Xingchen heard the warning from instructor Dika, turned around and saw, I went, and another winged beast came over, this time they were still two together.

These two old instructors were a little weak. The first time they let a winged beast come over, it was a careless mistake.

But this time, two winged beasts were released, which is a bit too much.

I thought so, but the Wing Xi Beast had already flown this way, so Xingchen could only think of ways to deal with it.

This time when the two winged beasts came, the previous tactics were no longer effective, and Xingchen could only rely on the advantage of the terrain to avoid the opponent's attack.

Fortunately, due to the limitation of the terrain, the winged beasts could not cause too much trouble to Stardust in the air, so the two winged beasts descended to the ground again, ready to bite Stardust.

On Xingchen's side, he could only wander among the vines to avoid the bite of the winged beast.

Two winged beasts besiege Xingchen together, so they can carry out some coordination, for example, one main attack, and the other can surround Xingchen from the other side when Xingchen dodges.

This makes it harder for Stardust to dodge.

The situation on Stardust's side is more dangerous.

However, the "587" officer of the Qilun Sect and the instructor Dika ushered in the dawn of victory.

Originally, there were eighteen or nineteen winged beasts besieging the four of them. The strength of the two sides was not much different, so they were evenly matched.

But one of them turned to attack Stardust, so there was one missing here.

This side was fighting, the one that attacked Xingchen died, and then two more winged beasts flew to Xingchen's side, so there were sixteen winged beasts here.

Once the number of the herd decreases, the pressure on the two instructors becomes lighter, and they can look for opportunities to cooperate.

First, instructor Qilun, under the cover of instructor Dika, sprinted close to a winged beast, and then slashed three times, cutting the poor beast into several sections.

Then Instructor Qi Lun stepped back and formed a battle line with Instructor Dika again.

Next, Instructor Dika found the target. Instructor Qilun resisted the attack of the three Wing Xi beasts, and Instructor Di Ka faced one Wing Xi beast alone in a short time.

Instructor Dika has the strength of the fifth level of the prefecture level, and this Yixi beast is only about the second level of the prefecture level, and the strength gap is obvious.

So a few seconds later, when the other winged beasts reacted and swooped down to rescue them, this poor beast died tragically on the spot.

At this time, the balance of strength on the battlefield was reversed. Two instructors plus two students should be enough to deal with these fourteen calculation beasts.

Of course, the battle situation on the instructor's side has improved, but Xingchen's side is somewhat dangerous.

The two winged beasts kept chasing Xingchen, trying to bite him into pieces and devour him.

Xingchen naturally didn't want to do this, so he used all his mind to dodge in the space formed by the vines everywhere.

With the help of Rhubarb, the location of the two winged beasts was reported to Xingchen in real time, so that Xingchen would not hide in the mouth of the counting beasts.

After going around like this for a while, Dangdang has already cut off the rattan treasure.

However, there are winged beasts harassing here, so it is not easy to drive the hover car out.

No matter what you say, the Yixi Beast is also a fierce beast at the earth level. Its wings are at least four or five meters wide. Although its two sharp claws are not raw steel, they are not far behind.

If the suspension car is driven out, it only needs to let the wing Xi beast come a few times, and the car may be scattered.

The car couldn't be driven out, but Dangdang and Huala ran out, and they were already near the battlefield on Xingchen's side.

The two younger brothers hid aside, looking for an opportunity to help Xingchen.

Although Xingchen and these younger brothers are not very strong, but in a fight, as long as they exert some influence on the opponent, like the swaying just now, and entangle the opponent for a few breaths, Xingchen will be able to deal ruthlessly to the opponent.

So it cannot be said that their actions are useless.

At this moment, there are a few younger brothers supporting him, and Xingchen can play a few small cooperation.

Xingchen arranged for Dangdang and Huala to hide at one end of a space made up of vines, and let Bae Liu hide at the other end of this space.

Next, Xingchen moved towards this space while dodging the attacks of the two winged beasts.

The little guys hid well, and the robots had no aura, so they couldn't be found by analyzing the beasts.

When Xingchen hid into this space from the other side where Bi Liu was hiding, a winged beast attacked from the entrance here, but the other winged beast discovered the other side of this space and rushed forward Go there, and prepare to give Xingchen a sit-and-go.

But Stardust chose this terrain for a decisive battle, so naturally he wouldn't let the opponent ambush him so easily.

