions she proposed, will the other party agree?

Anyway, try it in order to complete the task!

Sun Xiaobai sorted out her thoughts, and I have to say that after her reaction ability improved, her thinking was also much more agile!

"My idea is this, I have a total of ten video scripts here, I want to shoot with my good friends, as far as I know, shooting videos does not take too long, about a day can be done, you have existing shooting resources, if the video is popular The account can accumulate a lot of fans, if there is no fire, it will delay a day, it must be a stable transaction for your company."

Zhou Hong was surprised when she heard it!

That's right, but now everyone wants to become an Internet celebrity to make a lot of money, the opportunity to explode is in front of them, but Sun Xiaobai is unmoved?

Did she just want to make some short videos?

However, using Sun Xiaobai's current super popularity to shoot a certain sound is indeed a very heartwarming thing!

"Of course, this kind of cooperation is possible, but I don't know if after shooting ten short videos, does Xiaobai Beauty have the idea of signing our company?"

Zhou Hong looked at Sun Xiaobai and threw an olive branch to her.

At this time, Tian Xinxin, who secretly observed the movement through the glass window, a jealous emotion arose!


How did you talk for so long?

Help, why did that woman in professional clothes smile at Xiaobai's sister?

Jealousy separates my plasmic walls!

In the café, Sun Xiaobai declined Zhou Hong.

"There is no idea of signing a contract for the time being, after shooting ten videos, the account can be taken back to your company for use."

Sun Xiaobai is actually not interested in being an Internet celebrity for the time being.

There are many Internet celebrities bringing goods, and even many are exploiting loopholes in order to make money, which is not what she likes.

Shoot a video or something, it's okay.

But if you really sign a company, you will definitely do a lot of things that you can't help yourself.

She now just wants to do the task well and accompany Shin Shin well!

Although Zhou Hong feels a little regretful, as long as there is a drama in cooperation, it is still very good!

One video is already so popular, not to mention ten, the number of fans can definitely accumulate a lot.

I just don't know what kind of content Sun Xiaobai wants to shoot.

"No problem," Zhou Hong asked, "can you read the content of the script first?"

"Okay, how many mailboxes you have, I'll send you."

Sun Xiaobai transmitted the electronic script to Zhou Hong.

When Zhou Hong clicked on the script, she felt as if she had opened the door to a new world!


Why do you always feel so excited?

It's actually normal to look at the content, two good girlfriends, but why is she so imaginative?

Could it be....

"What do you think? I wanted to shoot these ten scripts as they were, and if they needed to be revised, they didn't consider cooperation. Also, this is a picture of my good friend that I need to take with her. Sun

Xiaobai was a little apprehensive in his heart!

Not to mention Zhou Hong, even she also felt an inexplicable sense of shame.

When Zhou Hong saw Tian Xinxin's photo, her eyes immediately lit up~ Two big beauties.

However, how can I still think of some kind of ....

"Wait a minute."

Zhou Hong immediately contacted the people of the company and made an assessment.

The people of the company gave a fairly high evaluation, two big beauties, just this pair of combinations is quite eye-catching! Now there are many people who take the high-value route, but two beautiful women shoot ten short videos together, but it is relatively rare.

The content of the script does not involve any violations, and even, they take the route of talent and funny, and they are quite positive, healthy and grounded.

Seeing the evaluation, Zhou Hong was stunned.

Ah, it seems that she thinks too much! Why did she feel so excited when she saw the content of the script?

After the assessment, Zhou Hong and Sun Xiaobai immediately signed an electronic contract, and the two reached a cooperation.

Heehee, it's really great, Sun Xiaobai is a little excited now~

Next, just convince Xinxin.

Tian Xinxin, who was almost guarding the "Wangfu Stone" outside the glass window, saw that Zhou Hong and Sun Xiaobai were ready to leave, so she quietly prepared to retreat.

Although after watching it for so long, I knew that they were really talking about cooperation, but... It's still a little uncomfortable.

The main thing was that they couldn't hear the sound at a distance too far, and they didn't know what they were saying.

( •́ .̫ •̀), why is her mentality so awkward?

Tian Xinxin returned to the rental house first.

After Sun Xiaobai returned, he immediately rushed over happily.

"Shin Shin, I have good news for you!"

Tian Xinxin was still a little sour in her heart at the moment, but she still controlled it, because the other party was Xiaobai's sister who she liked very well.

"You say it~

" "This is the cooperation contract of Yawen Media, now short video is the current trend, I want to try to see, the other party manager gave very relaxed conditions, no need to sign, only need to shoot ten videos first, the video drama company has sent it to me." Shin Shin, how about we go shoot together? "

Help, but you must not let Shin Shin find that the video script was given to the company on its own initiative!"

Sun Xiaobai sent the electronic script to Tian Xinxin.

Tian Xinxin saw it, and immediately nodded and nodded again!

"Good, good, good! I shot all ten videos with you! "

There is such a good thing, don't you say it earlier?

The awkwardness in her original heart immediately dissipated.

Sun Xiaobai smiled happily.

Oh, how does she feel that Shin Shin can't wait?

A particularly beautiful word suddenly came to mind - two-way rush.

Many people say that good girlfriends will make trouble with each other because of various things, turn their faces, and even fight for men, but she and Shin Shin never ah.

Subconsciously, Sun Xiaobai relied more and more on her identity as a girl, but she had not yet noticed it.

The video was shot the next day, Sunday, which happened to be the whole day.

The props and costumes needed to shoot short videos have been arranged in advance by Zhou Hong.

Early in the morning, Tian Xinxin excitedly took Sun Xiaobai's hand.

"Little white sister, let's go~"

This excitement is simply more passionate than others to get the certificate.

Coincidentally, today Tian Xinxin also wore a small red cotton jacket, and Sun Xiaobai wore a white cotton jacket.

It's early winter and it's getting colder.

"Two beauties, get in the car!"

At the intersection, Zhou Hong drove a luxury car and personally came to pick up Xiaobai and Xinxin.

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