This damn woman in black, if I catch you squarely, you will die!"

Tian Xinxin took the potato chips she picked up as a woman in black and smashed them with chopsticks.

But after observing for so long, Tian Xinxin did not find anything abnormal.

"Shin Shin, how's it going?"

Because the position where Xiaobai is sitting is not very convenient, when she turned her head to look at it just now, it seemed that the movement was too big, but the angle of Tian Xinxin's sitting position is very good, and now, Xiaobai is waiting for Xinxin's observation conclusion.

Tian Xinxin shook her head, "No, I see that she has been eating hot pot all the time, but she looks a bit picky eater, eating a cabbage, actually only eating leaves and not vegetable stalks, she poked all the vegetable stalks with chopsticks, it was really difficult..."

Could it be your own delusion just now?

Sun Xiaobai was also a little unsure.

She secretly glanced back again, and sure enough, the woman in black was still eating cabbage, according to her eating method, she was afraid that if she ate for ten minutes, she could only eat a few cabbage.

Looking at her appearance, she still has a bit of temperament, and she doesn't look like a bad person....

Maybe I really thought about it myself!

"Sister Xiaobai, don't worry, if you encounter danger, I will protect you!"

Tian Xinxin looked at Sun Xiaobai a little worried, she was so distressed!

Seeing Tian Xinxin holding his hand, a warmth suddenly surged in his heart.

"Shin Shin, I can protect you too."

Sun Xiaobai smiled and touched Xinxin's head.

Speaking of a sense of power, she has a record of breaking out!

"Hee hee ~ "

I didn't expect Xiaobai to have such a manly side, so love~

Tian Xinxin has been enjoying the days with Xiaobai's sister more and more, men or something, it seems that there is not much attraction to her!

On the contrary, getting along with his good girlfriends, so simple, happy, can harvest endless happiness.

Men and women are attracted to each other because of their differences, but it is also difficult to understand each other because of each other's differences. If you don't find the right way to get along, you will fall into endless quarrels.

Although there are sweet moments, when it hurts, it is really angry to get sick!

In contrast, girls and girls, because of the similar channels of thinking, seem to be more able to understand each other, care about each other, and understand each other.

Of course, there are many cases where girls are prone to suspicion and caution, but the reason for this is that the two people have not fully trusted each other!

Once these obstacles are overcome, it is a fish in water.

Get along and be happy every day!

Because of the pleasant atmosphere between the two, Sun Xiaobai quickly automatically ignored the matter of the woman in black, and after they ate the hot pot, they took a taxi together and returned to the rental house.

After watching the two leave, the woman in black finally breathed a sigh of relief.

For the sake of caution, she did not take any action at the moment, but got up and paid the bill, and then left the hot pot restaurant.

When she got to the street, she quickly found a corner and made a call.

"Mrs. Ouyang..." The

woman in black lowered her voice and reported everything she had just seen to the other party.

After Mrs. Ouyang listened, her brows furrowed.

She held a photo tightly in her hand, and her face was full of sadness.

"Why... Is this the cycle of fate? A

deep sense of powerlessness struck.

The rich and powerful Mrs. Ouyang has not yet thought about what she should do....

After a wonderful weekend, it's time for school again.

The editing of short videos is not so fast, Zhou Hong attaches great importance to this cooperation with Xiaobai, so the quality of the video is very strictly controlled, and it is expected to be edited for a few more days, carefully processed and then online.

What makes Sun Xiaobai feel strange is that she has already shot ten videos?

Why hasn't she been prompted that the side quest is successful?

"Little pit, you come out! You're not going to hold back again, are you?

Sun Xiaobai quickly asked about the small pit.

After all, by this pit, the pit is more than once or twice, and she can be cautious now.

Xiaokeng smiled, "That's naturally not time, don't worry, wait for ten videos to go online, the account is operated, isn't it?" You look at you, you have already finished filming, what is there to be nervous about, unfounded worry!

"You still used the idiom for me?" Okay, you're going to pit me, I'm not done with you! "

Let's believe it again!

Anyway, Sun Xiaobai felt that this time it must be a stable win.

"Don't worry!"

As everyone knows, at this moment, Xiao Kengkeng nodded, while arrogantly dancing hula, and also spat out his tongue at Sun Xiaobai's various proudness! It's stealthy anyway! A little more arrogant is fine!

Sun Xiaobai, who thinks he is at ease, wore a beautiful white down jacket and went to school.

Now that the final exam is almost due, Sun Xiaobai, who has the skills of a god-level master, is simply not in a hurry.

During this time, she received a lot of attention because of the attributes of the top student.

A girl, even if she looks so beautiful, she is still so smart! It's a perfect combination of beauty and wisdom.

Many girls only have one of them and go to the open life, but Sun Xiaobai has both.

This is not directly against the sky, it is not reasonable!

Sun Xiaobai only arrived at the classroom five minutes early, but the classmates waiting for her had already spontaneously started lining up!

"Xiaobai, how do you do this question?"

The boy in the first place couldn't wait to ask Sun Xiaobai with the exercise book.

Originally, their thirst for knowledge was not so strong, but the teacher was separated from each other, let them learn and consult more from Sun Xiaobai, plus, this is a good opportunity to naturally talk to a big beauty!

Only fools miss it, right?

Thus, the following amazing scene was created.

Approaching the final exam, many students come to ask Sun Xiaobai every day about the topic, and what is even more exaggerated is that even if this class comes, there are other people from other classes who secretly come over to ask questions!

Anyway, it's all a major, and it doesn't matter if you answer it.

Sun Xiaobai is still more enthusiastic, so during this time, she has simply become half a teacher, and at the same time, the reputation of Xueba has become more and more popular, and in the end, she has become a genius among everyone! Be able to see and see... It's always an exaggeration.

"You don't have a brain, you don't think about it, you have to ask Xiaobai with your eyes? She teaches so many of you every day, harder than the teacher, how embarrassing are you? "

As soon as the class bell rang, before the teacher came, a very sharp female voice sounded, sounding like a very difficult big sister.

I always feel that the sound is a little familiar....

Sun Xiaobai looked over in surprise.

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