Xingchen entered from this side, took a few steps forward, dodged the attack of the winged beast from behind, and then did not rush forward from the other end, but turned around to give the winged beast a hard blow.

Of course, this Wing Xi beast was not so easy to deal with. When Xingchen turned around, the Wing Xi beast opened its mouth full of fangs, ready to stretch its head forward to bite Xingchen.

However, Baliu was outside the entrance at this time, and the head of the winged beast had already protruded into the space. What he had been waiting for was this time, and he immediately used a classic face hugger move.

The Wing Xi Beast was a little stunned by such an attack, and quickly shook its head to throw it off.

But this time, the head of the Wing Xi Beast was in a narrow space, so the flicking of it hurt a lot of places, but the Wing Xi Beast also hit hard.

So the winged beast wanted to withdraw its head from the space.

If Xingchen was not here, the Wing Xi Beast would certainly be able to fulfill its wish, but this is the opportunity Xingchen is waiting for in this space.

As long as Xingchen turns around and sends the knife forward, and then turns the knife with both hands, um! This winged beast is about to die.

Seeing that the Wing Xi Beast was almost finished, Xingchen didn't delay, he drew his knife and ran towards the other side of the space.

Hmm! This space is not very long, so Xingchen ran a few steps and came to another exit.

The winged beast here has just arrived at the exit, and is about to wait for Xingchen to come out, and then give him a mouthful...  

But there are two younger brothers of Xingchen outside the exit, and they are still two strong younger brothers.

At this time, Dangdang and Huala, one up and one down, attacked at the same time, and they rushed over to hug.

Hmm! The attack methods are all hugging.

There is no way, these three younger brothers are all multifunctional robots assembled for civilian use, their strength is relatively weak, they are not good at fighting, and they have no attack methods. It is impossible to injure each other with fists and feet.

The situation is more critical now, so they can only step forward to cause some obstacles and troubles for the opponent, and it is already very good to leave some opportunities for Xingchen to attack.

The two younger brothers are both robots. Although the whole body of steel does not weigh a few hundred catties, it still has a weight of nearly a hundred catties.

At this moment, two heavy objects weighing nearly one hundred catties simultaneously hugged the Wing Xi Beast. Although this guy is very strong and powerful, he couldn't get away for a while.

Of course, the winged beast was thrown by the two robots, but it was not thrown down, but almost lost its balance.

The winged beast supported the ground with its winged arms, stabilized its figure, and then tried to shake off the two robots and smash them to pieces.

At this moment, the star dust had already sprung out from the space, and saw this winged beast standing sideways outside the exit, grabbing Dangdang's head and arms with its arms, and was about to pull Dangdang up and tear it into pieces.

Xingchen immediately lowered his body and swung his saber fiercely at one of the Wing Xi Beast's legs.

The light of the knife flashed, and the beast's foot separated from the beast's body and fell to the ground.

The Wing Xi Beast had one leg cut off by a knife, and it was completely out of balance.

Crashing on it was holding the head and neck of the Wing Xi Beast, and would use its feet to prop up the vines next to it, and the Wing Xi Beast would fall to the other side.

Xingchen didn't wait for the Wing Xi Beast to fall to the ground completely, he fitted his body and slashed at the Bu Xi Beast with all his strength.

This knife was powerful enough to cut the Winged 0.3 Xi Beast into two pieces directly from the middle.

At this point, this winged beast is dead.

Seeing that the Wing Xi Beast was completely dead, Xingchen turned around and ran towards the Wing Xi Beast at the other end.

The Wing Xi Beast was stabbed by Xingchen, and then stirred again. It should not survive long.

But this time he is still hugging that guy, if this winged beast is not completely dead, then it will be a little dangerous.

Xingchen came to the exit here, and sure enough, the winged beast was still struggling for its life, constantly tearing and biting the remaining thin legs with its mouth.

However, Bi Liu didn't let go of his legs, and still used the remaining three thin legs to wrap around the head of the winged beast.

Hmm! This little guy is quite brave.

Xingchen didn't talk nonsense, he went straight forward and made a knife. This knife cut between the chest and abdomen of the Yixi Beast, and it really split it open!

At this time, the winged beast completely lost its breath and died!

Seeing this winged beast, Xingchen hastily picked it up and hugged it down.

At this time, only two legs are left to move, and these two legs are still a little incomplete, looking really strong.

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