It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, it's scary to look at!

Isn't the girl in front of me the same girl with a double ponytail that I saw before?

That sick-looking girl!

Why did she come to school?

Ah, I'm so afraid~

Sun Xiaobai glanced at the double ponytail girl a few more times, only to find that the other party's mental state looked much more normal than before, not like the crazy look before.

I really don't understand what happened during this time, could it be that she has been like that, she deliberately pretended it?

"Xiaobai, it's not the first time we've met."

The double ponytailed girl cast an evil smile at Sun Xiaobai, her voice was clean and clear, revealing a mysterious smell.

"My name is Zhao Ningfei."

Sun Xiaobai was stunned in place, obviously still a little accepting the state of incompetence!

Could it be that Zhao Ningfei is a transfer student? Something is wrong, it's almost time for the final exam, how can there be transfer students?

"Why are you here..."

muttered Sun Xiaobai, but by this time, the teacher from the class had already arrived.

She naturally didn't wait for Zhao Ningfei's answer.

I thought that Zhao Ningfei came over on purpose, which made Xiaobai suddenly a little nervous.

But what he didn't expect was that Zhao Ningfei casually found a seat in the two rows behind Xiaobai and sat down.

Eh, it seems that I think too much!

Xiao Bai immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

For a dangerous character like Zhao Ningfei, a girl with a double ponytail, she feels that the farther away she is, the better.

Because he still felt a little strange in his heart, Xiaobai couldn't help but glance back during class.

At this look, her originally calm mood became

choppy again... Boy!

As soon as Mao turned his head, he just looked at Zhao Ningfei?

And the other party still looked at her with a smile, and in those bottomless eyes, I don't know what is bad!

Looking at Zhao Ningfei's confident look, it seems that Xiaobai has long been sure that Xiaobai will definitely look back at her, his expression is really not surprising at all, but there is a little excitement!

It's over, and you encounter a sick petite entangled with yourself, so what can you do?

Is it because there is something in her body that attracts her?

Xiaobai has a little headache!

She turned her head in embarrassment and tried to ignore Zhao Ningfei's presence.

But how could it be so easy?

Although the wind and waves were calm during class, but just after the bell rang, Zhao Ningfei didn't know what to do, and suddenly rushed up!

That smiling face suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Bai, frightening her little heart fluttering!

"What are you doing?"

Xiaobai glared at Zhao Ningfei with dissatisfaction.

Zhao Ningfei raised the book in her hand, looking like I had something to do, she said straightforwardly, "I have a lot of things I won't, I want to ask you."

"You're not our major, why are you learning this?" You're not even a student at our school, are you? "

Xiaobai is not so easy to fool!

She could obviously see that Zhao Ningfei didn't mean to drink alcohol.

As for what....

Uh, uh, Xiaobai really doesn't dare to think about it or guess!

Guessing what she felt was going to be banned....

"Am I good at studying, I have been particularly interested in your major recently, and I want to study hard, so I specially came to audit."

Zhao Ningfei didn't have any other reasons, so she generously stated her true purpose.

Actually, it's not too "real"....

"Ask someone else, I don't want to teach you."

Sun Xiaobai directly refused.

However, how can Zhao Ningfei be a fuel-saving lamp?

She's a sick girl!

"Don't want to?" The corners of Zhao Ningfei's mouth pursed lightly, drooping slightly, obviously unhappy.

"You can teach others, but can't teach me?"

Zhao Ningfei suddenly made a raw move!

I saw that she jumped directly on Xiaobai's desk and sat on it with a butt!

What's even more outrageous is that Zhao Ningfei also stretched out his long legs and stepped on the desk behind him, blocking Sun Xiaobai's way.

Speechless, speechless.

It seems that he is really not lightly ill!

At this time, there was no class yet, Sun Xiaobai shook his head helplessly, ready to slip away from the other side.

Big deal, she just changed seats, very simple!

But what she didn't expect was that Zhao Ningfei seemed to know Sun Xiaobai's thoughts first, only to see her twist her body slightly, and stretched out her hand to block the way on the other side.

"If you don't teach me, I won't come down."

Zhao Ningfei said threateningly, and her voice became very cold.

At that moment, Xiaobai really couldn't help but shiver!

It's not that she's afraid, she's actually quite bold, it's just a subconscious reaction of the body.

"Okay, I promise you."

At present, the enemy is "strong" and I am weak, so I can only compromise for the time being.

Zhao Ningfei looked at Xiaobai's slightly helpless expression, and suddenly her expression became a little

trance... At that moment, her eyes were complicated, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Hey, you still don't come down? I promised you everything, it will not be good when the teacher sees it in class.

Xiaobai saw that Zhao Ningfei did not move, and worried whether she would play a scoundrel.

Zhao Ningfei smiled and jumped directly from the desk.

"Well, leave the noon time to me," Speaking of this, Zhao Ningfei suddenly approached Sun Xiaobai and whispered in her ear, "Don't, think, escape!" "

Uh, it seems that this is really being targeted by Ill Jiao?

Xiao Bai nodded, but in his heart he was thinking about how to escape?

This Zhao Ningfei doesn't know what identity he is, what he does, why can he easily investigate his name, and know where he goes to school?

Now, a lot of doubts have surfaced in Xiaobai's mind.

Because he was afraid of being worried by Xinxin, Xiaobai did not talk to Xinxin about this matter at all.

In the way this matter is handled, Xiaobai is still mostly male-minded.

Generally, when boys encounter any dangers and difficulties, they think of solving silently alone, and they really can't ask for help from their brothers or something, but they definitely can't tell their favorite girls, one will make the other party worry, and the other will damage their image in the eyes of the other party.

But girls are different.

When they generally encounter difficulties, the first thing that comes to mind is their good girlfriends, or boyfriends and other very close people, you can ask them for help and get help from close people, so that they will not be so worried and afraid.

This morning's class is full, with a total of four lessons.

In the next three classes, although Zhao Ningfei was still sitting in her original position, she kept staring at Xiaobai closely, as if she was afraid that she would escape.

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