Flying over is the first-level strength of the Common Wing Xi beast.

But Xingchen is only a ninth-level human-level strength, or a first-level earth-level strength, and he is just a rookie.

This is still a bit dangerous for a fierce beast that is slightly stronger than him.

Moreover, this is the Wing Xi Beast, which has fleshy wings and can fly in the air, so it is quite difficult to deal with.

On the side of Instructor Qilun, about a dozen Wing Xi beasts flew up and down, pounced down on the two instructors and two students from time to time. It looks dangerous, but with the support of Instructor Dika

The front line is considered stable, and from time to time, under the cover of Instructor Dika, Instructor Qilun can still threaten some Suanxi beasts and injure a soldier.

As for the two students, under the siege of many winged beasts, they can only play a restraining role, and they need the instructor's help from time to time.

Hmm! Under such circumstances, it is unrealistic to ask Xingchen to support him there. Here, Xingchen can only do it himself.

The speed of the Wing Xi Beast was very fast, and after a few seconds, it flew to the sky above Xingchen.

However, being able to fly with wings is a strength, but it is also a weakness under the constraints of the ground.

The canyon here is narrower than that of Instructor Qi Lun. If the Wing Xi Beast wants to attack Stardust downwards, it can only attack from a few directions.

In this way, it would be easier for Stardust to defend.

This winged beast pounced down from time to time, motivating Xingchen to attack, trying to expose him.

But Xingchen is not in a hurry to fight it, this is the area where Dangdang clears the vines, but this time Dangdang they are all deep in the vines, only a small part of the suspended vehicle is exposed

It's not afraid of the beast's destruction.

Where Xingchen is currently standing, the terrain is uneven because of the vines stretching everywhere, which also allows Xingchen to run and hide in it.

But this situation didn't last long, and the winged beast soon got tired of this attack method that couldn't hit the opponent.

The reason why the Wing Xi Beast is called this is because it has fleshy wings and can fly, and secondly, it is also a fierce beast that can move and run on the ground.

This winged beast couldn't do anything to Xingchen in space, so it jumped to the ground and ran towards Xingchen.

Seeing this situation, Xingchen was not in a hurry.

If this Wing Xi Beast only moved in the air, it would be difficult for Stardust to attack it.

Now this thing has come down to the ground by itself, so it can't help it run away.

Stardust had taken a good look at the surrounding terrain before. Because the vines grow randomly here, there are many positions between the bars to dodge.

At this moment, the Wing Xi Beast rushed towards him, and Xingchen hid in a small space behind him.

The Wing Xi Beast naturally moved forward following the retreat of Xingchen's figure, and stretched out its head to expose its sharp fangs to bite.

This guy's neck and head should be considered very long, and Xingchen retreated quite deeply between the vines, and this Wing Xi beast was still about to bite Xingchen's arm.

However, the space Xingdust chose has an advantage, that is, the four-way connection is well developed, there is a space on the side of Xingdust to hide in, and this space can also lead to the outside.

Xingchen dodged to avoid the bite of the Wing Xi Beast, and came outside from the gap on the side.

Hmm! Wing Xi Beast is still looking for traces of stardust inside with its head stretched out. It has to be said that this thing is a bit stupid.

After Xingchen came out and stepped on the plant branches, there was some sound. The winged beast heard it and hurriedly withdrew, but Xingchen took advantage of the terrain and took advantage of this opportunity. He immediately raised his hand and waved his knife like this. Chop, immediately cut off half of the wing Xi beast's arm.

Wing Xi Beast suffered the pain and dodged backwards desperately, and then wanted to fly to Kong Chen with its lotus wings.

But with the arm attached to the fleshy wing, half of the arm will be lost, so how can it fly, so this struggle can only fall to the ground not far away.

As the saying goes, taking advantage of its illness to kill it, Xingchen approached it from the side of the Wing Xi Beast's injured arm, planning to find another opportunity to hit it hard.

Wing Xi Beast also felt that the situation was not right, and immediately turned around and roared at Xingchen, threatening it from time to time, trying to delay its escape.

Xingchen was looking for an opportunity to make a move here, but he slipped his hand over there.

When Xingchen was dealing with the Yixi Beast, he happened to be nearby, and now the Wing Xi Beast was concentrating on dealing with Xingchen, so he had the opportunity to pounce directly from behind, like a face-hugging monster, and directly used eight Its soft feet, head and neck hugged the Wing Xi beast.

Those few soft feet were still beating around the eyes, mouth and nose of the Wing Xi Beast, which stunned the Wing Xi Beast for a while. It had never seen such an attack method.

The Wing Xi Beast was embraced by Bi Liu, and shook its head anxiously, trying to shake Bi Liu off, and even grabbed Bi Liu with its uninjured arm, trying to tear it off.

…… Ask for flowers………

If you give it some time, it will be over soon.

But now Xingchen is still beside him, seeing that the swaying move has temporarily controlled the Yixi Beast, Xingchen immediately stepped forward, and slashed fiercely between the Yixi Beast's chest and abdomen.

You can't strike the head, because Ba Liu is still holding the head of the winged beast.

Xingchen's knife was relatively ruthless, directly splitting most of the winged beast's body.

Wing Xi Beast Dan Green's blood gushed out immediately, of course it doesn't matter if it bleeds or not, this guy's vitality is not that strong, it can still survive if it is cut off.


After being slashed by Xingchen like this, the Wing Xi Beast stopped roaring, and fell limply on the ground, twitched a few times and then became silent.

Xingchen yelled "Bay Liu", and then "Bay Liu" jumped off the head and face of Zhixi Beast.

After hugging for a while, two of the eight soft feet were broken by the winged beast.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, when I go back to Stardust, I will replace the whole body of my little brothers with new accessories.

Seeing that the Wing Xi Beast didn't move, Xingchen was still a little worried, so he stepped forward and chopped off the Wing Xi Beast's head, and then stopped.

After solving this problem, Xingchen turned around and took a few steps up to a higher place, revealing his figure so that instructor Dika could see him. This was to reassure the other party that nothing happened on his side.

Instructor Qi Lun originally found a winged beast coming towards Xingchen, and he was a little anxious. Instructor Dika also arranged for a student to come to Xingchen to help.

However, under the cover of the instructors, the student rushed out several times and was repelled several times, but he still failed to break through the blockade of the winged beast. And he couldn't come to Stardust.

However, seeing that Xingchen was fine, Instructor Dika was relieved a lot, and began to concentrate on dealing with the Wing Xi Beast here.

Xingchen killed a Wing Xi Beast, and reported to the instructor Dika that it was safe. Thinking that there was no danger, he turned around to supervise the sales and quickly got it out according to the rattan treasure.

But before Xingchen could make arrangements, Instructor Dika loudly reminded Xingchen to be careful, and another winged beast passed by!

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